SARS Conference Web Site Sepecification
Last Updated: Oct 1, 2006Prepared by: Steve MorelPage 1 of 9
Main Site Architecture Diagram
Account Management Area Site Architecture Diagram
Registration Site Architecture
Administrative Site Architecture
Reports Architecture
Site Map Functional Description
1. Conference Home Page - Summary and/or article about the upcoming conference. Prominent link that advertises the $50 early registration discount will urge users to learn more about the conference details and register for a conference.
2. Conference Logistics – List of sub-links to Conference information details.
2.1Registration Costs– Includes information about “register early to save $50”. Describes what registration costs will include (breakfasts, breaks, materials, etc.). Also includes information about any deadlines, penalties and cancellation policy. Also link on this page to the scholarships page.
2.1.1Scholarship Programs– HTML text plus links to other sites with scholarship applications.
2.2Hotel Reservations – HTML text with link to Hotel Web Site
2,3ADA Accommodations – HTML text
2.4Airfare Discounts– HTML text with link to Airline Web Site
2.5Car Rental Discounts– HTML text with link to Car Rental Partner’s Web Site
2.6While in Venue City – HTML text with links to relevant tourist Web Sites
3.Conference Agenda – Display each day’s schedule broken down by time. If the agenda item is a Breakout session it will expand to the Breakout Options Page (3.2), otherwise it will expand to the Session Description Page (3.1).
3.1Session Description – A Detailed Description of the Session. The list of the session speakers is displayed, each speaker having a link to the detailed description page for that speaker (4.1).
3.2.Breakout Options– If the Agenda Item is a Breakout Session then a list of the optional sessions for that breakout is displayed, each with a link to a detailed description of that breakout session (3.1) – the user can also select the breakout session that s/he plans to attend, if s/he decides to register for the Conference. (Because the system requires an identifier to hold this data, the user will be forced to log on as soon as s/he starts making selections.)The user can also select this breakout option as the one that s/he plans to attend, if s/he decides to register for the conference. (The user must log in to do this.)
4. About the Speakers – List of all of the speakers with a brief biography. Clicking on a name will bring you to a detailed page about that speaker (4.1)
4.1Detailed Speaker Information including name, title and qualifications together with a biography of unlimited length.
5. Log-In – Enter Username and password and click “submit” and proceed to Account Welcome (5.3). There is also a link that takes a new member to enter personal details and set up an account (5.1). There will also be an option for forgot password, which will take you to the “forgot password” page (5.2.0). Upon unsuccessful name and password entry, an error message will appear prompting the user to try again. Upon successful login, the user will be taken to the account welcome page (5.3). Note: in practice, we may well choose to use the existing log-in system and just add the half dozen or so additional columns to the user record that are required for a Conference attendee (identified in bold type in list of data shown in 5.1 below).
5.1Enter Personal Information to set up a new account – the following data will be entered. The data is recorded in the database and an e-mail is sent to the member to confirm the legitimacy of the e-mail address, in order to conform to the guidelines set out by the anti-SPAM organizations. The member must click on the link in the confirmation e-mail to fully activate the account: this will take the member to the Account Confirmed page (5.1.1).
a)User Name *
b)Full Name *
c)Password *
d)Verify password #
e)Password Security Question #
f)Password Security Answer #
g)Password Hint #
h)E-mail address *
i)Verify e-mail address #
j)Phone 1 *
k)Phone 2 * (Fax)
n)Discipline * (Type of Program)
o)Meal Preference
p)SART Member for how many years
q)Working with Sexual Assault for how many years
r)List of previously attended Conferences
* Data already held in existing user record
# Optional data needed to upgrade the user profile system to conform to current anti-SPAM rules.
5.1.1Account Confirmed - This page just confirms to the member that the account is confirmed and offers a link to the log in page. Although the member will be allowed to continue and use the site as if legitimately logged in, not routine e-mails will be sent and the member will not be allowed to log in again, once logged out, until the confirmation has been done.
5.2Forgot Password – This page offers the user two methods for remembering the password. If the user can correctly answer the security question that was set when the account was set up, then the password hint will be displayed. If no hint was provided or the hint still provides no insight to the password, the user must click on a “Send e-mail” button that will send an e-mail that will disclose the password. The e-mail will also contain a link to the log in page.
5.3Account Welcome Page – welcomes the user with his/her full name so as to verify the account. The page then contains links for “update account information”, “change password”, “view conference registration status” and “Register for Conference”.
5.3.1Update Account Information – show current account information (name, address, email, meal preference, etc.) with the ability to change the information and click “save”. - Confirm that the account info has been successfully saved.
5.3.2Change Password – Require the user to enter in their old password and a new password twice. - Password will be changed in the database and the screen will show a confirmation that the change was successful.
