MAY 2011
I Baguma Abel declare that this research report is my original work and has never been submitted to any University or institute award of a degree
Signed……………………………...... Date ……………………………..
This is to satisfy that Baguma Abel carried out a study on level of supervision and building structures under UPE in Lwabyata sub-county Nakasongola District.
Signed ………………………………………Date …………………………
This research work has been dedicated to my wife Nakalanzi Irene, my children Baguma Gavin and Bayes Clare
My appreciation goes to the almighty God who has enabled me to reach were I am.
Special thanks go to my supervisor Mr. Mbidde Henry for his tireless effort towards this work.
In the same way, I thank my Grands Nanyonga Eunike Gatti and Nanyimba Kyewalabye plus my wife Nakalanzi Irene for their moral support and carriage towards my education.
I extend my thank to my friends Bukenya Wilson, Walusimbi Samuel, Ssempijja Wilberforce, and Okungu Wilberforce for their encouragement through over the course
Lastly I thank my respondents at different levels who made it possible for me to get primary data
1.1.Back Ground of the Study:
1.2.Statement of the Problem
1.3.Purpose of the Study
1.4.Objectives of the Study
1.5Research Questions
1.6 Scope of the Study
1.5.Significance of the Study
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Definition of supervision
2.3 Other factors that influence building structures
2.3.1 Total quality control
2.3.2 Contract
2.4 Relationship between supervision and building structures
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Research design
3.3. Sampling design and procedure
3.4. Study population
3.5. Sample size
3.6. Sources of data
3.1. Methods and instruments of data collection
3.2. Data processing and analysis
3.7. Data analysis
3.8. Anticipated limitations
4.0 Introduction
4.1 Demographics
4.1.1 Gender
4.1.2 Finding on age
4.1.3 Marital status
4.1.4 Education Levels
4.1.5 UPE existence
4.2 Whether Supervision is carried Out During Construction works
4.2.2 Whether Supervision is carried Out as Required
4.3.3 Measurements Put in Place to Reduce some of those Elements
Table 4.3.3 Findings on Measures to Reduce the Above Factors in 4.3.2
4.4.1 Relationship Between Supervision and Building Structures Under UPE
4.4.2 The State of the Relationship
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary of the Findings
5.2.1 How Supervision is Done or Carried Out
5.2.3 Relationship Between Supervision and Building Structures Under UPE
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendations
5.5 Areas for Further Study
Table 1showing the number of respondents……………………………………………15
Table 4.1.1 Findings on gender…………………………………………………………17
Table 4.1.2 Presentation of findings on age…………………………………………….18
Table 4.1.3 Presentation of findings on marital status…………………………………..18
Table 4.1.4 Findings on levels of education. ……………………………………………19
Table 4.1.5 Findings on UPE Existence…………………………………………………20
Table 4.2.1 findings on whether supervision is carried on during construction…………20
Table 4.2.2 whether supervision is carried out properly…………………………………21
Table 4.2.4 Finding on District Concern………………………………………………...23
Table 4.2.5 Findings on the Constraints Hindering Supervision………………………..23
Table 4.3.1 Findings on Other Factors…………………………………………………..24
Table 4.3.3 Findings on Measures to Reduce the Above Factors in 4.3.2………………25
Table 4.4.1 Relationship between Supervision and Building Structures under UPE……26
Table 4.4.2 Findings on the State of the Relationship…………………………………..27
Table 4.4.3 the Strength of the Relationship…………………………………………….27
UPEUniversal Primary Education.
The study was carried out in Lwabyata sub-county, Nakasongola district. There has been complaints of collapsing building structures built under UPE from the community and this was attributed to quality of supervision among other factors.
The researcher used explanatory, cross-sectional, and correlation research design. He also applied stratified and simple random sampling to select the sample size that was used. The population size was 82 people which gave a sample of 64 respondents. The research instrument used to collect data was questionnaire, and then data was analyzed using tables, percentages and frequencies
The finding indicates that; Supervision is done by only district officials because what so ever the community rises as a fault or problem seen on the building it is not taken as a serious issue.
In light of the above discussions, it is seen that Nakasongola district has a lot to do to improve its supervisory services among which the researcher suggested the following; all stake holders be trained in supervisory skills, standards to be set up by the government on materials to be used in public construction, tight fines and penalties to be given to whoever caught in corrupting, supervision must mostly be carried from grassroots. School management committees should directly be given funds to construct them selves, Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Act be followed strictly among others. Therefore, basing on the above results, the researcher concludes that, the quality of building structures under UPE to a greater extent is affected by the level of supervision
1.1.Back Ground of the Study:
Supervision is the activity carried out by the people given the task to supervise (supervisors) to oversee the productivity and progress of any work assigned to any person (Carter MC Namara, 1987)
According to Buch (1968), supervision is a positive democratic action aimed at improving school facilities, thus supervision should therefore be a cooperative effort and a shared responsibility. In order to make the concept of supervision democratic, it demands contrast efforts on part of the supervising officer.
