
Socratic Seminar – The Crucible by Arthur Miller

(25 points)

What will the seminar look like?

The classroom will be arranged in two concentric circles.

When you are in the inner-circle you will be participating in the circle. If you are in

the outer-circle you will be taking notes on a partner assigned to you. The teacher(s) is part of the circle, but not participating.

How does the discussion work in a seminar?

The seminar is to serve as a discussion, not a lecture. Just like in a casual conversation, no one begins the conversation, a conversation begins naturally. There are a couple of guidelines to follow:

  • Please listen and look at each other when you speak.
  • One person speaks at a time.
  • Each person will have a chance to ask a question and everyone has a chance to


  • Respond to the person who asks the question.
  • Use evidence from the text to support yourself.
  • Each person should have a copy of the text.

How will I be assessed on the seminar?

Three ways:

1. Completing the Socratic Seminar Notes

(answer questions, provide textual evidence, create your own questions)

2. By contributing the conversation in three ways:

Ask a question.

Respond to a question.

Cite evidence from the text.

3. Completing the Socratic Seminar Reflection

Scoring works as follows:

All fiverequirements: 25 points.

fourrequirements: 20 points.

threerequirements: 15 points.

tworequirement: 10 points.

one requirement: 5 points


Socratic Seminar Notes- The Crucible by Arthur Miller

Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, please answer the following questions for your assigned topic. Remember to include as much textual evidence as possible.

Topic 1: Power in Numbers and The Crucible

  1. What are the advantages to uniting as a group?
  2. What are the disadvantages to uniting as a group?
  3. What is meant by a “mob mentality”? What are some examples of the “mob mentality” in cinema, literature, or the real world?
  4. Explore the implication of the title of the play. Remember that a crucible is a severe, searching test or trial. Whydo you think the play is titled The Crucible?
  5. What parts of the play most emphasize the idea of a “crucible”, given either definition?
  6. Create your own question based on this topic

Topic 2: Witch Hunts and Societal Hysteria

  1. What do you believe motivated the witchcraft hysteria in 1692? How did the Puritan society make Salem ripe for something like this to happen?
  2. How could one compare Nazi Germany, Stalin, Mudbloods, Mutants, McCarthyism, and the Salem Witch Trials of 1692? (If you don’t know all the references, address the ones you do know. Or, do a tiny bit of research)
  3. What are some other examples of hysteria in cinema, literature, or the real world? What happened in these situations?
  4. What was Miller trying to accomplish by writing this play (consider the context of HIS time period, not that of Salem)?
  5. How is The Crucible relevant to today’s world?
  6. Create your own question based on this topic

Topic 3: Morality

  1. What brings about a moral society? What brings about a corrupt society?
  2. What is the relationship between morality and corruption? In your response, discuss examples from The Crucible, cinema, literature, or the real world.
  3. Some say that The Crucible is a “morality” play. What do you think is a “morality” play and what evidence could be used to argue for or against this assertion?
  4. Choose a key example of a moral character and a key example of an immoral character and explain why he or she acts the way he or she does. Also consider the effects of this person’s actions on other individuals and the community at large.
  5. What do you think the instances of corruption and immorality in the play say about the society of the time?
  6. Create your own question based on this topic.

Socratic Seminar Reflection

After the seminar, please write areflective paragraph about the following:

  • What was your opinion of this activity? Was it helpful, interesting, etc.?
  • What elements of the activity did you like/dislike? Would you like to use it again in the future?
  • How did your group function during the seminar?
  • Do you feel that your group’s discussion was successful or not? Describe some things you did well, and where you could improve.


Your Partner’s Name:______

Your Name:______

Did your partner? (Check off each item you observe)

Ask a question.

Respond to a question.

Cite evidence from the text.

What was there evidence:


Success Criteria

Directions: Record the Success Criteria Below.

Check off all the criteria you observe your partner meeting


What is one thing your partner did well?

What is one thing they can improve on for next time?