Pupil Premium Strategy

Impact Report : 2015 – 2016

(Impact Report 2016-2017 will be available in due course)

269 (24%) disadvantaged students / Pupil premium = £254 615 / Yr 7 Catch-up premium = £8000
Key Indicator- Progress
Deputy Headteacher responsible for progress
To raise attainment through the monitoring and tracking of progress and identification of suitable actions to address underachievement / Description
The appointment of a Deputy Headteacher responsible for tracking and monitoring the progress of students in the school, including those who receive PP funding.
His role includes identifying actions and required in order to address issues arising / Cost
£25 000 / Impact
Disadvantaged students with a P8 score of -0.17 achieved far better than their disadvantaged peers nationally (-0.32)
Outcomes- Attainment 8
Disadvantaged / Disadvantaged / National
Non- Disadvantaged
cohort / 197 / 39
average / 58.79 / 48.85 / 52.72
Eng / 11.9 / 10.55 / 10.98
Maths / 11.68 / 9.00 / 10.41
Ebac / 17.20
78.5 % entered / 12.55
45% entered / 14.81
45.2% entered
Outcomes- Progress 8
Disadvantaged / Disadvantaged / National
Non- Disadvantaged
cohort / 197 / 39
overall / 0.29 / -0.17 / 0.12
Eng / 0.19 / -0.09 / 0.09
Maths / 0.26 / -0.45 / 0.11
Ebac / 0.26
78.5 % entered / -0.46
45% entered / 0.15
45.2% entered
2016 performance measures now align the performance of disadvantaged students with those who are not disadvantaged yet have similar starting points in terms of prior ability. Based upon the fact that this is a new measure we cannot determine whether the progress made by our disadvantaged students across the curriculum is improving towards that of other students with similar starting points.
One to one or paired tutoring in maths and English
To support students in their maths and English so that they make expected progress by the end of the Year. / Description
During maths and English lesson, identified students receive one or tutoring in pairs. / Cost
£50 000 / Impact
English Tutoring
Yr 7 – 5 students tutored. 3/5 made 2+ sublevels of progress by the end of Year 7.
Yr 8 – 6 students tutored. 4/6 made 2+ sublevels of progress over the course of the Year
Yr 9- 10 students tutored. 9/10 made 2+ sublevels of progress over the course of the year
Yr 10 – 20 students tutored
Yr 11- 14 students tutored. 10 of these met or exceeded their end of KS4 target grade in terms of their coursework (71%).
100 achieved grade C or above in English Language.
Maths Tutoring
Yr 7- 12 students tutored- 10 made 2+ levels of progress by the end of Year 7
Yr9 – 13 students tutored.- 9 made 2+ levels of progress from KS2 – KS3
Yr10 – 13 students tutored- on average 1 grade improvement made
Yr 11- 46 students tutored. 52% made 3+ levels of progress by the end of GCSE
Teacher Champions
To improve achievement by improving teaching and learning-so that 50% of lessons are outstanding and 50% of lessons are good. / Description
Teacher champions improve Learning and teaching through the TLC ( CPD programme) and through the ITP (improving teacher programme) and OTP (outstanding teaching programme) by running CDP and supporting one to one those teachers who are judged to be RI(Requires Improvement). / Cost
£22 000 / Impact
Lesson observation outcomes 2015- 2016:
Outstanding 48%
Good 48%
RI 4% (6% previous year).
Accelerated Reader-staff and admin costs
To improve reading and comprehension skills / Description
This is a ‘bought’ programme aimed at promoting a love of reading and developing literacy. Students read books appropriate to their reading level. After completing each book they complete an on-line quiz testing their understanding of the book.
At the end of each term, comprehension is re-tested to measure the impact the programme / Cost
£5000 / Impact
Reading levels improve
Mean Level Increase / All Students / Disadvantaged Students / Non-disadvantaged Students
Yr 7 / 0.54 / 0.60 / 0.53
Yr 8 / 0.64 / 0.56 / 0.66
To inspire students to be aspirational and consider planning to go to University and aspirational employment / Description
Development of Employability skills
University visits
Work experience
Apprentice fairs and workshops / Cost
£5000 / Impact
Students are appropriately advised and supported to ensure appropriate post 16 progression paths.
