Honors Anatomy and Physiology Mid-Term Test

CH 1-10 Study Guide (110 M.C. Questions)

CH 1

1. Define histology.

2. Define homeostasis. Know an example.

3. What is the purpose of negative feedback?

4. What is an “oblique” cut?

5. What cavity contains the heart?

6. What is an organ?

7. What is the cavity that is the space within a joint?

8. What is the term used to define “toward or at the back of the body”?

9. What is the single most abundant chemical substance of the body; it makes up about 60% to 80% of the body weight?
10. What is the correct anatomical position?

11. Know the sequence of the simplest to most complex organization of “life”.

12. What is the vertical section through the body, dividing it into anterior and posterior regions?

13. Which organ system contains the heart and blood vessels?

CH 2

14. What would be a positively charged ion found on the outside of cells?

15. What is a long chain of simple sugars?

16. What molecule is needed to build a carbohydrate or a protein from its basic building blocks?

17. What are the four elements that make up 96% of the body?

CH 3

18. What ions are important in generating a membrane potential?

19. What happens to a red blood cell when it is placed in pure water?

20. Know the characteristics of the plasma membrane.

21. Be able to recognize organelles.

22. What is passive membrane transport? What is a concentration gradient?

23. What is a peroxisome?

24. When would a red blood cell crenate?

CH 4

25. What tissue type contains lacunae, calcium salts, and blood vessels?

26. What are the characteristics of epithelial tissue?

27. Where would you find pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium?

28. What type of epithelial tissue forms the lining of serous membrane?

29. What comprises connective tissue?

30. Connective tissue matrix is composed of ?

31. Which connective tissue makes the shape of the external ear?

32. Which type of tissue might have an inability to absorb digested nutrients?

33. What are chondroblasts?

34. What is a multilayered epithelium with cuboidal basal cells and flat cells at the surface?

35. Know examples of connective tissue.

36. Know the characteristics of muscle tissue.

37. What is the first step in tissue repair?

38. How does inflammation play a role in tissue repair?

CH 5

39. Know the different types of cancers.

40. What are the epidermal layers that a needle would pierce?

41. Acne is a disorder of what type of glands?

42. How many layers does the dermis have?

43. What is the name of the muscle that causes goose bumps?

44. What is the name of the gland that is a modified sudoriferous gland that secretes wax?

45. What type of skin cancer appears as a scaly reddened papule that can grow rapidly?

46. What is the superficial surface of the papillary layer of the dermis called?

47. What is the rule of nines?

48. What is the first threat to life from a massive third-degree burn?

49. What causes male pattern baldness?

CH 6

50. What is found in yellow bone marrow?

51. What cell is responsible for secreting the matrix of bone?

52. What kind of tissue is the forerunner of long bones in the embryo?

53. What is another name for the shaft of the long bone?

54. What is the diploe?

55. What is the epiphyseal plate?

56. What is the most abundant skeletal cartilage?

57. What are the functions of the skeletal system?

58. What is the functional unit of compact bone?

59. Where are osteoblasts and osteoclasts found?

60. What secures the underlying connective tissue to bone?

61. What structures run through the Haversian canal?

62. What are the small spaces in bone called; they contain osteocytes?

63. What is osteomyelitis?

64. Which direction does the cartilage grow at the epiphyseal plate area?

65. What structures make up the framework of spongy bone?

66. What is osteogenesis?

67. What are the vitamins and minerals to help the normal bone formation and growth?

CH 7

68. What are the membranous areas between the cranial bones of a fetal skull?

69. What bones make up the axial skeleton?

70. Why is the hyoid bone unique?

71. What facial bone would you find the paranasal sinuses?

CH 8

72. What are bursae?

73. What is hyperextension?

74. What is gouty arthritis?

CH 9

75. What does the role of tropomyosin play in skeletal muscle?

76. What two chemicals are required in the excitation-contraction coupling reaction?

77. What is myoglobin?

78. What is the organelle that stores calcium in skeletal muscle?

79. What type of filament makes up myosin?

80. Myosin cross-bridges attach to the active sites on what protein?

81. What connective tissue surrounds an individual muscle cell?

82. When does rigor mortis occur?

83. What does the term aponeurosis refer to?

84. What is the contractile unit of a skeletal muscle?

85. What is the functional unit of a skeletal muscle?

86. What is the functional role of the T-tubule?

87. What does pyruvic acid convert to during vigorous anaerobic exercise?

88. What is the correct sequence of events for muscle contraction?

89. What proteins are used in the sliding filament model of contraction?

90. What part of the sarcolemma contains acetylcholine receptors?

CH 10

91. What does the terms biceps, triceps, quadriceps refer to in a muscle?
92. What muscle is used to cross one leg over the other?

93. What are the muscles of the abdominal region?

94. What are the muscles of the hamstrings?


CH 1 – Identify body cavities

CH 4 – Identify tissue types

CH 6 – Identify bone types (long bones, short bones, etc.)