
A part of a page, (e.g. image, graphic or text) which may need to be printed on various pages in a VDP print run. (Also known as Element or Page Element)

Systatiko meros

Meros selidas pou mporei na xreiastei na typo8ei se arketes selides se VDP ektyposi.

Component Caching

A method of improving VDP production efficiency by avoiding redundant re-RIPping of reusable elements. Without Component Caching, the element (this “page component”) must be re-RIPped every time it appears. But if a system does offer Component Caching, the component is RIPped only once, and the resulting press-ready bitmap is saved in the system, so it can be imaged anytime during the print run.


Chromalin: A color proofing system, usually the final color proof before going on the press.

Chromalin: Systima xromatikou dokimiou, syni8os to teliko dokimio prin tin ektyposi

CMYK: Abbreviation for the four process color inks: cyan, magenta, yellow and black. Also known as four-color process color.

CMYK: Systima tetraxromias, ta arxitika ton tessaron xromaton cyan, magenta, yellow k black.

Contrast: The degree of difference between light and dark areas in an image.

Anti8esi: o va8mos diaforas metaksy foteinon k skoteinon perioxon se mia eikona.

'Computer to plate' The process of producing printer's plates directly from the computer with no films involved.


Apton ypologisti stin ektypontki plaka, i diadikasia amesis dimiourgias ektypotikon plakon apton ypologisti xoris mesolavisi film.
Hue of a subtractive primary and a 4-Colour process ink. It reflects or transmits blue and green light and absorbs red light.

Kyano: xroma tetraxromias CMYK

Color Bars

A color test strip that is printed on the waste portion of a press sheet. It helps a press operator to monitor and control the quality of the printed material relative to ink density, registration and dot gain. It can also include a Star Target, which is designed to detect inking and press problems.

Xromatikes skales

Xromatiki tainia elegxou pou typonetai stis axristes/kenes perioxes ton fyllon pros ektyposi, voi8ontas ston elegxo tis poitotitas tou ektypomenou ylikou sxetika me ti pyknotita, systasi k *kerdos koukkidas

Color Correction

Using a computer to adjust, change or manipulate a color image, such as retouching, adjusting color balance, color saturation, contrast, etc.

Xromatiki dior8osi

Dior8osi mias egxromis eikonas opos to montaz, i xromatiki isorropia, i anti8esi, ktl.

Color balance - the correct combination of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black to reproduce a photographic image without introducing color cast.

Xromatiki isorropia

O sostos syndyasmos ton CMYK

Clip art / Graphic images, designs, and artwork in digital form that can be used in a digital document.
Eikones grafikon, sxedia k kallitexni9ki douleia se psifiaki morfi pou mporoun na xrisimopoii8oun se psifiako arxeio
Kolofonio / A printers' or publishers' identifying symbol or emblem.
To symvolo i emvlima ektypoti i ekdoti

CAD/CAM. Computer-Aided Design, a type of computer software application used for engineering drawings, which often requires a special printer language emulating a pen plotter.

Efarmogi logismikou pou xrisimopoieitai sti sxediasi mixanikon sxedion, pou syxna apaitei eidiki ektypotiki glossa pou eksomoionei plotter stylou*
collator. In some printers, for example, the IBM InfoColor 70, a special-purpose hard drive disk array used to store RIPped files and later transfer them to the LED print heads for imaging.


Se ektypotes opos o InfoColor70 tis IBM, einai eidikou skopou parataksi sklirou diskou pou xrisimopoieitai gia ti fylaksi RIParismenon arxeion k ti metagenesteri metafora tous stis LED ektypotikes kefales gia epeksergasia eikonas.

Chain Dot

(1)  Alternate term for elliptical dot, so called because midtone dots touch at two points, so look like links in a chain. (2) Generic term for any midtone dots whose corners touch.

Koukkida alysidas

1.  Elleiptiki koukkida 2. Genikos oros gia imitonikes koukkides ton opoion oi akres aggizoun metaksy tous.

Color Sequence

Order in which inks are printed. Also called laydown sequence and rotation.

Xromatiki synexeia

Seira ektyposis xromaton

Color Shift

Change in image color resulting from changes in register, ink densities or dot gain during four-color process printing.

