Content Map: Unit 6 – “Ups and Downs” – Roaring 20sContent Area: Social StudiesGrade: 5th

Key Learning(s): Students will learn that the movement and migration of people impacted the expanding United States.

Unit Essential Question(s): How was the United States involvement important to World War I?


Beliefs and Ideals / Conflict and Change / Individuals, Groups, and Institutions / Location

Lesson Essential Questions:

Why were women given the right to vote?
People saw women as an important part of society and culture.
Women needed equal rights. / Why is the period from 1918 to 1929 called the “Jazz Age”?
It was a time of revival for African-Americans and the arts, literature, and music / How did individuals such as Louis Armstrong, Langston Hughes, Babe Ruth, Duke Ellington, Margaret Mitchell, and Jesse Owens influence American culture?
(See vocabulary below) / How does a business choose the best location to build its factories or shops?
Determined by location, government, transportation, and resources
What impact did baseball and baseball stars like Babe Ruth have on American society?
The public honored athletes and saw them as heroes / How did the Jazz Age change America?
It was a revival for African- American arts / How did individuals such as Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh change the face of American transportation?
Made it so people could live farther away from their job.
Made automobiles so everyone could have one.
Made it easier for fresh fruits to reach the market before spoiling. / Why is choosing a good location important in distributing goods and services among the United States and other countries?
So companies can easily get the resources they need to create the products they distribute.
How did the ideas of the artists, musicians, and writers of the Harlem Renaissance impact the rest of American society?
Created a rebirth in literature, arts, and music throughout the nation including the South. / What is the stock market?
A market where stocks and bonds are traded (bought or sold). / How did the greater availability of the automobile and airplane transportation affect American society?
People could get to work easier. They could live further away from their job. They could trade easier. / How did these technological advancements change the lives of Americans?
Information traveled faster. Radio provided free entertainment and a way to advertise products. Travel was easier. Trade was better.
How did ideas from Harlem, New York spread to other parts of the United States?
Jazz Era in the South / What new technologies were created during the 1920s and 1930s?
Assembly line made production easier. Better flights. Cheaper automobiles. / How did technological advancements change American business?
Assembly line made production easier and products cheaper. Making one product made product cheaper.


  • Louis Armstrong(the Jazz Age) __Trumpet player during the Jazz Age______
  • Charles Lindgergh (the airplane) __American pilot who flew solo across the Atlantic Ocean______
  • Jessie Owens __Track and field Olympic Gold medalist______
  • Herbert Hoover ______
  • Langston Hughes(the Harlem Renaissance) __Joined literary movement in Harlem; moved from the South_
  • Franklin Roosevelt (New Deal) ______
  • Babe Ruth (Baseball) __Famous baseball player during the Roaring 20s______
  • Duke Ellington __Composer and pianist during the Jazz Age______
  • Henry Ford (the automobile)___Made the assembly line so that creating a product can be faster and cheaper for the consumer______
  • Margaret Mitchell A southern author who wrote “Gone With the Wind” about the South during the Civil War______


  • Jazz Age time period during the 1920s. Arts and music spread from the North to the South______
  • Boom a great growth in people______
  • Harlem Renaissance A time of revival for African-Americans in the arts, literature, and music______
  • assembly line a process in which each person specializes in a job to produce a product more quickly____
  • agriculture crops______
  • industrial factories______
  • population the amount of people______
  • transportation the way to move from place to place______
  • spatial patterns Spatial patterns are everywhere. They include naturally occurring patterns, such as the concentration of plant life in a certain area as well as man-made patterns,,such as those found in towns and cities.
  • Technological Advances ______

(Economic Concepts)

  • trade _trade is the voluntary exchange of goods, services, or both.
  • opportunitycoststhe value of the next best choice that one gives up when making a decision...
  • specializationthe production of one or just a few goods and services
  • divisionof laborthe specialization of cooperating individuals who perform specific tasks and roles.
  • voluntaryexchangethe act of buyers and sellers freely and willingly engaging in market transactions.
  • productivityis the quantity of output produced by one unit of production
  • priceincentivesthey reward you with money or some sort of financial gain such as a betterprice, a free item, or an upgraded item.
  • resourcesis a source or supply from which benefit is produced.
  • influencehave an influence on
  • Stock Marketa market is the aggregation of buyers and sellers (a loose network of economic transactions, not a physical facility
  • UnemployedTo be without work or job
  • Incentiveathing that motivates or encourages one to do something.
  • Social Securityany government system that provides monetary assistance to people with an inadequate or no income.