Number of NEET reduces
August 2016-
2 students (0.9%) NEET
Support staff- including homework club
To support disadvantaged students who find completing homework a challenge, as indicated on their progress checks / Description
SENCO, Student support officers and phase leaders identify disadvantaged students who required support with learning – including mentoring programmes / Costs
£10 000 / Impact
Progress check homework grades.
The percentage of students whose overall homework effort improved from the November progress check to the end if year progress check by year group is shown below:
Year / Number attending Homework Club / Percentage showing a improved effort
7 / 11 / 50%
8 / 10 / 20%
9 / 17 / 35%
10 / 8 / 40%
ISSP- King’s College
Aspirations programme
A/A* revision- at King’s College school
To encourage students who have the potential and who would not normally consider going to University.
To raise aspirations through educational visits.
To increase number of disadvantaged students achieving A/A* grades / Description
Disadvantaged students are invited to take part in an aspirations programme which consists of a a range of enrichment and extracurricular activities
from year 9- Year 11:
-  Debating/Trip To Houses of Parliament
-  Visit to Sussex University
-  Visit to National Theatre
-  Visit to Kings College London
-  Various workshops at KCS.
-  GCSE reinforcement sessions.
-  Managing exam stress session at Kings Wimbledon
-  Science Lecture at Imperial College London
In Yr 11 A/A* students attend masterclasses once a week in ebac subjects. / Budget
£1500 / Impact
Programme began in February of Y9
11 disadvantaged students invited to attend this programme .
Overall Progress 8 figure was +0.16
100% attained 5 A*/C including E and M
45% of entries were at A/A*
73% of the cohort was entered for the Ebac of which 54% of the cohort achieved this measure of success.
All of the 11 students have continued their studies , 4 of whom have stayed at GC in the 6th form.
College courses for those students who cannot access a mainstream curriculum / Description
Animal Care course- £6000 ( 1 student)
Hairdressing - £1300 ( 1 student) / Cost
£8 000 / Impact
1 student completed level 1- but did not stay on for the year 2.
The other student did not complete the course
To provide the opportunity for students to learn a relevant life skills and achieve a GCSE qualification / Description
An outside the timetable course to enable students to achieve a GCSE qualification in IT / Cost
£2500 / Impact
37 students took this qualification
Grade / Number
D* / 18
D / 14
M / 5
Key Indicator- Engagement
Hardship Fund
To enable disadvantaged students to engage fully in the life of the school and feel part of the school. / Description
To provide uniform, activity days, school trip costs for disadvantaged students, equipment, revision guides as required on an individual basis. / Cost
£22 000 / Impact
All disadvantaged students engage and participate in enrichments activities and trips.
They feel part of the school.
Parental engagement
To involve ‘hard to reach parents’ so that they are actively engaged in their children’s progress are school. / Parent evening phone calls
Parent education evenings
Parent/student activities / Cost
£500 / Impact
Parents attend parent evenings
Yr / Disadvantaged / Non- Disadvantaged
11 / 75% / 98%
10 / 84% / 94%
9 / 76% / 96%
8 / 75% / 96%
7 / 78% / 98%
Key Indicator- Well-Being / (behaviour/ attendance)
To support vulnerable students who have mental health issues and anger management issues. / Description
One to one counselling provided by specialist counsellors
Reasons for school referral are varied such as:
•  Anger management
•  Anxiety and depression
•  Bereavement
•  Eating disorders
•  Exam related stress
•  Family issues
•  Personal stress
•  School attendance issues
•  Self-harming / Cost
£15 000 / Impact
30 students have attended individual counselling sessions.
80 + % of students agreed (or strongly agreed) that:
·  They felt more able to cope at school since having counselling;
·  They feel more positive since going for counselling;
·  Since having counselling they are more able to concentrate on tasks in and out of school;
Mentoring programmes
To support vulnerable students and remove barriers to their learning. / Description
Cycling Programme An after school programme teaching students how to maintain their bikes and how to improve their cycling skills.
Aim: To develop fitness, self-confidence and social skills through cycling
Sports Mentoring Programme An 8 week programme, 1 period per week of sports mentoring
Aim: To develop character, resilience and self-confidence through sport
Academic Mentoring - A 1:1 weekly intervention of in class support.
