Exposing of the Mumayyieen

and the Seekers of Innovations and Misguidance

All forms of praise and glorification are for Allaah, the one who is deserving of all thanks and gratitude for His countless bountiesand blessings. He has no partners, the one who is praised duringas-Saraae wa adh-Dharaae al-mutafaridon in His al-'Ezza and al-'Athamati wal-Kibreyaa. As-Salaat was-Salaam on our beloved Messenger, Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhe was-Sallam, his family, companions and those who follow them in goodness until the day of judgment.


To proceed:

Oh, my brothers, may Allaah make us and you immune from being overwhelmed by our desires and from clinging to personal views. May Allaah protect us and you from aiding bida'ah, its people and from harboringin our hearts any form of dislike for the Sunnah and its people.For indeed, we are being afflicted with what the nations prior to us have been afflicted with, and indeed we are living in the time the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu 'alayhe was-Sallam warned us about, concerning the division of the Ummah, dissension between the Muslims, and the breaking away of the people from the Jamaa'ah.


Oh noble and respectable brothers, we are living in a time where people have taken their desires as objects of worship and have taken their personal views over the words of Allaah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu 'alayhe was-Sallam. We are surrounded by mountains of fitnah. This is a time where the people of innovation are increasing in numbers, even among the new reverts from the western world. For the people of bida’ah, the West is a land of opportunities. They have found a place where their innovated methodologies and principles can be nurtured and spread. We've seen what the effect of the Jihadee movement has done to people like John Walker, famously known as the American Talibaan. We find the deception of Sufism and its war against at-Tawheed and Ahlus-Sunnah on the West Coast of America, with the likes of Hamza Yusuf, Noor Hameem Keller, and Zayed Shaakir calling to their satanic movement of at-tasawwuf, which requires one to abandon at-Tawheed for the worship of saints and graves. On the East Coast, the Neo-bandies and the Sororees, like Jafir Idris and Ali Timimi, continue to wage their extended battle against the Sunnah and its people while claiming to be calling to the correct methodology. In addition to this great deception, we are seeing the revival of the methodology of the Khawaarij under the banner of salafiyyah by ignorant people like Jamal Zarbozo.These are but a few of the plagues that are affecting the Muslims and hampering the growth of Islam in America.

All praises and glorification are for Allaah,the One who has made for every illness a cure. Allaahu tabaraka wa ta'aala has willed that there be at all times taaifatul-mansoorah, Ahlus-Sunnah, as-Salafiyoon, al-Jamaa’ah, ahlul-Hadeeth; those few people who are clearly on the truth, having firm knowledge and are well grounded in the methodology of the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu 'alayhe was-Sallam, in order to clarify matters for the God-fearing. As in the hadeeth of the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu 'alayhe was-Sallam where he said: [1]"There will not cease to exist in my Ummah a Group of People who are clearly on the truth, they will not be harmed by those who oppose them nor by those who abandon them until the Hour is established.”

Oh my noble brothers, know that the Evil people of the past have their inheritors just as the Anbiyaa’ have their inheritors. We find today, in our time, the likes of those evil people who came before us. They are like their predecessors, except that they are now wearing the clothes of ahlus-Sunnah, claiming salafeeyah, and most amazingly, claiming to be the students of the scholars of ahlus-Sunnah. Their ploy is to deceive the students of knowledge and the common people, as the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu 'alayhe was-Sallam mentioned in the long hadeeth of Hudhaifah ibn Yamaan, in which Hudhaifah said: [2]"The people used to ask about the good things as for me I used to ask about the bad things from fear of falling into them" Up to the point where the messenger sallallaahu 'alayhe was-Sallam said: [3]"There will be callers at the doors of the hell fire calling to it, whosoever answers them will fall into it " Hudhaifah said: [4]"Oh Messenger of Allah describe them to us" The Noble Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhe was-Sallam said: [5]"They are from our people and they speak our language." So for those who are looking for the enemies of Islam among the Kuffaar, know that the greater enemy of the Muslims is from amongst the Muslims themselves, hiding within the ranks of Ahlus-Sunnah, pretending to be from them while attempting to misguide the people.

Oh Ahlus-Sunnah, we witness three of the most dangerous speakers, here in Egypt, have shed their cloaks in open attack upon Ahlus-Sunnah and its Scholars. The first being, Usaamah al-Qoosee, with his Rahmatul-Khalq methodology, a branch of tamyiee, which consists of being merciful with the innovators and attacking as-Salafiyoon; the second being, the Sororee of Alexandria, Muhammad Ismaeel;and, the third, Mustafa Adawi, who is from the Mumayyieen.

