1. ______attribute indicates the unique field name for a checkbox.

• Type
• Name
• Input
• Value
2. In HTML, depending upon which tag is used, the enclosed content can then have
Specific effect

Specific effect, style and format

3. Which of the following is true for selection list?

<select name="field name" size="no. of items">
<select "name=field name" size="no. of items"</select>
<select name="field name" size="no. of items"</select>
None of the above

4. List tag used in html is ______

None of the given options

5. Which of the following is HTML tag could not be used as CSS tag?


6. What is identified by the tag?

Horizontal frame
Bottom Frame
Top Frame
Vertical Frame

7. HTML documents are connected with each other by ______.

Big Tag
Small Tag
Link Tag
None of the given options
8. The web addresses are first translated into IP address through ______



9. In Style sheets, how do you change the text color of an element?


10. ______is used to interpret and show contents of the web page.

• Notepad
• Browser
• Computer

11. A ______is a web page populated with text boxes, drop-down lists and commands buttons to get information from the user.

• Hypertext Link
• Form
• Table
• Button

12. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of CSS?

• Define the look of your pages in one place
• Works on version 4 browsers or newer
• Easily change the look
• Implement same formatting each time tag is used.

13. Links are used to connect ______.

• Images
• Text
• Images and web documents
• All of the given

14. When a visitor clicks a ______, the entries in form are set to the default values.

• Button
• Radio Button
• Submit Button
• Reset Button
15. Which of the following are correct tags used for frames,

• <Frame</Frame>
• <Frameset<Frame</Frame</Frameset>
• <Frameset<Frame</Frameset>
• <Frameset<Frame</Frame>

16. question_2you: if you have a less space for e-mails on internet then ______protocol is used.

• POP3

17. ______are normally used to get yes/no or true/false information from a reader.

• Check Boxes
• Radio buttons
• Submit Buttons
• Selection List

18. Default web page background color is ______.

• Green
• Red
• White
• Blue

19. ______are normally used to get yes/no or true/false information from a reader.

• Check Boxes
• Radio buttons
• Submit Buttons
• Selection List

20. Which of the following is NOT valid HTML code line?

• <frameset rows="16%,84%">
• <frameset columns="16%,84%">
• <frameset cols="100,150">
• <frameset cols="50%,50%" rows="16%,84%">

21. What is the meaning of SRC in frame tag?

• Source for image saved on your disk
• Source for images saved on your disk
• Source of page saved on your disk
• Source of Pages saved on your disk

22. In what form style rules are presented?

• selector { property= value }
• selector ( property: value )
• selector { property: value }
• selector ( property= value )

23. ______is the code for blank space in HTML.

• &lsquo;
• &nbsp;
• &sbquo;
• &iexcl;

24. Which CSS property controls the text size?

• font-style
• font-size
• text-style
• text-size

25. Which HTML tag is used to define an internal (embedded) style sheet?

• Text / Style
• Style
• Script

26. Meta Data is important for easier ______.

• Web page creation
• Web site upload
• Web page search through search engine
• None of the above

27. Which HTML attribute is used to define inline styles?

• Styles
• Text
• Style

29. Which attribute can be used to make a region non-clickable?

• Alt
• Target
• nohref
• none of the given

31. With ______, you can display more than one Web page in the same browser window.

• Forms
• Frames
• Post Action
• Java Scripts

32. In CSS, how do you make the text bold?

• font:b
• font-size:bold
• font-weight:bold
• Telnet
• none

33. Which of the following is used for web page requests?


34. Which of the following provides an interface & series for file transfer over the network?

• Telnet
• None

35. ______connects a local computer with a remote computer.

• Telnet
• none
36. Which of the followings provide e-mail services on the internet?
• Telnet
• none

37. ______is connectionless transport protocol.



38. ______is connection-oriented transport protocol.


39. Public Key of the receiver is used to------.

a. Decrypt the message
b. Encrypt the message
c. Scramble the message
d. None of the mentioned options

40. Receiver applies ------to the received original message

• Digital signature
• Message digest
• Hash function
• None of the mentioned options

41. Symmetric key can be replaced with------.

• Symmetric algorithms
• Pair of public and private keys
• Asymmetric key
• None of the mentioned options

43. Most of the electronic payment systems on internet use ------to ensure confidentiality and security of the payment information.

