Sabrina Harborth
Systems Analyst
Contact Information:
18147 Forest Cedars
Houston, TX77084

Kerr McGee Oil & Gas

2004 to 2006

Data Management Consultant

2D & 3D Seismic Data Loading to Geoquest Interpretation Projects, as well as Solving Data Management issues and providing GeoFrame Support for Geoscientists. Coordinate and Execute Geoframe Project Cleanup using Enigma/PARS Project Archival Software and Linear Disks. Diskspace management and cleanup.

ExxonMobil – Upstream Technical Computing

2001 to 2004

Seismic Data Analyst

Work within a group of Seismic Data Analysts, in loading large amounts of 2D & 3D seismic data, and transfer of large projects for Interpretation to the various Business Units within ExxonMobil utilizing GeoFrame Data Management software on a Unix platform. Liaison with Seismic Data Coordinators, in customizing project requirements for the Geoscientists’. Chosen to be a Team Member of group working to document & improve procedures for the Loading and Transfer of GeoFrame projects to the Business Units.

GeoFrame Seismic Data Loading/Management

1998 to 2001

Seismic Data Management Consultant

Performed 2D & 3D Seismic Data Loading into Geoquest Interpretation Software on a Unix platform, as well as 2D Data Management for Various Oil Companies ranging in size. Reorganized 2D Master Projects having problems, including successful transfer of all Fault/Horizon data. Taught several in house Data Loading and Unix classes for various clients.

Burlington Resources – GulfCoast Division

1991 to 1998

(Merged with The Louisiana Land & Exploration Company in October 1997)

Senior IST Systems Analyst 1996 to 1998

Geoscience Systems Analyst 1994 to 1996

Geoscience Data Assistant III 1991 to 1994

Responsible for 2D & 3D seismic dataloading for the Offshore group, as well as back up dataloading for the Onshore and International groups. Worked with programming staff to design Oracle in-house databases used for tracking all project history, problem solving and total disk space, as well as physical tape locations.

Coordinate with Geophysicists, Management and Vendors in the ordering of 2D & 3D seismic data, as well as the planning and purchase of disk space, to insure quick dataloading and retrievals. Full responsibility for system cleanup and disk space management.

Planning and implementation of the Geoquest project moves for the onshore group, which relocated to Houston In June 1997, as well as full system moves for the offshore group in 1997 & 1998. Management and maintenance of 350+ Interpretation projects including restores, regular tar backups and shuffling of data to maximize system efficiency.

Analyze staff training needs, and recommendations to management, for Industry training programs. System and project reporting to management. Teach Geoquest data management, Seismic Data Loading, Unix basics, VI editor, Groupwise Communications package, etc….to in-house users.

Good working knowledge of Unix System Backups, Restorals, Maintaining User Accounts and Disk Space.

Energy Graphics

1982 to 1991

Software Support Representative 1984-1991

Intellex Mapping and Database demonstrations on Unix based workstations at conventions, seminars and client sites. Provided Software support, maintenance, installations and full in-house training for Oil & Gas clients.

Geologic Mapping Technician 1982-1984

Production Base Mapping on Unix based Sun & Silicon Graphics workstations as well as VAX/VMS Mainframe platforms, with output to Versatec electrostatic and Xynetics flatbed plotters. Management of multiple seismic shotpoint databases using the Intellex Mapping software for Oil & Gas clients. Digitizing of shotpoints for entry to Ingress based databases. Thorough knowledge of projections in the Gulf of Mexico.

University of Houston – Behavioral Sciences 1973-1977

Unix System Administration – January 1991

Geoquest IES Data Loading & Management – May 1992

Promax Processing Software – June 1993

Geodepth Software Class – September 1994

Geoquest IESX Data Loading & Management – May 1995

Various Data Management Classes & Seminars 1994 through 1997

Unix System Administration/File System Management – August 1997

Landmark Seismic Data Loading/Management Class – June 1998

Advanced Unix – September 1999

Basic Oracle – September 2000

GeoFrame Seismic Data Loading/Management – October 2001

Various Data Management Classes - 2001 thru 2004


Team Player – People Person – Excellent Written and Verbal Skills

Extremely Organized and Detail oriented

Excellent Corporate & Personal References

(provided upon request)