Our thanks go to the ministry members who worked on getting fifty-nine GROW action plan items completed.
Acknowledgement of people who have worked on the GROW committee since it started spring of 2013.
Current Members:
Father Tony Ross Holmes
Monica Martin Dorothy Schillewaert
Kay Schroden Jim and Dixie Sidla
Jan Zaruba
Past Members:
Kym Allex Mark Berning
Sue Kunkel Jeff Larch
Kathy Metzger Leo Schroden
Mike Van Beek Ashley Walz
Thanks to Melissa Schroden for being our Spanish translator for the documents
Faith • Ministry • Spirituality
What is Next?
This pamphlet shows the action items that are remaining from the GROW initiative. These items will be handled by the different Ministries and will be tracked by the ministry’s parish council liaison. We have 7 open action items.
6 Key Pastoral Need Areas
Advance ministry awareness; utilize multi-media to promote events and ministry opportunities.
Teach stewardship as a way of life and connect it to my faith, host ministry fairs, inspire a culture of stewardship.
Teaching homilies, Youth Mass, encourage ministry involvement, promote welcoming atmosphere.
Outreach to inactive Catholics, encourage volunteer participation, develop Religion Board, small group opportunities.
Invitations to coordinate bi-lingual events, integrate leaders for bi-lingual planning of Christmas & Holy Week liturgies.
Encourage greater outreach to elderly in our community, raise social justice issues awareness.
Develop capital improvement renewal plan, develop volunteer list for monthly upkeep needs.
The History of GROW: (continued)
- Fall, 2015 – Pamphlets handed out to the parish that outlined what items are planned for rest of 2015 and 2016.
- November, 2016 – Final presentation of the GROW initiative given after Masses.
GROW Committee activities
- February thru April, 2014:
o Reviewed items from the meetings and combined like items, removed duplicates and evaluated them in terms of impact, cost and effort to rank them. After ranking them we added Target completion Quarter and Year
o Primary and support ministries added for each item and eliminated items that were not actionable as well as identifying items already accomplished.
o Notes created to present to the ministries to make them aware of the action items that impact their area but were not tasks remaining on the open sheet. For Example: Repair window in Kym’s office.
- May – September, 2014 - Continued review of items to build the final list we presented to the ministries and the parish in September, 2014.
- Fall, 2015 – Posters of 2015 Accomplishments in Social Hall and in cases by the office.
- Fall, 2015 - Handed out pamphlets to let the parish know what items were in process or were going to start in 2016.
We have completed 59 action items and some of the items generated multiple accomplishments. We completed 66 accomplishments since September, 2014. GREAT JOB EVERYONE getting the action items COMPLETED.
The History of GROW:
Father received an invite in September, 2012 to participate in GROW, a six-month planning process that was being offered by the Archdiocese through the Office of Parish Services, in conjunction with Team Works International and Catholic Finance Corporations. Their goal was that at end of six months, the parish would have a sound pastoral plan that will guide our ministries and operations for years to come
Archdiocese Meetings - Agenda:
- 1/8/13 - Planning for the Future, Kickoff for GROW
- 4/9/13 - Review Parish Survey, dated 4/5/13 taken by parish in February/March. Discuss and organize known and perceived pastoral needs and Ministry/operations
- 7/13/13 – Work on Pastoral Ministry Action card, Mission and Vision Statement
Parish Meetings:
- 10/26/13 - Presentation of our initial Pastoral Plan to Parish Council and ministry heads. We had six Pastoral Areas, including identifying what ministries were under each area and initial action plans.
- Early November - Meet with ministry members to get their feedback on the pastoral plan for our parish
- January, 2014 - Two All Parish meetings held to introduce GROW initiative, review the Mission and Vision Statements, and review the action plans for each of the 6 pastoral areas. We presented the Initial action items defined from the survey and then broke into small groups for each area to get parishioners feedback on additional action items, mission and vision statements.
- Fall, 2014 – Presentation to the parish after all masses. Reviewed what GROW was, accomplishments so far and what was planned for rest of 2014 and 2015 by pastoral area.
On the following pages you will see (3) elements.
• One of the six Pastoral Need headings listed.
• A brief ministry description of that pastoral need area.
• A table of the remaining action plans relating to the pastoral need areas.
