The Bowmanstown Borough Council meeting was called to order by President Kara Scott at 7:00 PM, members present were Vice-PresidentPam Leiby,John Domant, Rob Moyer, Darren Thomas, Norman Engle, Jr, Burdell Steigerwalt, Mayor William Ravert, Secretary Tracy Burbage, Solicitor James Preston, and EngineersJessica Rehrig & Jacqueline Peleschak.


Ben Stemrich – TV13 and Kelley Andrade – Times News

Mike Spairana, Fire Chief explained to council that they are doing a one year lottery calendar for $25.00. It runs with the PA lottery based on the daily number and runs from January – December 2017. If anyone of council would be interested in selling any to help they should contact one of the fire company members. Mike stated if you can’t sell, please buy one.

Codi Sigley, EMA Coordinator will be starting courses soon and will begin to update the emergency procedures.

Zach Snyder received a letter from the zoning officer in regards to having chickens. Mr. Snyder explained that the chickens were not pets; they are a home schooling project for his children. The zoning ordinance does allow for residents to have chickens as long as you have 10,000 square foot lot area.Motion by Pam Leibyauthorizing the lawcommittee to draft an ordinance amending the zoning ordinance section 403.D.9.d. to reduce the minimum lot area from 10,000 square feet to 4,000 square feet and forward the draft to the Planning Commission for review and consultation to take whatever steps are necessary to put the ordinance in front of council for consideration within 60 days, 2ndBurdell Steigerwalt, AIF-MC

Approval for

  1. Motion by Rob Moyerto approve the minutes ofMay 3, 2016 Borough Council Meeting, 2ndPam Leiby, AIF-MC.
  2. Motion by Burdell Steigerwaltto approve the General Treasurer’s Report datedJune 7, 2016 and payment of the bills listed, 2ndPam Leiby, R. Moyer-Nay,MC.
  3. Motion by Norman Engle, Jr. to approve the Sewer Treasurer’s Report datedJune 7, 2016 and payment of the bills listed, 2ndBurdell Steigerwalt, R. Moyer, D. Thomas, J. Domant, & P. Leiby-Nay,motion does not carry to pay the bills.


Subject / Date / Summary
Minutes / 05/17/16 / Bowmanstown Authority Meeting Minutes of May 17, 2016
Audit / Bowmanstown Authority 2015 Audit is on file in the office
Minutes / 05/31/16 / Bowmanstown Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of May 31, 2016
Support / 04/26/16 / Krill Youth Foundation provided $500 towards the playground mulch
AFLAC / 05/25/16 / Representative of AFLAC submitted information on their policies offered


  1. The state constructed White Street then passed the title to the borough, therefore making the White Street retaining wall the borough’s responsibility. Attorney Preston recommends the borough contact the state with the concerns with the retaining wall.


  1. Motion by Pam Leiby authorizing the engineer to reach out to John Davis, PennDOT in regards to the concerns of the retaining wall along White Street, 2ndRob Moyer, AIF-MC
  2. No bids were received by Carbon County for the White Street Guiderail project on June 2, 2016. Carbon County is reviewing procedure to select a contractor based on unsuccessful attempts at openly bidding.
  3. Provided information to streets committee on unit prices of asphalt materials as requested and response regarding partial pavement restoration rehabilitating roadways.
  4. Scanned existing street plans from 1985 to electronic file and provided to the borough.
  5. Met with the sewer committee on May 13th and 26th to discuss the discharge options for the screen. The discharge options include a bagging system and either a 3’ or 18’ chute system. The costs for the two options were discussed at the May 26th meeting.
  6. Motion by Burdell Steigerwalt to approve application for payment #2 to Derstine Company for the Influent Screen Project, 2ndDarren Thomas, AIF-MC

Unfinished Business

  1. John Domant nominated Joe Rodrigues for the open seat on the zoning hearing board. Pam Leiby nominated Chad Everett for the open seat on the zoning hearing board.

