Feedback Report

From Planning Unit to Assessment Committee

For Evaluating Reporting Unit Strategic Plans

Name of Reporting Unit: / Date Reviewed:
Reviewed by:
  1. Is the plan structurally complete?YesNo
  • If no, what is missing?
  • Can the reporting unit complete the missing section without assistance or do you request assistance from the Assessment Committee?

____Can complete on own

____Request assistance

Given the attached guidelines for student learning and planning objectives:

(non-academic reporting units may or may not include student learning objectives depending upon the function of the unit.)

  1. Are the objectives appropriately focused?

Student Learning Objectives / Planning Objectives
  • Focus on student knowledge, skills, or beliefs, attitudes and values.
  • Focus on observable behavior.
  • Focus upon the student.
  • May include objectives pertaining to student satisfaction but should not be limited to satisfaction objectives.
  • Are reasonable in light of the mission of the unit and the university
  • Are realistic
  • May include objectives pertaining to user satisfaction but should not be limited to satisfaction objectives.

  1. Are there appropriate and sufficient assessment methods specified for each objective?

Student Learning Objectives / Planning Objectives
  • Identifies multiple methods for each objective.
  • Identifies a minimum of one direct measure for each objective.
  • May include qualitative as well as quantitative methods.
  • Provides enough information to use for making changes, if indicated.
  • Identifies multiple methods for each objective.
  • May include qualitative as well as quantitative methods.
  • Provides enough information to use for making changes, if indicated.

  1. Are criteria stated for each assessment method?

Student Learning Objectives / Planning Objectives
  • Clearly articulates what level of performance is desired.
  • Clearly articulates what level of performance is desired.

  1. Is the schedule for each assessment method sufficient and frequent enough?

Student Learning Objectives / Planning Objectives
  • Specifies a frequent and systematic schedule for conducting the assessment method. For example:
  • “Every semester” or
  • “Annually” or
  • “Every three years”
  • Specifies a frequent and systematic schedule for conducting the assessment method. For example:
  • “Every semester” or
  • “Annually” or
  • “Every three years”

  1. Is the process for using assessment data an effective process for program enhancement?

Student Learning Objectives / Planning Objectives
  • Specifies who will use the data and how and when.
  • Specifies who will use the data and how and when.

  1. Do you have any specific recommendations for the reporting unit?
  1. If referring for technical assistance from the Assessment Committee which type of assistance would be most helpful? Please check all appropriate:

Check / Types of Technical Assistance Provided by Assessment Committee
Formulating Program Objectives
Identifying Appropriate Measures
Establishing Feedback Process
Transferring Plan into TracDat

9. Is this a student learning objective and assessment plan that you would recommend as a model for others to follow?

Reporting Unit Head Signature and Date

Planning Unit Head Signature and Date