STANDARDS: Biology Core Content Standards
Represent and explain the relationship between the structure and function of each class of complex molecules using a variety of models.
WHST.11-12.1 Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content.
HS-LS1-6Construct and revise an explanation based on evidence for how
carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen from sugar molecules may combine with other elements to form amino acids and/or other large carbon-based molecules.
C / Topic/Objective: Lipids in the news debate
Activity:Lipids note packet check tomorrow; In One Note, BIN debate on Transfats article
Hmwk: Quiz next week on carbs and lipids / No class / Topic/Objective: Lipids
Activity:Building lipids lab (lipids note packet check tomorrow)
Hmwk: Quiz next week on carbs and lipids
D / No class / Topic/Objective: Lipids in the news debate
Activity:Lipids note packet check tomorrow; In One Note, BIN debate on Transfats article
Hmwk: Quiz next week on carbs and lipids / Topic/Objective: Lipids in the news debate
Activity: Lipids note packet check tomorrow; In One Note, BIN debate on Transfats article
Hmwk: Quiz next week on carbs and lipids
A / Topic/Objective: Assess and quiz prep
Activity:CHECK LIPIDS NOTES; create an online assessment/quizlet review on carbs and lipids with answer key. Post to collaboration space.
Hmwk: Quiz next week carbs and lipids / Topic/Objective:
Activity:CHECK LIPIDS NOTES; create an online assessment/quizlet review on carbs and lipids with answer key. Post to collaboration space. (upcoming quiz on carbs and lipids)
Hmwk: Quiz next week carbs and lipids / No class
P8- CHECK LIPIDS NOTES; create an online assessment/quizlet review on carbs and lipids with answer key. Post to collaboration space. (upcoming quiz on carbs and fats)
1)What are some things that proteins do? (Research at least 4 functions). Provide pictures and explain why they are important.
2)What are the monomers called and what do the monomerslook like? (what 4 components do they have? What arrangement? And what is the “R” group stand for)? How many of these are there in nature? Provide picture.
3)What process builds up the monomers to polymers? What are the names of the more complex proteins called? What is the name of bond that forms between monomers?
What is the opposite process that breaks them down called? Provide a picture.
4)Polymers can be very long chains and they fold up. What are the 4 levels of structure of protein folding? Provide a picture for each.
CRITICAL THINKING: Out of only 20-something amino acids, there can arise millions of different proteins. Why? Give me 2 reasons how this is possible. (HINT- think of the lottery)