Aim: To support student to feel confident in their learning and improve behaviour
1:1 Student Support Officers Individualised support for vulnerable students
Aim: To provide specific individualised support for students in year 11 with attendance, behaviour, social and emotional and mental health needs. / Cost
£12000 / 14 key stage 3 boys participated.
All students improved their cycling skills and fitness. All students gained greater self confidence in their ability, improved their social skills and were able to make friendships. Nine students had improved PASS scores.
24 students – 15 boys and 9 girls
All students improved their fitness and over half had increased positivity and enthusiasm. 11 students felt they gained greater confidence in learning and 5 students felt they had improved concentration. 6 felt they had increased resilience and others felt it improved their organisation, work ethic, patience and teamwork.
Fourteen students had improved PASS scores.
4 students – 3 boys and 1 girl, all with learning and behaviour needs
All students responded well to 1:1 support and made good progress in the lessons they were supported in. Teachers commented on their improved behaviour and improved confidence and engagement in their learning. Students were more settled.
All students had improved PASS scores.
Students: 22 students – 13 girls and 9 boys
Impact: As a result of students receiving individualised support such as 1:1 time with SSOs, referral to social services and CAMHS, regular meetings with parents, home visits, hospital intervention and reduced timetables, all students were able to take their GCSE exams.
12 students achieved A* - C grades
10 students achieved A-G grades
Student support Officer salary
To support students so that barriers to learning can be removed. / Description
Student support officers work with students to resolve conflicts between peers, teachers and at times, parents.
They liaise with external agencies and refer students for support as required. / Cost
£39 000 / Impact
Improved well-being- students feel safe and supported at Grey Court.
2015-2016 parent voice survey :
98 % strongly agree/ agree that their child feels safe in this school.
97% strongly agree/ agree that this school ensures that their child is well looked after.
PASS SURVEY: students score in the highest percentile of all schools for their school experience.
To close the gap between attendance of Disadvantaged and non – disadvantaged students / Description
- EWS time and project/ programme / Cost
£24 000 / Impact
42 : Disadvantaged Students worked with the FSW
26 students attendance improved 61.90%
12 students attendance declined 28.60%
1 student attended MO 2%
1 student removed from roll to be home educated 2%
2 students had variable attendance and
alternated between improving and declining 4.70%
Total = 42 students
The gap between the attendance of disadvantaged students and non- disadvantaged students narrowed from 4.3% in 2014-2015 to 3.56% in 2015-2016
Cohort Size 2015-2016 / % Att
2014- 2015 in brackets
Total / 1122 / 95.67
Disadvantaged / 269 / 92.96 (92.2%)
Non-Disadvantaged / 853 / 96.52
To ensure we keep up to date with legislation and good practice / Description
Pupil premium leads attend external training on relevant issues and then run CPD internally for all staff / Cost
£1000 / Impact on student(s)
Increased staff awareness of issues and development of strategies and monitoring which result in improvements in key indicators.
Breakfast Club
To improve attendance , punctuality and well-being / Description
Silver canteen is open from
7.45- 8.15 to provide a breakfast.
Students to be targeted as appropriate.
Staff supervision and support. / Cost
£10 000
Includes (£6000 for staffing) / Impact
1055 Free breakfasts were taken by FSM students in 2016-2017
EAL support
Services students are able to participate in lessons and are supported in adapting to the new school environment. Their English improves. / Description
1 member of staff employed during term time to assist EAL students / Cost
£6000 / Impact
Yr 7 CATCH UP PREMIUM / The school received £8000 to support year 7 students who achieved below a level 4 in their key stage 2 SATs English and maths
One to one or paired tutoring in maths and English
To support students in their maths and English so that they make expected progress by the end of Year 7. / Description
During maths and English lesson, identified students receive one or tutoring in pairs. / Cost
£8000 / Impact
12 students achieved below a level 4 in their key stage 2 maths SATs.
By the end of Year 7, 11/12 achieved a level 4 or above.
11/12 made 2+ sublevels of progress.- ie expected
5/12 made 3+ levels of progress- ie more than expected
6 students achieved below a level 4 in their key stage 2 maths SATs.
By the end of Year 7, 4/6 achieved a level 4 or above.
5/6 made 2+ sublevels of progress.- ie expected
3/6 made 3+ levels of progress- ie more than expected