Motion by Burdell Steigerwalt to appoint Chad Everett to the zoning hearing board, 2ndPam Leiby, J. Domant-Nay, R. Moyer-Nay, D. Thomas-Nay, MC appointing Joe Rodrigues as 1st Alernate

Motion by Rob Moyer to appoint Ben Powell as 2nd Alternate for the zoning hearing board, 2ndPam Leiby, AIF-MC

  1. Need interested residents to serve on the Planning Commission to submit a letter of interest.
  2. Motion by Norman Engle, Jr. authorizing the zoning officer to file a civil complaint on the property owner of 700 Lehigh Street if the property is not cleaned up by deadline given, 2ndPam Leiby, AIF-MC

New Business

  1. The Property and Streets Chairmen will address the CCCOG Survey of Municipal Surplus Equipment, Materials, and Supplies and get the list to the secretary to forward.
  2. Slaw Precast would like to use the borough’s landfill site in East Penn Township to dispose of extra, batched concrete. Motion by Rob Moyer to approve Slaw to use the landfill site, following the same agreement as New Enterprise upon DEP and Conservation District approval, 2ndJohn Domant, B. Steigerwalt-Nay, P. Leiby-Nay, N. Engle, Jr.-Nay, K. Scott-Nay, motion does not carry.

Committee Reports


  1. Fire Chief’s Report May 2016
  2. Financial Statements for March and April 2016
  3. Meeting minutes from March and April 2016


  1. Attorney Preston questioned the bid specifications the law committee has on the table for vote. His office only supplied a draft and he has not seen the final bid specifications so he has no idea what it looks like. Pam Leiby stated the committee filled in the units and times.

Motion by Pam Leiby approving the advertisement for bid request for garbage haulers, 2ndNorman Engle, Jr., R. Moyer-Nay, D. Thomas-Nay, MC


  1. Motion by Darren Thomas to adopt the drug and alcohol testing policy as submitted by Attorney Harrison in 2009, 2ndNorman Engle, Jr., AIF-MC

Budget & Finance

  1. Received $36.27 from Magisterial District Court for April 2016
  2. Received $823.20 from Recorder of Deeds for April 2016
  3. Received $238.30 from Tax Claim Bureau for April 2016
  4. Received $213.78 from State Police Fines, June 2016 payment

Property & Special

  1. The compost will not be open on the 11th as Rob Moyer will be out of town.
  2. The committee will be placing locks on the ballfield gate during off season at the parking lot as problems have been arising.
  3. Motion by Norman Engle, Jr. to accept the quote from CV Electric to repair existing emergency lights for $760.00, 2ndDarren Thomas, AIF-MC
  4. Newsletter needs to be done, committees need to get information to the office.
  5. Motion by Pam Leiby to approve Garrett Scott to have an electrician install a dedicated outlet for his equipment at his cost, 2ndBurdell Steigerwalt, R. Moyer-Nay, D. Thomas-Nay, MC

Sewer, Sanitation, & Water Liaison

  1. Portland Contractors are spending a lot of time cleaning large amounts of rags, strands from mops, etc. off the screen auger. Craig is highly recommending the purchase of a grinder at approximate cost of $20,000.00

Motion by Burdell Steigerwalt to hold off on the grinder until it is necessary, 2ndNorman Engle, Jr., AIF-MC

  1. Motion by Burdell Steigerwalt to install a pressure reducing valve at the wastewater treatment plant, 2ndRob Moyer, AIF-MC
  2. The secretary was instructed to get quotes from local companies for painting the exterior of the tanks.
  3. Motion by Burdell Steigerwalt to approve Portland Contractors to clean the equalization tank, 2ndNorman Engle, Jr., AIF-MC
  4. Motion byBurdell Steigerwalt to approve the revised HMI (Human Machine Interface) proposal from Joe Liberti in the amount of $3,668.93, 2ndDarren Thomas, AIF-MC
  5. Motion by Darren Thomas to approve the annual maintenance agreement for the emergency generator with Penn Power System $1,395.00, 2ndBurdell Steigerwalt, AIF-MC
  6. Committee will report on the budget overspending
  7. Motion by Rob Moyer to purchase the continuous bagger $1,650.00, 2nd Norman Engle, Jr., AIF-MC
  8. Sewer committee has a meeting set for June 23rd and will come back with recommendations on the grinder purchase

Revisit the sewer treasurer report and paying of the bills listed.

