January 28, 2015 /

The Final Examination Policy

Online Master of Education in Reading Education New and Digital Literacies (M.Ed.)

The online M.Ed. has as its goal to educate teachers and other literacy professional in ways that advance students as readers in the broadest sense from printed materials to digital multimedia environments.

Students mustsubmit a final examination after they complete their coursework. The examination format is a multi-modal composition with the student’s choice of online or software platform (e.g., wiki, blog, presentation), design (e.g., graphics, images, audio, video). Students are encouraged to think about and work on this composition during their coursework.

In the multi-modal composition be sure to address the following four areas:

1. Briefly describe your pedagogy and philosophy of teaching before your first semester of coursework [Write this and save it where you can retrieve it when it is time to complete your final examination].

  • Pedagogy is Greek in origin and literally means to lead the child. It has come to refer to the approach or mode of instruction a teacher uses. A philosophy of teaching refers to what you believe about how you teach and why you believe it.

2. Briefly provide a rationale for the digital platform you use for this multimodal composition. Explain why you found this platform the most appropriate to meet the requirements set out in this document.

3. In detail explain with artifacts and evidence three or four major developments (e.g., shifts in thinking, enhancements, deepening’s, etc.) in your pedagogy and philosophy of teaching reading and related literacies.

  • How has your coursework contributed?
  • What readings, assignments, research studies, theorists and experiences have contributed and how?
  • How have digital literacies contributed?
  • How has your knowledge of issues of cultural diversity and equity contributed?

4. Briefly suggest where you feel your studies will take you both as a teacher and a lifelong learner.

The Process

In completing this multi-modal composition final examination you ….

  • Can consult with other students in your cohort.
  • CANNOT consult with any UGA faculty except for general questions about the process
  • Are advised to begin drafting the multi-modal composition during coursework.
  • Must use APA style for citations, references.
  • Need to use a platform for the multi-modal composition that faculty can access for purposes of evaluation.
  • Keep in mind the rubric that will be used to evaluate you multi-modal composition.

The Rubric

Results: ______
Accept with Distinction = 25- 28
Accept = 22 - 24
Review after Revision 19-21
Unacceptable = –0-18
Digital Platform
Clear and convincing rationale for Digital Platform used to create this multi-modal composition that counts as the final examination for the M.Ed. degree. / 3 = Superior fit with criteria
2= Strong fit with criteria
1= Partial fit with criteria
0 = Lacking fit with criteria
Before MED Statement
Your pedagogy and philosophy of teaching reading when you began the online M.Ed. Reading Education with Digital Literacies is informative with specific illustrative examples. [Note: This needs to be written before you begin coursework.] / 3 = Superior fit with criteria
2= Strong fit with criteria
1= Partial fit with criteria
0 = Lacking fit with criteria
Major Developments
Three or four major developments (that all together cover all courses) that will affect your future pedagogy and philosophy of teaching reading and digital literacies. The developments are relevant to the M.Ed. degree and content of program of study. Specific evidence provided including illustrative examples and details (e.g. links to partial or complete assignments or screen shots of parts of assignments). / 6= Superior fit with criteria
5 = Strong fit with criteria
4 - 1 = Partial fit with criteria
0 = Lacking fit with criteria
Beyond the MED
Statement about your future both as a literacy educator and lifelong learner that is informative with specific ideas. / 3 = Superior fit with criteria
2= Strong fit with criteria
1= Partial fit with criteria
0 = Lacking fit with criteria
Synthesis/Original Thinking
The writing reads seamlessly with original insights gained from program of study / 5 = Superior fit with criteria
4= Strong fit with criteria
3– 1 = Partial fit with criteria
0 = Lacking fit with criteria
Organization and Conventions
There are informative headings and strong transitions. None or very few errors of spelling, punctuation, APA, and the like. / 3 = Superior fit with criteria
2 = Strong fit with criteria
1 = Partial fit with criteria
0 = Lacking fit with criteria
Digital Affordances
Knowledge and effective use of digital literacies is evident throughout the sections of the multimodal composition. / 5 = Superior fit with criteria
4 = Strong fit with criteria
3– 1 = Partial fit with criteria
0 = Lacking fit with criteria