• Quantum computing
• Cryptography
• Both of the mentioned options
• None of the mentioned options

44. Simplicity and ------is the biggest advantage of Virtual PIN payment system.

• Full encryption
• Dual encryption
• No encryption
• None of the mentioned options

46. An electronic check book device is a combination of

• Hardware and a digital signature
• Software and information about user
• Secure hardware and software
• None of the mentioned options

47. Which of the following is disadvantage of virtual PIN payment system?

• Bogus purchases are possible
• Stolen credit card number can be used
• Only some extra copies of the information items are made in case of a fraud
• All of the mentioned options are disadvantages of Virtual PIN payment system

48. FV stands for

• Forward Virtual
• Famous virtual
• None of the mentioned options

• First Virtual

50. In the statement var myAr = new Array (60); what does the number 60 represent?

• The value assigned to the 1st element in the array
• The number of elements to be used in the array
• The number of dimensions created in a multi-dimensional arra
• All

51. Which of the following is the valid syntax for initialization of a string object?

• Var Girl = "salmanoreen"
• Girl = new string( "salmanoreen")
• Var Girl = new string( "salmanoreen")
• Var Girl = new Girl( "salmanoreen")

52. Identify that machine which services the internet request?

• Web client
• Web server
• Browser
• Mozilla


Question # 1 of 10 ( Start time: 04:52:38 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Poter Market and sell activities relates to ______.

Select correct option:

  1. advertising, promotions
  2. managing salespersons
  3. monitoring distribution channel
  4. All of Above

Question # 2 of 10 ( Start time: 04:53:59 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Advantages of VAN in EDI are ______.

Select correct option:

  1. Time independence.
  2. Protocol dependence.

Question # 3 of 10 ( Start time: 04:54:52 PM ) Total Marks: 1

In personal finance what is true?

Select correct option:

  1. online data is imported automatically into the register.
  2. transactions maintained by the software package.
  3. account/transaction details are downloaded through the internet.
  4. All of Above

Question # 4 of 10 ( Start time: 04:55:51 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Characterization and Clustering belong to which of the following types of Data Mining?

Select correct option:

  1. Predictive
  2. Selective
  3. Descriptive
  4. Additive

Question # 5 of 10 ( Start time: 04:57:00 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Poter Finance and administration activities relate to ______.

Select correct option:

  1. accounting, paying bills and borrowing funds
  2. purchasing and borrowing funds

Question # 6 of 10 ( Start time: 04:57:43 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What is true about Personal finance?

Select correct option:

  1. Sell you products in no time.
  2. Buy you products in no time.
  3. allows the management of your financial matters in a customized manner.
  4. None

Question # 7 of 10 ( Start time: 04:59:07 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Electronic Data Interchange Includes ______.

Select correct option:

  1. No paper work
  2. No human intervention
  3. Exchange of information takes place in seconds
  4. ALL Above

Question # 8 of 10 ( Start time: 05:00:11 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Three basic strategies for competitive advantage: ______.

Select correct option:

  1. Cost leadership
  2. Differentiation
  3. Focus
  4. All of Above

Question # 9 of 10 ( Start time: 05:01:08 PM ) Total Marks: 1

______strategy is defined as concentration on a single aspect of the market.

Select correct option:

  1. Focus
  2. Differentation

Question # 10 of 10 ( Start time: 05:01:42 PM ) Total Marks: 1

VAN can _____.

Select correct option:

  1. Reduce network traffic
  2. Provide protocol compatibility between the sender and the recipient, wherever that is missing.

Question No: 1

Key version represents public key by




Certification Authority

Ref: PAGE # 116

E-cash Coins

The currency used in this payment system is called an e-cash coin or simply coin. A coin consists of three elements or parts - serial #, key version and serial no. signed by the secret or private key of a certain denomination of the e-cash bank. In other words, a coin of one dollar would consist of the following:

Coin = Serial#, key version, {Serial #} SK bank’s $1 key

Each coin has a unique value, partly minted by the client and partly by thee-cash bank.

Question No: 2

SSL stands for

Secure Socket Layer

Security Service Layer

Sub Secured Length

None of these

Ref: PAGE # 121


SSL is a protocol developed by Netscape Communications. SSL is built into many browsers. It operates at the TCP/IP layer of the OSI model, and uses a combination of symmetric and asymmetric cryptography.

Question No: 3

How many kinds of Web Portals are?