Building structures have been seen as facilities put with an aim under UPE as Okum(1999) puts it “quality and quantity of building structures should be emphasized to have better academic excellent.
Education is crucial investment for the exploitation of all aspect of modern technology for economic, political, and social development. The uneducated are increasingly becoming unproductive and an economic national liability. Education, thus, the main goal of UPE first mastered in 1989 in Uganda and it has to provide the minimum necessary facilities like building structures to enable Ugandan children of primary school going age (6-12) to enter and remain in schools and complete the primary cycle (MOES,2000:1-2)
Following the launching of UPE, primary schools enrollment rose from 2.9 million in 1996/97 to 6 million pupils in 1999/2000. The enrollment in 2003 was estimated to be 7million pupils and the number of schools raised to a total of 10,597 (MOES, 2001:5)
With the continuous increase in the number of pupils, governments in collaboration with donors have decided to increase the number of building structures to accommodate the increasing number of pupils. However, there are complaints among the community that the funds invested to increase the number of building structures has been wasted and it will still be wasted because so far buildings constructed are collapsing day and night and the remaining are of poor quality amidst huge funds allocated.
On this ground, this has prompted the researcher to come up and try to find out whether the root cause is the level of supervision as his starting point to have other factors brought on board.
Statement of the Problem
In the last fourteen years, government has tried to boost UPE by increasing the number of building structures like; class rooms, stuff quarters, latrines, and water tanks through increasing spending to accommodate the ever increasing enrollment.
In the effect, there is rise of complaints about poor and collapsing building structures like; among others, Nakayonza primary school, Namika primary school all in Lwabyata sub county, Nambejju primary school, Mukonzi primary school, Nabiswera primary school, Lwampanga primary school all in Nakasongola district where different building structures collapsed before even lasting for four years.s
Given such a situation amidst, the supervision at different levels like; school management committees, district engineers, inspectors of schools, chief administrative officers and even people from the ministry, complaints are still arises.
Probably the cause might be the quality of supervision, and if the problem continues, there may be; increase government spending, accidents caused by collapsing structures, and consequently reduction in academic performance.
1.2.Purpose of the Study
To establish whether quality of supervision has an effect on building structures.
1.3.Objectives of the Study
- To establish whether supervision is properly carried out during construction of building structures.
- To establish other factors that affects the quality of building structures.
- To find the relationship between supervision and building structures.
1.5 Research Questions
- What is the relationship between supervision and the quality of building structures?
- Is supervision carried out during the construction of building structures?
- What are other factors that affect the quality of building structures?
1.6 Scope of the Study
The study will be conducted in Nakasongola district in two (2) selected schools from nine (9) sub counties. This will this will involve school management committees, few members from the committees, few members from the community where these schools are located, head teachers from selected schools, district inspectors, district engineers, and the head of contracts committee of the district.
1.4.Significance of the Study
- The study will help to tell whether supervision is carried out or not,
- It will help to tell whether there is a relationship between supervision and quality of building structures,
- It will help the donors to assess whether funds given meet their intended purpose,
- The study will also help future researchers to build on and collect information in order to find out more about the problem
- It will help the researcher to get a degree since it is part of the requirements for the award of B.Com degree at MakerereUniversity
2.1 Introduction
This chapter presents a review of literature about the level of supervision and quality of building structures. It has views of different authors on the subject as well as the researcher’s own intrigue of the available literature.
A construction project is a very interesting and exciting undertaking, but it is also a complex and a costly process. It involves the transformation of used, of an idea, into a new physical structure.
2.2 Definition of supervision
According to Okumbe (1998), Supervision is defined as that division or phase of educational administration which is concerned with improving work performance.
Kadushin’s model points out some functions of supervision. For example; Hawkins and Shohet (1999) listed out some of the function has been:
To receive both comment and process feedback
To receive information and another perspective concerning one’s work
To ensure that as a person and as a worker one is not left to carry unnecessarily difficulties, problems and projections alone.
To plan and utilize their personnel and professional resources better
To be proactive rather than reactive.
To ensure quality work.
According to Peter F Drucker (1987), there are 10 keys to effective supervision;
Support growth, provide support for employees’ development
Unit your team, building a culture of care and concern by maintaining: open door policy, regular one-on-one supervisory meetings
Praise others
Expect excellence
Require accountability
Value what you believe
Instill independence
Share continuously
Optimize ownership
Re -align your efforts
Ideally proper leaving for pupils should take place in classrooms. Webster (1993) defines a classroom as a room in which lesions are being taught. UPE brought about a surge in enrollment accompanied by increased need for classrooms and other school structures. This concern was also noted by the World Bank education specialist Mr. Paul Murphy when he said “the quality of education under UPE is unsatisfactory and inadequate due to lack of school structures which greatly affect the standard of education.
