Course Outline

Course Title: Islamiat & Pakistan Studies B.Com (Term System): Paper IV

Islamic studies Section A

1.  Khutaba Hujjat-ul- Wida ( Farewell Adress)

2.  The life of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon Him)

·  Birth of the Holy Prophet ( P.B.U.H)

·  Life before Prophethood

·  Prophethood

·  Preaching and Difficulties

·  The Hijrah (Migration to Al-Madina)

·  Brotherhood and Treaty of Al-Madina

(a) Mesaq-e- Madinah

·  Ghazwat-i-Nabvi ( Holy Wars)

·  Ghazwah-i-Badar

·  Ghazwah-i-Uhad

·  Ghazwah-i-Ahzab. ( Ghazwah-i-Khandiq)

·  Sulah Hadaibiyah and Bait-e-Ridwan

·  Ghazwah-i-Khyber

·  V Mutah

·  Conquest of Makkah-al-Mukramah

·  Ghazwah-i-Hunain

·  Ghazwah-i-Tabook

3. Influence of Islamic Civilization on the Subcontinent

·  Definition of Civilization

·  Civilization of the Subcontinent before Islam

·  Element of the Islamic Civilization

·  Influences of Indian Civilization

I. Social Changes

II. Moral Influence

III. Political Consequences

IV. Effects on Family Life

4. International influence of Islamic civilization

·  Islam and scientific knowledge

·  Influence of human thoughts

·  Social and humanistic effects

·  Clash of contemporary civilization

Books Recommended (latest edition)

1. Abdul Qayyum Natiq. Sirat-e-Mustaqeem (English)

2. Abdul Qayyum Natiq. Sirat-e-eMustaqeem (Urdu)

3. Dr. Nasiruddin, Islamiat (Urdu) Ghanzfar Acedamy Pakistan

4. Dr. M. Khalil, Tadrees-e-Islamiat, Jadeed Educational Services, Lahore

5. AIOU, Islamiat, Jadeed Book Depo, Lahore.

Pakistan Studies Section B

1. The Historical Perspective of Ideology of Pakistan:

·  The role of Arab Traders

·  The attack of Muhammad Bin Qasim

·  Other Muslim Empires

·  The role of Muslim Saints

2. The Ideology of Pakistan:

·  Meaning and explanation of Ideology

·  Ideology and Allama Iqbal

·  Ideology and Quaid-e-Azam

·  The aims and objective of establishment of Pakistan

3. The Arrival of European Traders in the Sub- Continent:

·  Arrival of European Traders (French, British and Others)

·  Establishment of East India Company

·  British Era: From Trade to Politics

·  The War of 1857

·  Impact of British Rule

Recommended Books: (latest editions)

  1. Pakistan Studies by Ishtiaq Ahmed Gondal
  2. Pakistan Studies by M. Ikram Rabbani
  3. Pakistan Studies by Allama Iqbal Open University

Reference Books:

1. Pakistan Studies by Dr. Muhammad Sarwar

2. Pakistan Studies by Muhammad Sohail Bhatti

3. Pakistan Studies by Prof. Manzoor Ahmed Shaikh and Adeel Niaz

4. Pakistan Studies by Ikram ul Haq Raja

5. Pakistan Studies by Qazi Muhammad Manzoor-ul- Haq and Imtiaz Ahmed Khan.