Metro Hockey League Meeting

December 13, 2010, 6:30PM

New Hope Arena


Attendees: Tom Slaird (chair); Bruce Kruger (treasurer); Dina Preston (scheduler); Terri Morawiecki (secretary); Steve Spock (TC); Don Strom (D6); Casey Whelan (D3); Pat Jackson (D2); Scott Gray (D8); Doug Galloway (D8), Sharon Morgan (D6); Kathy Latham (web master)

  1. Review minutes from November 8th meeting.
  2. Cover via December agenda items.
  1. Review scheduling meeting.
  2. No issues at scheduling meeting.
  3. Dina would like to change a few things for next year (logistics, timing, etc.)
  4. Next year to have rescheduling information at the meeting, FAQ. Anything else?
  1. Review coaching clinic.
  2. More than expected, certified 53, 59 coaches that participated.
  3. “Like joining a club” theme. Coaches happy to be a part of MHL.
  4. Went well, good mix of coaches
  1. Review District Manager/Coaches meetings.
  2. All meetings should have taken place.
  3. D2, D3, D8, TC had 100% attendance.
  1. Prepare for storm postponements that occurred the past few days.
  2. February 25th is the scheduled last game. We have the 26th and 27th for make up games.
  3. Teams can generally get ice on these days.
  4. Games postponed from the past weekend can be rescheduled on the above dates if need be.
  5. Home team/ice has the responsibility to reschedule the game.
  6. Approximately 12 games need to be rescheduled.
  7. Reschedule fees are waived due to weather issues.
  1. How do we verify Fair Play Points when contested?
  2. We have stopped collecting scoresheets.
  3. It is MHL’s responsibility to determine if a team should receive a Fair Play point or not. It is not the ref’s job.
  4. Don suggested that both teams review the score sheet before the game ends. If there is a dispute, teams should talk to their district reps.
  5. Casey suggests having both teams e-mail the score and Fair Play Point to Dina. This helps Dina for accuracy.
  6. Action: revisit again for next year
  1. Trophies –all OK
  1. How many JG to varsity do we have this season?
  2. Tom is aware of four players: Wayzata and Edina have moved players to varsity.
  3. Pat is aware of some players in D2 (North St. Paul) that went to varsity.
  4. Tom would like to put together an article that recognizes the progression from Junior Gold to varsity hockey.
  5. Steve suggests talking with the Tartan coach as a possible coach prospect.
  6. Action: Casey knows at least four Wayzata players that made it to JV and varsity. He will send to Tom.
  7. Action: any other board members that are aware of this transition (players and coaches involved), please send the information to Tom.
  1. Scholarship update from Scott.
  2. Lynn Olson agreed to be chair of scholarship committee.
  3. Lynn will follow up with last year’s board for a renewed committee for this year.
  4. Two more scholarships added for H.S. (girl and boy). The scholarships help to recognize the relationship between the MHL and H.S. hockey.
  5. Encourage coaches to encourage players to apply.
  6. Bruce recommends adding another scholarship out of our extra budget dollars.
  7. Action: If you are interested in serving on the committee, please let Scott Gray know.
  8. Action: Kathy to add the form and information on the web site.
  1. Website issues? Schedule OK?
  2. Schedule is up and correct on the web site.
  3. Action: Board members to look at schedule to see if there are any needed changes.
  4. Action: Most up-to-date version of the handbook is located on the web site.
  5. Action: Cut back on printing handbooks for next year.
  6. Action: District reps to keep the handwritten schedules and compare them to what is posted on the web site to check for accuracy.
  1. Video project update
  2. Dave Prudhomme volunteered to work and lead the video project. He will be meeting with Tom sometime this week. Dave can present some ideas to the board in the January meeting.
  3. Craig Swanson has also volunteered for this committee.
  4. Videos would promote MHL, interviewing players, past recipients of the scholarships for video footage.
  5. Tom is looking at three vendors that could do the video work.
  1. Details on 12/20 Wild game.
  2. 104 people attending.
  3. Tom will bring tickets down to will-call.
  4. Any updates for ticket numbers should be sent to Tom ASAP.
  1. 3M Coaching Excellence Award recipient – Craig Swanson.
  2. Craig will be recognized at the 12/20 Wild game.
  1. Wes Barrette & Made It Happen nominations.
  2. Tom gave an overview of the process.
  3. District Reps for coaches nominated should gather bio information for next month’s meeting.
  4. Nominations ongoing for the January meeting as well. Voting in February.
  5. Action: Bring suggestions to the meeting in January.
  1. Board Member Jackets
  2. Jackets were ordered.
  3. Black and gray jackets are out of stock. The company making the jackets decided to go with black and teal jackets. A sample of the jacket will be sent to Dina.
  4. Dina will bring the sample to the Wild game to make a decision.
  1. D6 Roster and League Start Date
  2. Issues with rostering.
  3. D6 rostered the teams on December 6th and the league started on December 5th. This is a result of not wanting to have a coach sign off on a roster until they were certified at the coaches’ clinic on December 4th.
  4. Some teams already playing in tournaments that weekend as well.
  5. It was suggested to have Deputy Registrars for MHL on a particular day that would be available to sign off.
  6. MHL board members as possible registrars? MHL resources to do it on a volunteer basis in the time frame that we need.
  7. Can we work with Carol Carlson and gather resources to help with this effort.
  8. Action: Bruce will connect with Carol.
  9. Mandatory meeting on Sunday nights with registrations required to be submitted. Good tactic to get coaches to the meeting.
  10. If iii. is put in place, games should not be scheduled on Sunday. First games will start on Monday.
  11. Either/or option, register before or on the Sunday night designated meeting location.
  1. Handbook update on Fair Play Point
  2. We need to update the language in the handbook.
  3. Add a note on the web site to recognize that the online version supersedes the printed version.
  1. Other?
  2. Five minute to four minute warm up suggested for next season.
  3. Reschedule approval forms and checks should be sent to the district reps. Check should be made out to Minnesota Hockey. Fees can be waived due to weather, illness etc.
  4. District reps can bring checks to monthly meetings.
  5. Don’t verify game change until ice and refs have been set up.
  6. Update from Bruce: Budget on track.