We asked Shaykh Faaleh al-Harbee (hafidhahullaah) about Mustafa Adawi (even though we are aware of his innovated and deviated manhaj).The noble shaykh responded by saying: "I know him, but I do not know him to be salafi" and the shaykh added: “HE IS NOT SALAFEE”.

The student of the Noble Shaykh Uthaymeen, Shaykh Fawzee (hafidhahullaah), was also asked about Adawi. The shaykh’s response was: "He has no manhaj, he is with almost every group". He makes open co-operation with all groups and innovators.

The scholars of Islam say that the people of a country are more aware of the conditions of their countrymen than an outsider. So for us, who live inEgypt, we say what the scholars are saying and more. We have never known this man to be salafee, but we know him to be the opposite. He is from those who aid Ahlu-Bida’ah by watering down the manhaj, thereby, enabling him to work with every group. He makes walaa with the enemies of the Salafi Methodology, while at the same time making baraa from the well know Salafi Mashaykh. People used to think he was salafee because he spent some time in Yemen with our Shaykh Muqbil, but we know differently.


We find him to be with the hizbees. We, also, find him to be on theBanna principle (kullun-Naas 'alaa khair- we all work together in that which we agree upon, overlooking those things in which we differ),allowing him to make excuses for them, while opposing the people of the Sunnah and disliking them at the same time. We find him trying to expose scholars like Shaykh Al-baani and refusing to make any jarh on innovators. When asked about making jarh on the people of bida’ah, he says, I do not make criticism of people. But, at the same time, Ahlus-Sunnah is not safe from his pen.

Oh noble Salafees, Ahlus-Sunnah is forever in war with the people of innovations and desires. A few days ago it was Abu Muslimah al-Hizbee. Yesterday, it was Abu Usaamah al-Muqalid ‘Saahibul-Hawaa. Today, we are battling bida’ah, its people and its supporters in Mansoorah, Egypt, which has become a breeding ground for the training of Mumayyioon. We write this as an advice to the general Muslims, especially the Muslims of America, who have direct or indirect connection with these misguided individuals, and the other Mumayyioon living and studying in Mansoorah, Alexandria, and Cairo, under the likes of Muhammad Ismaeel and Usaamah al-Qoosee.

Oh Seekers of truth, know that there is a group of Americans studying with the confused Mustafa Adawi. No one studies with this man except that he becomes an attacker of the scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah. We have always known about the Americans studying in places like Mansoorah, Tanta and Alexandria, but not until recently, have we begun to feel the effects of their bida’ah and deviated principles. Due to this, along with their recent gain of recognition among the common people in places like New York,New Jersey, and other places, we find ourselves in the position to defend the Manhaj and to advise the Muslims against the fitnah of the people of desires and the misguidance of the Juhalaa. Being that, we are more knowledgeable about the affairs of these people.

As the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu 'alayhe was-Sallam said [6]"Let not the fear of a person prevent you from speaking the truth if you see it, hear of it or if you know of it".

A few months ago we invited the Americans, who are studying and/or living in Mansoorah to Cairo to sit down and discuss this issue. In order to give them the opportunity to clarify some of the deviated principles, which we have seen and heard emanating from them and the people with whom they are associated. Our invitation fell on deaf ears, with the exception of three of his students,[7]Khaleel, [8]Bilaal, and [9]Rasheed, who are among the most corrupted and deviated ones from amongst them.

After sitting and discussing this issue at length with the individuals mentioned above, we found that their condition is worse than we had anticipated. Not only do they embrace and call to at-Tamyee and Muwaazanah, and the permissibility to study with the people of innovation if one takes the good while leaving the bad, but they criticize the major scholars, refusing to accept their fatawa except that which agrees with their desires. They attack and criticize the salafiyeen, like Dawud Adib, Hasan Malik, etc., and blind follow the hizbeeyeen, while refusing the advice, based on evidences, of the salafiyeen. They blind follow Mustafa Adawi, and defend people like MuhammadHassaan. Yet, they attack and accuse the salafee brothers attending the University of Madina of studying with Ikhwaanes, and at the same time using it as an evidence for the permissibility of studying with ahlu Bida'ah.