The following table can be read as follows:
Action Plans Begin
* Form an Evangelist Group, connect with the Archdiocese’s Office of Evangelization. / 1/17 / Parish CouncilPastoral Need Area #1
Ministry Description
Anyone with a desire or ability to work in the multi-media field would be a good fit for this ministry. We will be utilizing a variety of communication vehicles to promote church activities and support other committees and ministries.
No Open Action Plans
Communications Ministry Coordinator: Jim Sidla 763-295-3450
Ministry Description
Anyone with a desire to promote sharing our Time, Talent and Treasure would be a good fit for this ministry. We will be utilizing
a variety of communication vehicles to promote involvement in ministry and financial support of our church.
Action Plans Begin
* Engage all families in parish life.* Formulate a plan to get all current members actively participating in ministry
* Look for ways to reach inactive parishioners / 3/16 / New Evangelist group, Parish Council, Fr. Tony,
Stewardship Ministry Coordinator: Esther Borgerding 612-298-5254
Pastoral Need Area #6
Ministry Description
Anyone with a desire to help develop short and long term strategic plans for maintenance of our building campus would be a good fit for this ministry.
Action Plans Begin
* Need an electronic sign on 7th Street displaying Mass Times, Confession, Adoration, Seasonal/Current Activities, etc. / 1/20 / Parish CouncilBuilding & Grounds Ministry Coordinator:
Dan Dupay 763-271-3072
Pastoral Need Area #5
Ministry Description
Anyone with a desire to help develop a Social Justice ministry that seeks equality for marginalized individuals and educate the parish on these issues would be a good fit for this ministry.
Action Plans Begin
* Form a Social Justice ministry that promotes issues by beginning with education* Definition of Social Justice, define what this encompasses
* Raise awareness of the issues and what we can do
*** There will be a place on the Time & Talent form to see who has interest in leading the Social Justice Ministry or to help with it. Father will follow up on calling those who are interested *** / In Process / Father Tony & Parish Council
Mission Outreach Ministry Coordinator:
Diana Guertin 763-878-2046
Linda Fournier 763-314-0297
Pastoral Need Area #2
Ministry Description
Anyone with a desire to help expand our Liturgy and spiritual outreach would be a good fit for this ministry.
No Open Action Plans
Liturgy Ministry Coordinator: Dorothy Schillewaert 763-295-4347
Pastoral Need Area #3
Ministry Description
Anyone with a desire to help expand our foundation of spiritual education would be a good fit for this ministry.
Action Plans Begin
* Programs to help the gap from baptism to the beginning of religious ed. Program will be talked about in the class for Baptism*** Update Aug, 2016: Deacon Mike and Father will review REBORN, a series of videos from Formed.org. Also, looking at doing a program for newly married couples, years 0 thru 3 *** / In Process / Father, Deacon Mike
Pastoral Need Area #3 (continued)
Ministry Description
Anyone with a desire to help expand our foundation of spiritual education would be a good fit for this ministry.
Action Plans Begin
* Form an Evangelist Group, connect with the Archdiocese's Office of Evangelization*** Want to reach out to the inactive parishioners and non-parishioners *** / 1/17 / Parish Council
* Bring Parishioners to do activities outside of our own church, including Simple field trips that bring our faith to life and reinforce our Catholic teaching
/ 1/17 / Young Adult Ministry
* Mailers to community - Promote our Church
* Postcards and flyers, to advertise our church / 1/18 / New Evangelist Group
Director of Faith Formation for Elementary and Pre-School:
Jessica Soden 763-271-3079
Director of Faith Formation for Junior and High School Youth:
Jenna Leighton 763- 271-3092
Adult Faith Formation:
Deacon Mike Medley 320.492.8059
Pastoral Need Area #4
Ministry Description
Anyone with a desire to help develop the Hispanic Ministry that seeks to build on cultural celebrations and outreach to other Hispanic people in our community would be a good fit for this ministry.
No Open Action Plans
Hispanic Ministry Coordinator:
Alejandra Chaves 763-656-3426
Hispanic Ministry Liturgy:
Max Diaz 612-203-3854
Hispanic Ministry RCIA :
Adriana Maldanado 763-807-0061
Adriana Rivas 763-295-1183
Hispanic Ministry Faith Formation:
Luis & Sandra Espinoza 763-274-9301
Hispanic Ministry Hospitality & Events:
Jesus Galindo 763-587-3989