For HR Department Use Only

Requisition Number: Date Position Description to Supervisor:

INSTRUCTIONS: Complete this form to initiate a search to fill an authorized position, obtain the appropriate signatures, and forward to the Office of Human Resources. Once received, the HR representative will draft an advertisement for review by the designated search chair.


  1. Position Title:
  1. Department Name: Dept. Number: Object Code:
  1. Position Status: Full-Time Part-Time; FTE Shift:
  1. Position Type: Regular Temporary (To be employed from to )
(Check all that apply) Term Tenured Non-Tenured
9 Month Appointment 12 Month Appointment Grant Funded
6.Type of Request: New Position Replacement
Name of Replaced Employee: Date of Vacancy:
Reason: Transfer to: Termination LOA Other:
  1. Signature of the requisitioning manager: ______
Signature Date
Date Position is Available: Posting Date: Proposed Closing Date:
1. Posting/Advertising Requests:All positions will be advertised on the Campus website and posted on the bulletin boardIn Founder’s Hall. OSUN positions are also posted on the University Personnel Postings (UPP) on the OSU website. For OSUN tenure-track faculty, at least one advertisement must be placed in a nationally circulated print journal.
Select one advertising source: (Additional advertising sources require approval of Cabinet Member.)
Advertising Sources: Advocate Coshocton Tribune Dispatch Mount Vernon News
Chronicle Hispanic Outlook Diverse Issues Asian Voice
Other publications: Websites:
  1. Minimum and Preferred Qualifications:

III. SELECTION COMMITTEE INFORMATION: The Office of Human Resources strongly encourages the use of a selection committee and that the composition of the committee reflects diversity.The committee will typically be composed of three to five persons who are cognizant of the competencies required for the position. A diverse committee in terms of ethnicity and gender should be selected whenever possible in order to ensure an unbiased, open, and fair selection process.
Sex Veteran? Disabled?
Name Job Title Race (M or F) (Y or N) (Y or N)
Chair: / M F / Y N / Y N
M F / Y N / Y N
M F / Y N / Y N
M F / Y N / Y N
M F / Y N / Y N
Cabinet Member/Dean of Faculty Date COTC President or OSUN Dean/Director Date
(Only needed for new positions or positions over budget)
Chief Financial Officer Date Director, Human Resources Date
V. FOR HR/FISCAL OFFICE USE: Position #______OSU Req#______Salary Rate ______Selected Candidate______Salary Date ______

To ensure posting/advertising the following weekend, please return the completed, signed Advertising Requisition to Human Resources by noon on Wednesday.