Course Syllabus
Natural Disasters and Environmental Geology (GEOL 104)
College of Southern Idaho (CSI) – Spring 2015
Instructor: Travis Phillips
Office Hours: M-F 7:30-4:00
Class Day/Time: M-F 5th Period
Credit Hours: 4.0
Required Course Materials
Textbook: Natural Hazards, 3rd Ed., by Keller and DeVecchio, Pearson Publishers
Materials: Three ring binder, pencil, and good calculator TI-83 or equivalents are needed to complete course work.
CSI Catalog description: This course examines the interaction between modern society and Earth processes and resources. Natural Earth processes which adversely affect humans are considered including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, flooding, meteorite impacts, mass wasting, coastal processes, and climate trends. The course also investigates the development of natural resources, pollution and waste disposal, climate change, land use and engineering, and energy resources. Lab exercises will provide real-world problems and will introduce techniques and skills that can be used to address these issues.
Pre-requisites: Need to have completed high school Physical Science and Biology Courses with a B or higher.
Expected Outcomes and Assessment: Upon successful completion of GEOL 104, you are expected to be able to:
1. Describe the foundational concepts of geology: plate tectonics, the rock cycle, the Earth’s flow of energy, and geologic time. Interactive classroom discussions, homework assignments, laboratory exercises, and examinations will address this objective.
2. Interpret and use topographic and geologic maps. Students will use topographic and geologic maps in lab exercises as a tool for assessing hazards.
3. Identify various rocks and minerals and explain their properties, origin, and uses. Lab exercises will allow students to make observations about rock and mineral properties. Students will use their knowledge of these Earth materials in assessing hazards.
4. Describe the physical forces responsible for various types of natural processes including volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunami, hurricanes, tornadoes, landslides, flooding, and impacts. Interactive classroom discussions, homework assignments, and examinations will address this objective.
5. Assess risk for various natural hazards based on data and interactive maps. Using interactive and relevant exercises from Hazard City®. These exercises present real-world situations and allow students to evaluate geologic hazards based on multiple data sets. Students then make sound interpretations and/or recommendations based on their analysis of the data.
6. Provide a scientifically accurate critique of a popular culture film that portrays a natural disaster. Students will view one of several selected “disaster” movies and will critique the film from a scientific standpoint including the accuracy of the natural processes shown and the movie’s depiction of how science is done. Students will also evaluate how issues such as prediction, warning, and public preparedness are dealt with in the movie.
7. Explain the location and causes of various natural hazards that currently exist throughout the western United States. Students will visit local and regional areas on field trips where they will asses the cause and effect of various geologic hazards.
8. Explain the water cycle and describe how water quality is affected by humans. Students will use geologic and hydrologic data to determine the direction of groundwater movement as it relates to contaminants. Students will show how this scientific data can be used in legal proceedings related to water rights.
9. Describe the origin of mineral resources and fossil fuels and the environmental impacts created by extraction and use of these resources. Lab exercises will address this objective.
10. Describe how the geologic origin of energy resources and explain what the pros and cons of each energy resource. Lab exercises will address this objective.
11. Explain how geologic processes affect modern society. Lab exercises, homework assignments, discussion of current events, and field trips will address this objective.
These outcomes and assessments were set up by CSI faculty.
Grading: Your grade in this class will be based on the following criteria.
Exams 60%
Labs 15%
Assignments and Project 15%
Current Events 10%
Exams and Quizzes (60%)
There will be a quiz on each unit and you will also have a mid-term and final exam. The exams will be a combination of multiple choice, matching, true/false, short answer, and essay. The majority of your grade will be determined by how you do on these assessments so make studying for them your top priority.
Labs (15%)
There will be 9-10 laboratories in this trimester, and they will be graded on participation, completeness, and correctness. Students will be expected to adhere to all laboratory safety rules. Failure to do so will result in a zero on the lab score.
Assignments (15%)
There will be several assignments and activities given throughout the trimester that will contribute to students’ grades and prepare students for exams. There will also be a final project where you will create a website of a geological field trip for the local area.
Current Events (10%)
You will be required to present to the class two current natural disasters. The topics of these current events will be assigned later in the trimester.
Makeup Work
When absent, students will have an additional day to make-up missed assignments. If students are absent on exam day then students are expected to take that exam the day they return to school. It is the responsibility of the students to come and get all make-up work when they are absent. If a test or quiz is not made up within two to three days it will go down as a zero. If students miss a day he/she can go online and see what he/she missed.
Late Work
No late work will be permitted.
Class Policies:
• We follow all the policies outline in your Madison High School handbook.
• Be Respectful-to me, to others, and to yourself
• Be responsible-you are responsible for your own education
• Be ready-come to class with all your materials and assignments ready to learn
• Be safe-always follow lab procedures and safety guidelines
This class will uphold all attendance and tardy policies of Madison High School. Students will not be able to makeup work for any unexcused absences. If more than two tardies are received, then participation points will be taken off.
Tenitive Schedule
Week 1
· Introduction to Natural Hazards and Earth Internal Structure
· Google Earth Plate Boundary Lab
· Topographical Map Lab
Week 2
· Plate Tectonics and Geological cycles
· Mineral and Rock ID Lab
· Quiz
Week 3
· Earthquakes and Tsunami
· Earthquake Lab
· Earthquake Presentations
Week 4
· Volcanoes
· Dante Peak Activity
· Volcano Presentations
· Quiz
Week 5
· Flooding and River Dynamics
· Flooding Presentation
Week 6
· Mass Wasting
· Landslide Presentations
· Mid-Term Exam
Week 7
· Meteorology Basics and Forcasting
· Weather Labs
Week 8
· Severe Weather
· Tornadoes and Thunderstorm Presentations
· Quiz
Week 9
· Tropical Storms and Coastal Hazards
· Hurricane Presentations
Week 10
· Wildfires and other hazards
· Fire Lab
· Wildfire Presentation
· Quiz
Week 11
· Extraterrestrial Impacts
· Work on and finish Geological Field Trip Website Project
Week 12
· Review and study for Final Exam
· Final Exam