Month of June 2017
Dear Parents,
Another year comes to an end and we are already preparing for 2017-2018 academic year. Your children and teachers have worked very hard and I can honestly say that it has been a very successful year. We hope the skills your children gained will be maintained over the summer. Please make sure your children read every day to practice their fluency and review their facts- addition, subtraction and multiplication.
As we approach the end, these are the activities that will take place in the next few weeks:
On Friday, June 2nd we will have our Spring Concert. Franklin’s recorders, band and orchestra will perform as well as our choir and the newly assembled Mariachi. We will send invitations with the different assembly times. On Monday, June 5th, and Tuesday June 6th, we will be conducting Board of Review. This is a special meeting where it will be determined if your child who has been receiving help through the year will be retained or promoted. If you are invited to this meeting your presence is required so you are part of the decision making process.
On Wednesday, June 7th, the district will be honoring Parent of the year. Mary Preciado is our parent from Franklin who will represent us during that event. It will take place at Segerstrom High School at 5:30 P.M.
On Friday, June 9TH , we will have the Awards Assemblies. These are the end of the year assemblies where we are going to recognize the academic effort and attendance of our students. If you receive an invitation it is because your child will be honored. Please come and join us.
At this time we will also honor the students who have been reclassified from Limited English Speakers or ELD students to Fluent English Speakers. This year we have a large number of students and it’s a great honor to have accomplished this reclassification. Congratulations!
On Thursday, June 15th, our first grade students will go on a field trip to the Aquarium of the Pacific. In addition to the wonderful variety of sea life species they will enjoy one of the biggest exhibitions of frogs from around the world, which is a perfect match for the unit they are beginning to study.
On Monday, 19th, our 5th graders will go to a class picnic at Irvine Park. They will enjoy a day of food, hiking, and playing under the supervision of their teachers, Mr. Perla, Mrs. Sleiman and Mr. Adame.
On Tuesday, June 20th we will attend the 5th grade Promotion Ceremony. The ceremony will take place at 9:00 a.m. on the black top. The students may dress in their uniform or wear regular clothes for the occasion. Following the ceremony, we will have a little social gathering outside of the school. If you are not coming to the Promotion and you want your child to participate in the social, you will have to send a permission slip for them to stay. The teachers will be sending a letter asking if you will be checking your child out after the ceremony or if your child will remain until the end of the day. Once you receive it, please return it to the teacher letting the school know your intentions.
On Wednesday, June 21st, we will have the Kinder Promotion Ceremony at 9:00 a.m. in the auditorium. We will allow 2 attendees per student due to the size of the auditorium. After the ceremony, the students will have a little gathering outside their classrooms, by the kinder playground. On this day, our 5th grade students will play a baseball game against staff and teachers.
Wednesday, June 21st is our last day of instruction. The students will not have the 360 After School Program and it is a Modified Day. That means that primary classes (1st, 2nd and 3rd) will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m. Upper grade students (4th and 5th) will be dismissed at 1:25 p.on July m. Remember that you will be able to check out your student in kindergarten after the ceremony.
The classes for the Summer Program at Franklin begin on June 28th, and they will end on July 29th. The students will be in the classroom from 8-12:00 p.m. Summer School will have a wonderful Writing component, putting an emphasis on reading, speaking and writing.
If you want your child to participate please pick up an enrollment application at our front desk.
Due to the fact that many students don’t read enough during the summer, at the beginning of the school year they show a decline or slide in reading performance. This is called the Summer Slide. How can we prevent this? If you want your child to begin the school year with all the chances to have a successful academic year you need to: 1) Provide books to read, 2) Set the expectations, 3) Reading with them or showing interest in the books they read, and 4) Have fun and create good memories.
Provide books to read
The Santa Ana Library offers a great summer program. The students will have the opportunity to visit the Public Library, read wonderful books, participate in wonderful events and win prizes. Please call the Public Library in Santa Ana and join some of their sessions. In addition to that, Barnes and Noble Bookstore offers a contest from May 20th-September 2nd. Your child can read 8 books and earn 1 free book. We will be sending forms home or you can get them on line. Chuck E Cheese Rewards is another program where you can read for two weeks and earn 10 tokens with food purchase. Forms are also online.
Set Expectations and read with them
Set up times of the day when you would like for your children to read, and if possible read with them, ask them questions about the book they are reading.
Have fun and create good memories
Over all have fun when reading! Change voices to imitate the characters, do an art project related to the story, rent the movie if the book has one and compare the movie to the book.
These are some of the activities you could do with your family this summer and they are free of charge.
Free for Santa Ana Residents with a bill and photo ID
Discover Science Center- (714) 542-2823
2500 N Main St.- Santa Ana- CA 92705
1st Tuesday of the Month
Santa Ana Zoo- (714) 647-6575
1801 Chestnut – Santa Ana- CA
3rd Sunday of the Month
Bowers Museum (714) 567-3600
2002 N. Main St. – Santa Ana, CA 92706
Every Tuesday for Santa Ana Residents
We hope you will have a wonderful summer. Enjoy and have a great time with your family. We will see you back on August 14th our first day of instruction. Signs will be posted a few days before school starts, with the name of the teacher and room number for next year.
Rita Pereira