5.3.3View Current Registration Status – Shows if this user is currently registered for the upcoming conference, and also show if they have been registered for any conferences in the past. Next to each upcoming conference listed, buttons for “change” and “un-register” will appear. registration– the user will be informed of the penalties that will apply depending on the deadlines. Cancellation–if the deadline for cancellation has passed then the user is warned that there will be no refund and the cancellation must be confirmed by clicking a “Cancel” button. Partial Refund – if the deadline for cancellation has not passed then the user is warned that the refund will not be in full and told that s/he will be contacted by telephone to execute the refund. An e-mail with the details of the cancellation will be sent to the Administrator to follow up on this. Delegate– This will not be allowed if the deadline for changes in the registration has passed. The registrant may substitute the name of an associate to attend the conference instead.– after changing delegate, a confirmation page will be displayed if it was successful.
6. Registration– The user must be logged in to register. Log-in will be forced if the user attempts to register prior to logging in.(Note: if the existing login system is used, then the additional personal data required for a conference attendee would be entered here.)
6.1Select Conference Options–(This could just be a variations of [3]). The conference agenda is displayed as a list of sessions with date and times. All sessions will have a button against them that links to a page displaying the full description of the session, where the specific selections for any breakout sessions must be made (3.1 - see 3.1, 3.1.1 and 4.1 for descriptions of this process). For a breakout sessions, if the specific session for that breakout has already been selected, then the selection will be displayed in the list, otherwise it will display as “not selected yet”. The user will not be allowed to the next step (Payment) until all breakout sessions have been selected.
6.2Select Payment Type - User chooses credit card (includes debit card), check or phone payment.
6.2.1Credit Card– User enters in their payment information.Upon clicking “submit,” the details will be checked for accuracy and an error displayed if there are any problems. information. Display information on the page for the user to double-check before submitting. Otherwise, the payment process with the merchant account will go through, and an email will be sent to the user confirming their registration Complete page. Notify the registrant of the email and link back to home.
6.2.2Pay by Check – This page will give instructions for mailing a check to SARS. There will be a link to print a page to include with the check ( If no printer is available, instructions are given to write their username (e-mail address) and any other relevant information on a note card to send with the check.
6.2.3Pay by Phone – Instructions are given to call a SART administrator to sign up over the phone. The username (e-mail address)will allow the SART administratorto call up any registration data the user has already entered, so, in most cases, the registration process will just need to be completed with the payment details.
7. Administration Log in– a completely new login procedure will be used.
7.1Administration Home– this page will containlinks to sub-pages in this section.
7.2Personal Information – this is the same as 5.1 with the addition of an administration security level. (It may be possible to use the existing admin security system.)
7.3Members – show a search box and a “view all” button. Results will show a table of website members. Each record will have a button for “edit”, “delete”, “register” and “assign sessions”.
7.3.1Register for Conference –This is identical to the pages that the attendee would use to register him/herself (Section 6).
7.3.2Edit/Add/Delete Registrant Information – Series of pages that will allow the administrator to edit information, add a new record, or delete a record.(Note: the existing administration system may already handle this.)
7.4Conference – Displays and allows editing of the Brief and Detailed Description of the Conference.
7.4.1Conference Logistics–Allows the entry and updating of basic data such as costs, dates and Venue etc and the has links to the six sub-pages below. Accommodation Information – A description of the partnering hotel and details of the room discounts and terms, with a link to the Hotel web site, if applicable. Accommodation Information – Instructions for those requiring ADA accommodation Discount Information – A description of the special air fare discounts available with a link to the airline’s web site, if applicable. Rental Discount Information – A description of the special car rental discounts available with a link to the rental company’s web site, if applicable. City Information– A description of the City and its major sightseeing places with links to local tourist/activities web sites.
7.4.2Conference Agenda– Allows display and editing of the Conference Agenda. There are three types entries in the agenda: (i) inactive/free/break, where there is no requirement for further information; (ii) General Session where all participants attend the same session in the main hall; (iii) Breakout Session where participants choose from a list of optional sessions that will take place in breakout rooms. Agenda Item–If the agenda item is a General Session then page will be used to enter the information. For a breakout section, the description of the topic area can be entered or changed and a List of the Breakout Optional Sessions is displayed. The Breakout Optional Sessions can be added, changed or deleted using page
7.5Speakers– Show a list of all speakers with options to add, change or delete in conjunction with Page 7.5.1.
7.5.1Add/Change/Delete Speaker Information –Information includes the speaker’s name, title, qualifications, organization and a brief and detailed biography.
8. Reports – this page will list the different reports that can be shown.
8.1Create Welcome Packets– select checkboxes to determine which welcome packet items to print and which participants to print them for.
8.1.1Print Preview. Packets will be displayed in a browser, where the user can simply print the content of the browser window to create the packets.
8.2Create Speaker Packets – select checkboxes to determine which items to include in the packet and which speakers to print them for.
8.2.1Print Preview.Packets will be displayed in a browser, where the user can simply print the content of the browser window to create the packets.
8.3Create Address Labels – select which members or speakers to print labels for and then print the labels.
8.3.1Print Preview.Packets will be displayed in a browser, where the user can simply print the content of the browser window to create the packets.
8.4Print Conference Statistics.View total number registered and maximum capacity for each breakout – for informational purposes only.