According to Lester R.Bittel and John W.Newstrom (1990), a person to become a supervisor must e along serving employee, with greater experience, have held different jobs in the department or organization have greater knowledge than the ones they supervise. Usually, it is apparent that supervisors are from among the best and most experienced employees or persons from the community.
Supervisors or inspectors above all, dedicate themselves to the goals, plans, policies and qualities of services required. Team work is essential in the supervisory ranks. There is a great deal of departmental interdependence, the goals and activities of one department must harmonize with those of others
Poor supervision is defined as the worst factor affectinglabourproductivity. The other factors may include; lack of skills, lack of tools/equipments, poor building methods, poor communication, inaccurate drawings and hash weather conditions. Lack of materials followed by rework ranked highest with regard to average rating on loss of time. This is an agreement with what was found out in previous research (Kaming et al…. 1997, lomolaiye et al. (1987). Lack of skills and inadequate supervision are regarded as having the greatest effect on the quality of building.
Hawkins and Sholet (1989), spells out importance of effective supervision as being;
Help to ensure quality work
Helps to use personal and professional resources
Helps to develop understanding and skilled personnel to work
Helps in information feed back
Jobsite supervision is a service that varies greatly among custom home builders. The three main services that a custom home builder provides are jobsite supervision, job administration, and cost analysis. Of the three, supervision has the great impact on the quality and timeliness of construction of your building structure. The main factors that distinguish superintendents are their qualifications, experience and the amount of time they are able to spend supervising the construction. (Groninger
The levels of supervision of professional and technical staff need to be improved. The construction phase of supervision work of building structures, construction stage supervision, we should point at different stage of supervision, construction quality control of the content, quality inspection procedures and requirements, they effectively enhance the quality of building structures.
2.3 Other factors that influence building structures
2.3.1 Total quality control
Quality control in construction typically involves insuring compliance with minimum standards of material and workmanship in order to insure the performance of the facility according to design. The minimum standards are normally contained in the specifications. For the purpose of ensuring compliance, random samples and statistical methods are used. Materials obtained suppliers or work performed by the organizations inspected and passed as acceptable if the estimated defective percentage is with in the acceptance quality level.
Local authority building company in United Kingdom (1991), Building is generally developer’s most valuable financial investment and one of the most important emotional investments. To them it is more than bricks and mortars. Unfortunately, hundreds of thousands of buildings suffer from some type of construction defect that will cost million of shillings to repair and depreciate the value of their buildings.
Building industry has a variety of participants which include the employer (government), they are the employer under the building contract and they are ultimate owners of the buildings. Contractors or contractor is the person or company which deals in building contraction. The major role is to check contract documents, appoint staff and project workforce, prepare construction and purchasing building materials, prepare site lay out keep daily work records and collaborate on inspections’ prior to final completion.
Public Health Act, (1969). The power under section 72 of the public health Act, to make rules relating top construction of buildings shall include the power all or any of the following;
a)matters as regards building;
The construction of buildings and materials to be used in the construction of buildings,
The space about buildings, the quality, and ventilation
The height of buildings
b)The responsibility of the building inspection is carried out by the building inspectors who should begin from;
Cmm3encement of work,
Foundation concrete,
Damp proof course,
Over site consolidation and concrete,
Surface soil drainage
The full completion of the structure.
2.3.2 Contract
It is important to explain such term as contract. A contract involves an offer and an acceptance, with consideration enforceable at law. It is independent of any contractual liability and its remedy is the recovery of damage (Abbett, 1963).
There are no standard conditions to reflect the specific conditions in Uganda. A variety of conditions of contracts originating from different sources are in use in Uganda and most of them are in unisectoral in nature (Tute Sigensi and Kiggundu, 1997). One factor is that the contracts are not drafted to include all foreseeable situations and the result is that a lot of claims and disputes arise which receive little or no attention and some time go unsettled.
According to Tindiwensi.D. (1997), preparation and settlement of claims take a lot of time. In this regard, sufficient time should be allocated and competent contractors must be selected. The liability of parties must be clearly spelt out. Critical issues to be addressed include; has the contract catered for verification in price due to economic factors (fluctuations)?, is it measurement contract or a firm fixed contract?,. If the right documentation is not used, claims and disputes are inevitable. In such cases, what mechanisms are in place for delay in valuations and payments? Allowance for claims and prompt settlement of claims are methods of keeping the contract in steady state.
Building structures are made up of series of regular shapes that have a particular function for load carrying among which are a tie which prevents two parts of the structure from moving apart to develop cracks. A structure prevents part of the structure moving towards each other when there is compression force. There is also a beam one of the most important structural members that is frequently supported and carries traverse loading. A beam column as the name implies, combines all other separate parts of the structure, of all the above parts of structure including the slab they need to be observed with great supervision (P.P Benham and R.J. Crawford, 1987)