Motion by Rob Moyer to accept the sewer treasurer report and payment of the bills with the exception of the 3 laborers May payroll reimbursement, 2ndDarren Thomas, N. Engle-Nay, P. Leiby-Nay, K. Scott-Nay, MC


  1. Norman Engle, Jr. requested the solicitor to get information on what is involved for the borough to float a bond in the amount of eight million dollars ($8,000.000.00). The committee is looking into a preliminary 5 year plan to properly rebuild streets.
  2. See included belowpreliminary plan for streets dated June 6, 2016 in regards to the committee’s findings, concerns, and plans.
  3. Council has agreed to allow Derek Furry to drive borough vehicles as the new insurance carrier will allow him to as long as the borough implements a drug and alcohol policy, which was done in tonight’s meeting. Personnel will meet with the employees to make them aware of the new policy and sign off on before allowing Derek to drive.


  1. Code Enforcement Officer made a visit to 415 White Street and was told to keep his property in a more presentable manner.
  2. The mayor is investigating a complaint in regards to 614/616 Ore Street
  3. Weed and grass letters have been sent

Other Business

  1. No other business to discuss.

 Motion by John Domantto adjourn the meeting at 9:15 PM, 2ndPam Leiby, AIF-MC

Respectfully submitted by Tracy L Burbage, Secretary

Bowmanstown Borough Council – Streets Committee

June 6, 2016

Preliminary Plan for Streets

  • Numerous streets in the borough are in disrepair with little or no base
  • worst streets – dirt or little or no base
  • Blose, Cedar, Franklin, Green, Railroad, and Sander, as well as portions of Apple, Forge, Lime, Mill, and Pine
  • some streets are in good condition
  • best streets – pavement is good condition, no potholes or serious deterioration
  • Hamilton and portions of Forge, Lime, Mill, Oak, Pine, Railroad, and Spring
  • the majority of streets are in fair to poor condition
  • cost
  • any work beyond tarring and chipping must be bid
  • curbing may need to be installed or repaired at considerable cost to residents
  • scope of work
  • any work must be prioritized according to use and public safety
  • many streets need substantial work and repairs immediately
  • engineering and ADA compliance comes into play
  • stormwater upgrades will be necessary
  • immediate
  • sealing including along curblines (see A below)
  • tarring and chipping of specific streets (see B below)
  • base on worst streets (see FINDINGS above)
  • notify residents needing to install or repair curbing with projected deadlines for completion
  • develop methods, processes, and tools for recording and documenting work done such as paving, patching, sealing, curb/line painting. storm drain repairs/grate replacements/cleaning
  • one year plan
  • Lincoln and Lime using grant monies
  • five year plan
  • establish clear priority of streets to be re-built with proper base and drainage
  • establish schedule of which streets will be re-built and when
  • over-communicate plan to residents
  • minimize costs, financial impacts on residents and the borough
  • seek grants and any available assistance from other sources
  • establish clear maintenance schedules and make repairs in a timely fashion to slow damage or deterioration
  1. Sealing
  2. Forge from White to Railroad, Railroad to White (west by Post Office)
  3. Forge from White to Ore
  4. Mill from White to Ore
  5. Hamilton – entire length
  6. Lime from Hamilton to Spring
  7. Spring from Lime to Mill
  8. Oak from Sander to end
  9. Pine from Sander to Craig
  10. Tarring and Chipping
  11. Craig – entire length
  12. Sander – entire length
  13. Mill from Sander to Craig
  14. Mill from Hamilton to Ore
  15. Lime from Hamilton to Ore
  16. Blose – entire length
  17. Franklin – entire length