1)Receive paperwork from Stacey (see attached)
a)Check-in sheet
b)On-site registration form
i)Make a few copies of on-site registration form
2)Exchange contact and cell phone information with speaker in case of emergency
3)Get to seminar location 1-1 ½ hour before start time
4)Set up sign-in area
5)Check each person as they enter on the check-in sheet. Attendees should make sure their correct email is listed.
6)If they are not on the list,they MUST fill out an on-site registration form (make sure handwriting is legible).Add them to the bottom of the registered attendee list. Sandi will follow-up to obtain payment. If they have a check, accept and mail to us.
7)Assist the speaker with any needs
8)Start the presentation and if there is not an “opener” who is there to talk about the section happenings and open the presentations, do the following:
a)Announce it is time to start
b)Thank attendees for coming
c)Announce location of restrooms
d)Ask that they turn cell phones off or on vibrate
e)Announce any upcoming seminars at this location
f)Announce any upcoming AWWA events or happenings that you know of
g)Ask for any training topic ideas to be e-mailed to
h)Inform that they must check out with you if they leave early
i)Remind attendees that the number of credit hours they receive is equal to the length that the speaker runs his or her presentation. If class runs shorter than expected, can have Q&A to extend the class
j)Attendeeswill receive an email from ISAWWA no more than 1 week after the event. This email will let them know that their training credit hours have been posted to their ISAWWA record. The email will also include a link to a short survey – please encourage attendees to fill out this survey as it helps ISAWWA continue to improve our training program. Questions? Contact Sandi, 866-521-3595x3 or
k)Introduce speaker
9)Note anyone who left early or arrived late with times on the NOTES column on the check-in sheet. Please make sure to indicate appropriate hours the attendee should receive in the HOUR column.
10)During Q&A, if no participants initiate questions, please ask a question to help encourage others to engage. The training should go the full time as noted in the promotion of the event so attendees will receive FULL hours.
11)Sign everyone out by filling in their hours on the check-in sheet.
12)Please email () fax (888-202-9935) or mail to: ISAWWA, 545 S. Randall Rd, St. Charles, IL 60174, the check-in sheet and receipts for food after the event. Hard copies are not necessary.