Half Day Morning classes
Classroom doors open at 8:20 a.m. for breakfast. Breakfast ends at 8:40
School start time: 8:30 a.m.
School end time: 11:30 a.m.
Half Day Afternoon classes
School start time: 12:30 p.m.
School end time: 3:30 p.m.
Late Arrival/Early Dismissal
If you arrive late to school – after 8:40 a.m. or 12:40 p.m. - you must come to the office to get a late slip to get into the classroom. If you need to pick your child up early, please be sure to check in at the office and sign your child out.
Bus Riders
Hazelwood School District provides bus transportation only for children in our Early Childhood Special Education classes. Bus service is available within the boundaries of the Hazelwood School District. At school, bus riders are escorted to and from class. At home, it is the responsibility of the parent to buckle/unbuckle their child’s seat belt and to escort him/her on/off the bus. Children who are 3 years old must wear a four point harness rather than the wrap-around style seat belt. Four and five year olds may wear the wrap-around belts. To ensure that the bus stays on schedule, please arrive at the bus stop approximately 5 minutes before your child’s pickup and drop off time. If your child will not be riding the bus on a particular day please call the school office so that the bus driver will not stop.
Car Riders
All children should be escorted by an adult to their classroom (hand in hand). At dismissal time, please meet your child at the classroom door and escort him or her to your car. Children will only be released to adults listed on the release form. Unfamiliar adults must provide a picture I.D. (Please notify your child’s teacher if someone else is picking up your child). If you should arrive late you must come to the Early Childhood Office (or designated room) at the school to pick up your child. Children must be picked up promptly at the end of their class time.
Early Arrival
The school cannot accept responsibility for children before the scheduled class time. Please wait with your child until your designated starting time.
Arrival/Dismissal Safety
To ensure your child’s safety and to maintain an appropriate learning environment, your child is required to walk with you at all times on school grounds. You must hold your child’s hand at all times in the parking lot.Please do not let your child run ahead of you at any time.Do not leave siblings waiting alone in the car when bringing or picking up your child. Please be an alert pedestrian and an alert driver. We want to ensure the safety of everyone. Please do not park in the handicapped parking spaces unless you have handicap parking permissions issued by the state of Missouri. Also, please do not park in the daycare van spaces located near the sidewalk.
Doors will open at 8:20 a.m. for breakfast. Breakfast will be available in the classroom until 8:40a.m. If you do not wish your child to eat the Hazelwood breakfast please feed him/her at home and arrive no later than 8:40a.m. Please do not send breakfast from home.
If your child will not be attending school please call the attendance line at 314-953-7690 to report the absence.
Attendance is vital for students to achieve the maximum benefit from their early childhood experience. The state goal is for students to be present at a minimum of 90%. Title 1 and Pre-School students attending less than 90% may be removed from the program. Please let the building administrator know if there are extenuating circumstances that prevent your child from attending regularly.
Booster Club
Our Booster Club is a group of parents that meets 6 times a year and organizes fundraisers, family events, and teacher appreciation activities. This is a great way to get involved in your child’s education and support our school! (See Booster Blitz flyer to join.)
You will be receiving a monthlyschool newsletter called Early Childhood News. The newsletter will go over important school information and events. This will also be posted on our school website. To access this you may go to select the Schools tab, then Early Childhood Education, then ECE West. Teachers usually send home weekly or monthly newsletters as well.
Parent Involvement
Parents are essential to student success! We believe that you are the key to helping your child grow. We strive to form a partnership with parents so that we may work together to help your child progress. By attending family events, reading information that goes home and talking to your child about what they have learned, you show them that education is important. We encourage parents to come to our schools and partake in the wonderful learning. If you would like to volunteer to help in our schools, please contact the front office staff to get a volunteer packet.
Early Childhood has adopted the Positive Behavior Instruction and Support framework. We teach lessons about behavior expectations and provide immediate praise and rewards for students demonstrating these behaviors. Students are taught expectations for restrooms, classroom, playground, lunch time, hallways and bus. When students do not follow behavior expectations, we view this as an opportunity to re-teach the expectation while providing specific feedback and encouragement.
Please be sure to send a backpack along with a change of clothes for your child to leave at school. Your child’s teacher will send home a note if any other supplies are needed.
Contact Info
Attendance Line: (314) 953-7690Front Office Staff: (314) 953-7650
Principal: Teri Edwards – (314) 953-7650Social Worker: Kristin Bryant-Gilreath - (314) 953-7654
Nurse: Jennifer Morton - (314) 953-7661