SLO Assessment ChecklistSeptember, 2016
SLO Approval Checklist Teacher: Date:
General OverviewY N / Assessment is typed or digitized (not handwritten) with consideration to Universal Design for Learning (UDL) concepts.
Y N / Assessment is free of bias, avoids unnecessarily complex language, and will be administered fairly and consistently to all students in the pre- and post-assessment.
Y N / Assessment measures individual student performance.
Y N / Assessment covers an extended interval of instruction (semester or year)
Y N / Assessment uses the best item type for each standard/performance indicator.
Y N / Assessment contains questions that assess student thinking beyond knowledge, comprehension, and recall.
Y N / Assessment provides all students an opportunity to adequately demonstrate knowledge and growth.
Y N / Assessment uses simple and clear language that is accessible to all students.
Y N / The directions are clear and include important details such as point value and expected answer format.
Y N / There are no context clues within or among test items.
Y N / Words that support understanding of the question are highlighted (most, least, neither, either, or, etc.)
Y N / Teacher has confirmed the amount of time the average student will need to complete the assessment.
Y N / Assessment items are arranged from easy to difficult.
Depth and Breadth of Standards
Y N / The standards and performance indicators are clearly aligned.
Y N / The actual language from all of the standards has been included.
Y N / The depth and breadth of the standards is comparable to other assessments from our school/district.
Item Type Alignment
Y N / The item types align with the identified standards/performance indicators.
Y N / The balance between item types is appropriate for the content and the context.
Y N / The formatting is consistent (font size, answer choice labels and location, instructions, indentation, bold print.)
Y N / The visuals and print are clear and large enough to see.
Y N / Items are contained to a single page.
Y N / Pages are numbered.
Y N / The most precise scoring method is used. (Is there rounding or clustering?)
Y N / The total point value for each question is defined. (raw or percentage)
Y N / The point values of all item types are clearly identified.
Y N / The scoring criteria for each item type is provided. (rubric, criteria chart, key, etc.)
Y N / Different sections of the assessment are weighted appropriately. (Is it weighted toward “easier” content, or content not directly related to the standards?)
Rubric Quality
Y N / The rubric contains at least four different criteria.
Y N / The criteria align directly to identified standards.
Y N / The rubric has four achievement levels, allowing teacher to differentiate growth for all students in the group.
Y N / The language in the descriptor is clear and precise.
Y N / The rubric language is parallel throughout.
Item Analysis: Fixed Response: Multiple Choice
Y N / The whole question is stated within the stem.
Y N / There is only one correct or best answer available for each question.
Y N / Each answer option is similar in length and structure.
Y N / “All of the above” and “none of the above” are used sparingly.
Y N / All incorrect answer choices are viable possible answers and not obviously incorrect.
Item Analysis: Fixed Response: True/False
Y N / The entire statement is written to be either true or false.
Y N / Students are required to explain a false answer.
Item Analysis: Fixed Response: Matching
Y N / The directions for matching are clear and/or a model match is provided to students.
Y N / There are no more than ten items to be matched in the answer set.
Y N / Each answer option matches in length and structure.
Item Analysis: Fixed Response: Fill in the Blank
Y N / The ‘blank’ is at the end or middle of the item rather than the beginning.
Y N / The ‘blank’ is the same length for each response, ensuring that the length of the blank does not reveal the length of the missing word or phrase.
Item Analysis: Constructed Response
Y N / The prompt clearly states the content, the context (as applicable) , the task, and the question/problem students must address.
Y N / The prompt provides directions to what an appropriate response must include.
Y N / The scoring criteria for the response is clear.
Y N / Criteria for earning partial credit is clear.