Guideline for GME Education Funds
Reimbursement and payment requests for residency education expenses should clearly relate to resident scholarly activity, program educational needs, program competency based evaluation and patient safety/patient safety education. Expense must be incurred while the resident/fellow is a CURRENT USF Employee.
All expenditureMUST BE PRE-APPROVEDusing the GME Approval Form. Please make sure that the vendor knows to bill UMSA. Beginning July 1, 2012, all purchases MUST have a Purchase Order number issued BEFORE an order is placed or a TAR number issued before any trips take place. International travel MUST BE PRE-APPROVED by the UMSA Chief Financial Officer in addition tothe program director and GME.GME is not responsible for any purchases that fall outside of GME’s guidelines and policies.
Due to approval time required, we recommend that requests are submitted for pre-approval at least thirty (30) days before the expected expenditure. ALL Pre-Approvals have to be signed by the program director before you can send to GME for approval. Request for travel reimbursement must be submitted within 45 days after returning.
Appropriate Expenditures for Programs:
- Conference travel to present a paper or abstract, or to visit an approved site that enhances resident education and/or research activities. Limited to $2,000 per trip. Airfare must be purchase through the AAA website with the six digit TAR number and the four digit department code.
- Books, educational materials, and software that approved and required by program director.Items/Equipment for individual residents will NOT be approved.
- Desktop computers for the resident library/program support. Limit of less than $1,000 per expense.
- Limited seed funding for approved research projects as required by the curriculum.
- Fees for publication of articles, abstracts, etc by residents and fellows.
- Tuition for pre-approval educational program (i.e., Master’s degree) as mandated by program requirements.
- Board Review courses as approved by the Program Director. Please note GME does not cover the cost of the actual board exam.
- General program (not to include personnel costs or salary):
- Visiting lecturer costs to meet resident core competency requirements and specific research and/or scholarship requirements.
- Approved consultants to address very specific needs in the areas of competency based education or patient safety education.
- Recruitment expenses including meals, travel costs, hotels. (Note: GME will not pay for any gifts, goody bags, etc. for the interviewees.)
- Graduation expenses – the amount shall not exceed $1,000
- GME funds do not cover alcohol.