Female President?

With the 2008 presidential election just over a year and a half away, candidates are proclaiming an interest in being our next president, one of them being a female, Hilary Clinton.

I strongly feel that a female can win the presidential nomination. For over 200 years, the United States has been under male leadership, and it wasn’t until the passing of the 19th amendment in 1920, that women were even allowed to vote for political offices. I think that it is time for a change, and the right time for a woman to head our country. Although politics is a male dominated profession, women are slowly beginning to occupy more and more political positions. If Condoleezza Rice and Nancy Pelosi can hold two of the most powerful government offices in our country, Secretary of State and Speaker of the House, respectively, why can’t a woman serve as president?

I believe that if a female candidate wins the presidency, she will be able to effectively carry out the duties of the 43rd President of the United States. The previous 42 presidents may have been men, but I think that a woman president will do just as good of a job as a male president, or perhaps even better. Other governments have been successfully led by females, and I believe that this is possible in the United States. There is nothing that should deter us from the idea of having a female president, as currently we have no reason to believe that a woman wouldn’t be able to carry out the presidential duties.

I think that a female nominee will definitely have a great impact on voter turnout. Voter turnouts are not nearly as high as they could be, and I believe that a woman nominee will bring in a larger amount of female voters, as well as more males. I feel that women are taking a renewed interest in being seen as equal to men, and that a female presidential candidate is just the thing to get women active and excited about being politically equivalent to men. With a female nominee, I think that the voter turnout has a chance of reaching a record high.

In closing, I will encourage you to ask yourself why it has taken the United States so long to seriously consider a female presidential candidate, and as we seek to elect the 43rd President of the United States, why not have a woman president?

By: Leah Carlson

Glenburn Public School