Canara Bank proposes to shift its Naini Branch to an alternate premises at Naini, Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh). For this bank requires premises of approx 140-160 sq mtr, (1500 – 1700 sqft) carpet area. Preference for ground floor will be given. The following are the terms and conditions of the Bank:

  1. Rent will be paid on carpet area.
  2. Measurement will be strictly on carpet area basis (toilets, staircase, common area, walls, columns, pillars etc are not to be included).
  3. Lease agreement will be for minimum period of 10 years i.e. 5 years certain and 5 years option. Option to vacate the premises fully/partly would be with bank (draft agreement to lease which has to be entered on approval enclosed).
  4. Lease deed has to be registered between the Bank and the landlord (copy of draft lease deed enclosed). The expenses towards stamp duty and registration charges to be borne in the ratio of 50:50 by the bank and landlord.
  5. Rent would be fixed for 5 years and further enhancement in rent to be given only after 5 years as per bank norms.
  6. 15 KW (approx) power load required by bank, is to be made available by the landlord.
  7. To provide space on frontage for installation of Banks glow signboard.
  8. Landlord to construct a room for ATM of approx 100 sqft with 9 inches wall, rolling shutter in front, door opening of minimum 39" (clear) with collapsible gate and flash door has to be provided. In case bank decides to open ATM at later date, landlord to give NOC for installation of ATM.
  9. To provide space free of cost for keeping generator (for alternate power supply).
  10. To provide space for installation of V-SAT free of cost.
  11. Strong room to be built by the landlord strictly as per bank specifications (copy of specification enclosed).
  12. All existing taxes, enhancement in taxes and any new imposition of taxes including Service Tax to be borne by the landlord.
  13. Continuous water supply to be made available by the landlord by providing Over Head Tank of suitable capacity.
  14. Routine maintenance of the building including periodical (once in 3 years) distempering/painting to be carried out by the landlord.
  15. Entrance door to be provided with collapsible gate and rolling shutter.
  16. All windows to be provided with security grill, mesh door shutter and glass shutters.
  17. The premises should be permitted for Commercial usage by the Local Authorities.
  18. The premises should have minimum two toilets i.e. one each for ladies (with WC seat and wash basin) and gents (with at least wash basin, WC seat & urinal).
  19. Landlord to make available free of cost adequate parking space for the staff and customers.
  20. Landlord to provide suitable space for installing out door units of AC without any charges.

All the interested persons may kindly send their offers, giving full details of premises, address for correspondence, telephone number and expected rent in a closed cover as per offer format enclosed to “The Senior Manager, Canara Bank, P&E Section, Circle Office, Vipin Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow-226010. Telephone No 0522-2302611” superscribing offer for space at Naini, Allahabad. The intending offerer to ensure that their offer reaches above office by 8th Mar' 2010 positively at above address giving reference of website or requirement published in daily Hindi newspaper “Dainik Jagaran”, Allahabad edition and English daily Hindustan Times, Lucknow edition on 21-02-2010. Bank reserves the right to accept or reject any/all offers without assigning any reason.