Essay Writing (Introductory Paragraph: Method #2)

Eg Topic: Fighting in Hockey.

Name of method #2: The Anecdote method (a.k.a. little story method)

Description: An anecdote is a little story. Everyone loves to listen to stories. This method requires you to begin a paper by relating a small story that leads into the topic of your paper. Your story should be a small episode, not a full blown story with characters, plot and setting. If you do it right, your story will capture the reader's interest so that he or she will continue to read your paper. One caution: be sure that your story does not take over the paper. Remember, it is an introduction, not the paper itself.

Step one

Tell a short anecdote (mini-story) related to the topic

Step two

Write a sentence or two connecting the anecdote to the topic of your essay.

Step three

State your thesis: “______”

Step four

Write your mapping statement. Point 1: ______

______. Point 2 ______

______. Point 3 ______


Example Introductory Paragraph (thesis is underlined and bolded. The mapping statement is underlined)

I was eight years old when I saw my first live professional hockey game in 1976. It was between the Vancouver Canucks and Boston Bruins and I sat next to my father two rows from the ice. At the five minute mark of the second period, I remember the time distinctly, I fell in love with the game. It was when Harold Snepts fought Bobby Schmautz ten feet from where I was sitting. I was excited and I rose from my seat to cheer. Not all people, however, have the positive reaction to fighting that I did. In fact, there are many who believe that it doesn’t belong in hockey and they cite increasingly compelling evidence. So, what should be done? A close look at the pros and cons of fighting reveal that it is, in fact, time to ban it from hockey altogether. This is because concussion research reveals the physical cost of fighting. The financial cost of fighting is also evident in the increasing number of law suits against professional leagues by concussion victims. Finally, the increased speed and skill of the players in the game today are exciting enough without the need for senseless fights.


Anecdote method - Practice 1

Step One- (tell short story related to the topic)











Step two

Write a sentence or two connecting the anecdote to the topic of your essay.





Step three

State your thesis: ______


Step four

Write your mapping statements.

Point 1: ______


Point 2 ______


Point 3 ______


Anecdote method - Practice 2

Step One- (tell short story related to the topic)











Step two

Write a sentence or two connecting the anecdote to the topic of your essay.





Step three

State your thesis: ______


Step four

Write your mapping statements.

Point 1: ______


Point 2 ______


Point 3 ______