Xromatiki metatopisi

Allagi sto xromatiko apotelesma eikonas apo allages se pyknotites melaniou i kerdos koukkidas* katat ti diarkeia ektyposis tetraxromias.


To dry inks, varnishes or other coatings after printing to ensure good adhesion and prevent setoff.


To stegnoma melanion, vernikion k allon epixrismaton meta tin ektyposi


The "Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage". An organization that has established a number of widely-used color definitions.

Die8nis Epitropi Foteinotitas

Organismos pou ka8ierose ari8mo eureos xrisimopoioumenon xromatikon orismon.


Color management system. This ensures color uniformity across input and output devices so that final printed results match originals.


Systima Diaxeirisis Xromaton. Eksasfalizei tin omoiomorfia xromatos diamesou ton syskeuon eisodou k eksodou oste ta telika ektypotika apotelesmata na tairiazoun meta prototypa.

Contact Print - Photographic print made by exposing a negative in direct uniform contact with paper.

Ektyposi epafis: Fotografiki ektyposi pou ginetai me ek8esi arnitikou se amesi omoiomorfi epafi meto xarti.

Corona Treatment Level - The electric charge on the coating that allows writing on it.



As used in continuous forms printer action messages, instructs the printer operator to remove and discard a used component and then install a new one.


Se synexous morfis ektypotes* Ka8odigei ton xristi ektypoti na afairesei k na petaksei ena xrisimopoiimeno systatiko meros k meta na egkatastisei ena kainourio.


As used in continuous forms printer action messages, instructs the printer operator to remove crumpled forms, paper scraps, and other debris from the printer.


Se synexous morfis ektypotes* Ka8odigei to xristi ektypoti na afairesei tsalakomenes formes, apokommata xartion, k alla skoupidia apo ton ektypoti.


The procedure used to customize the continuous forms printer to a specific operating and communication environment.


H diadikasia prosarmogis ton synexon morfon ektyposis se sygkekrimeno leitourgiko k epikoinoniako perivallon.

The act of setting or adjusting the color settings of one device relative to another, such as a monitor to a printer. Or, it may be the process of adjusting the color of one device to some established standard.


H ana8esi k dieu8etisi ton xromatikon ry8miseon se mia syskeui pou syggeneuei me mia alli, opos i o8oni se sxesi me enan ektypoti. Episis, mporei na einai i diadikasia prosarmogis tou xromatos se mia syskeui se kapoio idry8en kritirio.
Collage involves the creation of artworks that include elements that have previous existence as separate items. Digital collages may be defined as digitally created artworks that involve the bringing together of separate images (which may or may not have existed in non-digital form and which may or may not have been created or altered by the artist) and digitally "pasting" them in place in order to create a new work. Digital collages may also contain digital drawing, digital painting, or other digital media.

To kollaz emplekei ti dimiourgia kallitexnikon ergasion pou emperiexoun stoixeia pou proypirxan os ksexorista antikeimena. Ta psifiaka kollaz mporoun na xaraktiristoun os kallitexnikes ergasies pou perilamvanoun tin enosi ksexoriston eikonon (oi opoies mporei namin ypirksan protytera se mi psifiaki morfi k episis na exoun dimiourgi8ei i dior8o8ei apo ton kallitexni) kai tis “kollane” psifiaka se tetoia 8esi oste na dimiourgisoun mia nea ergasia. Ta psifiaka kollaz mporoun episis na periexoun psifiako sxedio, psifiaki zografiki i alla psifiaka mesa.

color management (color management system)
An advanced technology that uses profiles of the input and output devices to maximize color accuracy and consistency. Targets that include over 3000 colors are printed and measured with a colorimeter to create profiles for the various ink/media combinations. A combination of software and or hardware devices used to produce accurate color results throughout a digital-imaging system.

Diaxeirisi xromatos

Mia ekseligmeni texnologia pou xrisimopoiei ta profil ton syskeuon eksodou k eisodou oste na megistopoii8ei i akriveia k armonia xromatos. Stoxoi pou periexoun perissotera apo 3000 xromata ektyponontai k metrountai me xromometro oste na dimiourgi8oun profil gia diaforous syndyasmous xromaton/meson. Enas syndyasmos logismikou k fysikon eksartimaton syskeuon pou xrisimopoieitai stin paragogi akrivon apotelesmaton diamesou psifiakou systimatos eikonopoiisis.

continuous ink system (CIS)
Ink system incorporating large, bulk containers of ink, designed to enable continuous operation for much longer periods of time (than possible with original ink cartridges). Also referred to as "continuous flow system" (CFS).

