Minutes of the 1st Executive Committee of AONSA_V5

Date: 14:00-16:0028 August,2008

Place: Room‘Koubai’, RIHGA ROYALHotel, Osaka



Yasuhiko Fujii(JAEA, Japan),Kazuyoshi Yamada(TohokuUniversity, Japan),MahnWon Kim (KAIST, Korea),SungMin Choi(KAIST, Korea),Rob Robinson (ANSTO, Australia),Wen Hsien Li (NCU, Taiwan),Chih-Hao Lee(NTHU,Taiwan),D. Pandey (Banaras Hindu University, India)


Masatoshi Arai(JAEA, Japan),Brendan Kennedy(The University of Sydney, Australia),

S. L. Chang(NTHU, Taiwan),



  1. Opening by MahnWon Kim
  1. Confirmation of the membership of EC

We welcomed TWNSS and INSS as members of EC

  1. Activity summary of IEC

IEC was officially proposed at Japan-KoreaAnnual Meeting in Feb. 2007. And after some meetings held in Nov. 2007, Jan. 2008 and Mar. 2008, the 1st IECwas held on Aug 28,2008. We also had the 1st AONSA Neutron Summer School on Aug. 18-23 in Korea.

  1. Presidentialcandidates recommendedfrom IEC


5. Discussion on presidential candidates

IEC recommended and we agreed on that:

-MahnWon Kim as President (serveuntil the end of December, 2009)

-John White as Vice President

-Masatoshi Arai as Secretary

-Wen Hsien Li as Treasurer

At thiselectionProf. Fujii handed over a membership of EC to Prof..Arai.

*AnotherKoreanmembershould be electedfromtheirsociety, sinceMahnWon Kimwas elected as President.

6. Discussion on Articles

See the revised articles

EC approves two delegates fromeachcountry/regions, evenif there ismorethanone association there.

(Rob: I guess the subtext here is that we expect there to be one User Society for China, not separate user groups from CARR and CSNS. The same thinking applies to any of the present Members, for instance as we sorted out the situation for Taiwan.)

7. Etc.

7.1 The AONSASummer school in 2009

It will be heldnextyear in Sydney. It could be in May/June 2009, but there was a feeling that this might not work for Northern Hemisphere countries, with respect to examination timetables there. Dr Robinson willcheckotherconferenceschedules to find a properdate for the Summerschool.

7.2 The budget

-How and when do we pay the member fee?

-Regular members will pay the annual member fee for this year until December 2008

-The AONSA office should open a bank account for the member fee

7.3 Futureactivities

We will have:

1)nextofficialmeetingwill be in Taiwanin Feb 2009

We willinviteChina, Indonesia and Malaysia to the meeting.

2) The following meeting will be at ICNS 2009 in KnoxvilleTennessee.

3) the summerschoolprogram in Australia in May, June or July in 2009.

4) Declaration of AONSA establishmentwill be announced on 29 August in a neutronrelatedsession in IUCr 2008, Osaka. President Mahn Won Kim willgive the declaration.