As the meeting drew to a close, I took Khaleel behind closed doors trying to bring him to the correct understanding of the manhaj, because I realized that he was rejecting the truth from fear of belittling himself infront of his followers. During that time, he agreed that Mustafa Adwai was not salafee. But, he would continue to sit with him and take the good and leave the bad. When we returned to the gathering, and I informed everyone that Khaleel was now in agreement with us that Adwai is not salafee,he refused to acknowledge that he was in agreement with us in front of his companions.When asked three times or more, he replied I am tired and it’s too late we have to go home. As for Rasheed, he used his tafseer of the ayah from the Qur’aan, in which Allaah told Musa to go and talk to Fir’aun, as advice for us to be soft and kind to the people of bida’ah and its supporters.

In conclusion, we asked our shaykh, Shaykh Fawzee (hafidhahullaah), about Khaleel and he replied, “He is an innovator and he and the likes of him must be warned against.”

Indeed, the religion is advice, and the one who hides that which will save a man and his religion is from amongst his enemies and is on the path of misguidance. The Noble Shaykh ’Saalih bin ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal as-Shaykh (hafidhahullaah) said, during his explanation of the statement “From the Sunnah hijraan ahlu-bida’ah and distancing one’s self from them“ and that is what the Aimmah were on and preserved, which is the abstention of visiting the majaalis of ahlul-bida’a, and not mingling with them.Rather, they used to refrain from speaking to them and mixing with them, inorder, to extinguish their bida’ah so their evil will not spread. From the characteristics and conditions of the people of misguidance is to associate with ahlul-bida’ah, living amongst them, being silent about their bida’ah, and not making hijraan from them. Furthermore,they are socialable and friendly with them,in the meantime, not making their condition known, along with their bida’ah,whether the bida’ah is big or small. Therefore, ahlus-Sunnah is distinguished by the fact of having a great stance against ahlul-bida’ah, which includes being firm and hard on ahlul-bida’ah. Regardless of whatsoever that bida’ah may be, they will make hijr from ahlul-bida’ah.” And the shaykh contunes: “Hijra al-Mubtadi’a is not only from the Usool of al-Islam, but, rather it is from the Usool ahlus-Sunnah also…”

So we see that those misguided individuals are not on the same methodology as our Salafi Mashaykh. Instead, they are followers of their desires. To this day, they continue to refuse the fatawa of the Noble Shaykh Faaleh al-Harbee (hafidhahullaah),the Shaykh of Madina, the Mujaahid, the one the people of bida’ah and desire hate the most, under the pretense that they are following the fatwa of the Noble Shaykh ‘Abdul-Muhsin al-’Abaad, stating that Shaykh Faaleh is from the small students of knowledge. So, even, if this was true, does the statement of the shaykh (hafidhahullaah) indicate that one should not accept that which agrees with the book of Allah and the sunnah of the Messenger from Shaykh Faaleh because he is from the small students of knowledge? Look at how shay’taan has beautified the path of misguidance for them. For indeed, whomsoever Allah wants goodness for, He (tabaraka-wa-ta’aalah) gives him understanding of the religion.

Oh salafeyoon, our advice to you is that you know your friends.Inspect the people and their Manhaj. Ask them,from where have they received their knowledge. Ask about them from the salafi brothers and sisters who are known for their manhaj, like the brothers and sisters at Dar-Hadeeth, TROID and Salafi Publications.For indeed, there is no salafi student of knowledge from the west, except that they are in connection with these brothers who have proeceeded them in seeking knowledge. We ask Allah to protect us and you from the tricks of Shay’taan and his agents.

Oh Allaah give the salafiyeen victory over their enemies and plant their feet firmly on the truth and bring fear in the hearts of their enemies. Oh Allaah protect our scholars and continue to use them as the means of spreading tawheed throughout the earth and make them the means of destroying Shirk and Bida’ah. Oh Allaah protect the leaders of the Muslims, and continue to bless them with wisdom and give them the upperhand to battle the Hizbiyoon and the people of desires. For indeed, you are capable of all things.

Abu Aasiyah M.

[1] Mahjjatul-biyydhaa

[2] Al-Bukaree

[3] Al-Bukaree

[4] Al-Bukaree

[5] Al-Bukaree

[6] Silsiltul-Hadeeth as-Saheeha First volume (first part) pg. 322

[7] Khaleel Carter of New York presently living and studying in Mansoorah

[8] Bilal Abdul-Kareem, (Abu Abdur-Rahmaan) of New York presently living and studying in Mansoorah

[9] Rasheed Yoosuf of New York presently living and studying in Mansoorah