Jasper Elementary School Implementation Management Tool
BUILDING PLAN 10/8/09 IRN # 029991
Smart Goals /Goal 2: Student Performance Content Area: _Math__ /
Goal 2: By 2012, all students in grades k-12 will improve performance on the OAT (grades 3-8 / ogt (grade 10) and local assessments by 5% each year in Math. /
Strategies, Indicators and Progress Measures /
Strategy A: Implement a district-wide assessment system that provides data to inform instruction and monitor progress. /
/ Baseline Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure /
Adult Implementation Indicator
/ May 2009 / Dec. 2009 / Actual Results / March 2010 / Actual Results / May 2010 / Actual Results / Dec. 2010 / Actual Results /100% of administrators and math faculty will review and use common short- cycle assessment data to monitor student progress. / K-3 0% / K-3 0% / K-3 25% / K-3 50% / K-3 100% /
Student Performance Indicator
100% of students will participate in district-required common short-cycles assessments to establish a true baseline measure. / K-3 0% / K-3 0% / K-3 25% / K-3 50% / K-3 100%Implementation Details
Action Steps / Monitoring Evidence/DataSources / Person(s) Responsible/ Group(s) / Implementation Timeline / Resources Needed:
Technology /
2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 /
2.a.1 Provide embedded HQPD to faculty and administration focused on Response to Intervention (RTI) / Sign-in sheets
Agendas / BLT / Aug. / May / Time/Waiver Day/PD Provider
2.a.2 Provide embedded HQPD to faculty and administration focused on usage of Data Analysis to guide instruction/intervention. / Sign-in sheets
Agendas / BLT / Aug. / May / Time/Waiver Day/PD Provider
2.a.3 Collaborative Teams (CTs)will be established for the purpose of determining intervention/enrichment strategies for systematic identification of student needs. / Identified Team Members / BLT / . / Aug. / May / Time
2.a.4 Collaborative Teams (CTs) will research, develop and implement an assessment system to guide instruction/intervention. / Meeting Notes
Created System / BLT / thru / Aug. / May / Time, Monies
Assessment Systems
2.a.5 Collaborative Teams will explore scheduling options to support Response to Intervention. / Schedules / Collaborative Team (CT) / May / Aug. / Time/Scheduling knowledge and collaboration.
2.a.6 Implement a building-wide monitoring system to ensure fidelity of strategic-focused intervention/enrichment. / Walk thru observation
data / Principal/Trained staff/ESC / Aug. / HQPD
Walk Through Forms
2.a.7 Analyze assessment results for the purpose of identification and intervention. / Monitoring of results / CTs / Aug. / Time