APES = Advanced Placement English Students!

Weekly Schedule for Week of August 17 – 21, 2016Week’s Focus: Summer Reading follow-up;

Modes and Strategies

Quarter Theme: Culture -- To what extent does pop culture reflect our society’s values?What is Rhetoric?


Day of Week / Monday, August 17 / Tuesday, August 18 / Wednesday, August 19 / Thursday, August 20 / Friday, August 21
In-Class / Due: SR
Due: Supplies
Binder organization
Week 2 Writing assigned
Group work related to Chapter 1 of Ouliers
(while I check off 5 Steps work) / PPT and notes: Modes and Strategies
Go over Modes and Strategies answers in 5 Steps (briefly)
Practice worksheet: Modes and Strategies / SCHOOLWIDE DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP LESSONS (Meet in Homerooms) / Due: Week 2 Writing
Due: Modes and Strategies worksheet/ Go over.
Notes: What is Rhetoric? / SOAPS activator
Practice with SOAPS
Assigned Work / Week 2 Writing: Due Thursday
Chapters 2 and 3 of Outliers due next Monday / Week 2 Writing: Due Thursday
Finish Modes and Strategies practice as needed
Chapters 2 and 3 of Outliers due next Monday / Week 2 Writing: Due Thursday / Chapters 2 and 3 of Outliers due next Monday / Chapters 2 and 3 of Outliers due Monday
Test next Tuesday:
Modes and Strategies – Name and Identify
Rhetoric – Notes on Rhetoric and related terms
SOAPS – Define and apply
See Assignment below due next Wednesday.

Writing #2: Writing Territories

Writing Territories Directions: For each category below, list as many items/events/etc. as you can think of. Remember that you may pull from this list for writing you do in the future. Make your list as comprehensive as possible. Leave room under each category to add ideas as they come to you – either from talking with others or from readings or from other discussions or writing assignments as we progress through this course. Also, the items can be current for you OR could have occurred at any point in your life OR could be something you want to find out more about! *Create a chart like the one below and fill each cell with your ideas!

PET PEEVES / PEOPLE in your life
CELEBRITIES or PEOPLE you would like to know/know more about or those who are inspirational to you

Cultural Story Focus: Argument Style Prompt: (quotation Henry David Thoreau) “Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.” In a well-thought-out essay, examine the accuracy of this aphorism in modern society. Concentrate on examples from your observations, reading, and experiences to develop your ideas.

Directions: After reading the above prompt, be on the lookout for current events or stories within today’s culture that would work well as support in answering the prompt. Do not write the essay. Instead, write down the story or bring in the clipping/printout from the news. Either way, you must include (1) a summary of the event or story – including who, what, where, when, why, and how?; (2) a comment about how the story would work as support for a point in relation to the given prompt; and (3) a citation for the source – whether it be a print or online magazine or newspaper or audio/radio program or television broadcast. Hand write in ink or word processin MLA format.

Next Week: (Remember: All plans are subject to change.)

Monday: Writing #3 Assigned. Chapter 2 and 3 of Outliers due – work in your groups will relate to modes/strategies/rhetoric/SOAPS.

Tuesday: “SR” test – over summer reading required and related notes (modes, strategies, rhetoric, and SOAPS)

Wednesday: Above Culture Story assignment due. Be ready to share with the class.

Thursday: Writing #3 will be due. Review Vocabulary Diagnostic answers and results and begin Unit 1.

Following Tuesday: Rhetorical Terms Test 1