Synexes systima melaniou

Systima melaniou pou ensomatonei megalous κλωβούς metaforas melaniou, sxediasmeno na epitrepei synexi efarmogi gia poly megalyteres xronikes periodous aposo epitrepoun oi klassikes kefales melaniou. Episis, anaferetai k os Synexes Systima Rois.

CEPS (Color Electronic Prepress)
A high-end digital publishing system specifically designed for color correction and image assembly.

Xromatiki Ilektroniki Proektyposi

Ypsilis poiotitas systima psifiakis ektyposis eidika sxediasmeno gia xromatiki dior8osi k synarmologisi eikonon.


Chooser Level
A process on Macintosh computers for users to easily direct data to a specific output device, such as a film recorder or printer.

The portions of a signal that are dedicated to describing the hue and saturation. Used in measuring the difference between two colors of equal brightness.

CIELUV (or CIE L*u*v*, CIE Luv)
Color space in which values L*, u*, and v* are plotted at right angles to one another to form a three-dimensional coordinate system. Equal distances in the space approximately represent equal color differences.

The process of producing an exact copy of existing digital-image data, either to another image file or copying an area of an image within the same file.

CMC (Color Measurement Committee)
Of the Society of Dyes and Colourists in Great Britain. Developed a more logical, ellipse-based equation for computing DE values as an alternative to the rectangular coordinates of the CIE LAB color space.

Coated Paper Stock
A printing paper having a transparent, smooth layer added to one or both sides that changes the look of the final printing. Coatings are normally defined as hard glossy, semi-glossy or matte surfaces.

Color Profile
Also called device profile. This term refers to the relationship between the color models of the system devices.

Color Proof
A color sample that attempts to represent the final printed image that will result when a piece is offset printed. Color proofs can be generated from film separations prior to using the separations to make printing plates. Common types are Cromalin, MatchPrint, ink jet, dye sublimation, laser copies, or photographic film or paper.

Color Saturation
Color Strength. A measure of color purity, or dilution by a neutral.

Color Wheel
The visible spectrum’s continuum of colors arranged into a circle, where complementary colors such as red and cyan are located directly across from each other.

An abbreviation for composite or comprehensive. A layout that is produced during the design process providing a preview of the finished print job.

The process of translating source code into object code. To convert code into machine language and match software to the central processing unit.

Computer Aided Design (CAD) or Graphics (CAG)
System used to generate and reproduce full-color designs, artwork, photographs, etc., through use of a computer, plotter, printer, keyboard, etc.

Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
Generally describes any programmable, computerized, motor-driven system of components that functions in a manufacturing capacity.

A highly reflective film, rendered in bright safety colors to enhance appearace under highway conditions.

In computer imaging, to change a CMYK file to RGB, Photo YCC, or vice versa, or to convert one file format to another.

The flat glass plate on which originals are placed for scanning.

Correlated Noise
A recognizable pattern of change in an image file. The change is an increase or a decrease in the brightness of the pixels compared to what they should be.

Adobe's software-based Configurable PostScript Level 2 Interpreter that performs the interpretation and rasterization function typically done by hardware-based RIPs.

A "spider-web" cracking of paints or plastic, caused by weathering, cleaning with strong solvents, or the use of improper paints.

CT Merge
The process of combining two continuous tone image tiles to create a seamless blending of the two images.

Cutting Plotter
A vector-driven device (similar to CAS plotters) for cutting sign-making substrates. Recent designs include digital-print (inkjet) systems combined with cutting-plotter systems. (See also, Plotter and Printer/cutter.)

Character Identifiers (CID)
A new type of font that has a simplified internal structure and a compact file size, resulting in improved performance for large character sets such as Chinese, Cyrillic, Japanese, and Korean.

Computer-to-Plate (CTP)
A technology that allows for the delivery of digital data directly to a plate for printing. CTP efficiency eliminates conventional films and stripping to significantly reduce prepress materials and costs, and allow for significant productivity benefits over other commercial printing solutions.