Ref: PAGE # 129

Portal Model

Portals are the web sites which provide chance to the visitors to find almost everything in one place.Horizontalportalsprovide information about a very broad range of topics. Search engine is the example of a horizontal portal.Vertical portalsprovide information pertaining to a single area of interest. Community Portals such as those related to medical or legal profession are the examples of a vertical portal.

Question No: 4

Brick and Mortar refers to

Offline business

Online business



Ref: PAGE # 129

Brick-and-Mortar vs. Click-and-Mortar businesses

These two terms refer to theofflineand theonline businesses, respectively. Where a company is doing its business both online and offline, there is often the problem of lack of proper integration between the two different channels of business.

Note:Offline business= Brick-and-Mortar

AndOnline Business= Click-and-Mortar businesses

Question No: 5

Digital Content Revenue Model Includes

Legal information services

Online journals

Online Libraries

All of the above

Ref: PAGE # 130

Digital Content Revenue Model

Web serves as a very efficient distribution mechanism of content. Therefore, one finds many e-businesses that offer different types of information services such aslegal information, corporate information, government information, news and resources for academic libraries etc. These services can be customized by an e-business for different firm sizes depending upon their needs and usage pattern. Normally, a customer has to subscribe to such services by paying certain amount as subscription fee. This fee becomes the main source of generating revenue for the e-business. Instead of subscription fee, a credit card charge option can be made available for infrequent users.Online journals, newspapers,librariesfall under this category

Question No: 6

Which of following marketing campaigns are cheap an effective way to target potential customers?



Media promotion

Marketing software

Ref: PAGE # 133


E-mailmarketing campaigns are cheap and effective way to target potential customers.

Question No: 7

What does Telemarketing means?

Marketing through charting

Marketing through telephone

Marketing through email

Marketing through web casting

Ref: PAGE # 133


Live interaction through telephone

Question No: 8

Which of following services build a strong customer loyalty towards company and its products?

Customer services

Public relations(PR)

Bulletin board


Ref: PAGE # 136

One major goal of CRM is to establish a long-lasting relationship between a company and its customers. Goodcustomerservices can help in building a sense ofloyaltytowards company and itsproducts or services.

Question No: 9

Track the customers online and do personalization is only possible through which of the following file(s) analysis.

log files


data mining

log files and cookies.

Ref: PAGE # 136

You know thatcookiesallow e-commerce sites to record visitor behavior. They can be used totrack customers onlineand do personalization. Many customers do not know that their information is being collected and used by the e-business site.

Question No: 10

Which of the following is true for Class A:

Network 01 byte and 03 hosts

Network 02 bytes and 02 hosts

Network 03 bytes and 01 host

None of these

Ref: PAGE # 10

By rule, in class A networksfirst bytewould refer to the network address and the remainingthree bytesto the host machines on that network providing a very large network.

Question No: 11

What is the correct HTML for making a text input field?

<textinput type="text">

<input type="text">

<input type="textfield">


Ref: PAGE # 27

First Name:<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="First">

Question No: 12

IIS stands for:

International Information Service

Internet Information Server

Internet Information standards

All of these

Ref: PAGE# 85


We can discuss ASP a little more in detail. It runs best onIIS (Internet Information Server)which is freely available with Windows NT and Windows 2000.

Question No: 13

The payer and the payee are issued digital certificates in ………… standard format by their respective banks.

X. 509

F. 609



Ref: PAGE # 101

Digital certificates

These are the certificates in electronic form which establish whether or not a public key belongs to the purported owner.A digital certificateat least comprises a public key, certification information (name, ID etc.) and electronic signatures of a certification authority.Digital certificates are prepared according to a generally accepted format calledX.509standard format.

Question No: 14

What is a E-Cash wallet ?




All of the above

Ref: PAGE # 116

Buyers and merchants, both, have accounts in theE-cash bank.Buyers withdrawcoins against their account and store them ine-cash walletsoftware(Cyber wallet)on their computer. Cyber wallet stores and manages coins and records every transaction.

Question No: 15

An E-cash coin consists of element (s) like:

Serial # provided by client

Key version

Serial# signed by E-cash bank

All of the above

Ref: PAGE # 116

Coin = Serial#, key version, {Serial #} SK bank’s $1 key

Question No: 16

What is Ultimate consumer orientation?

Primary objective of supply chain is to help each company to meet needs of the consumer at the end of supply chain.

Secondary Primary objective of supply chain is to help each company to meet needs of the consumer at the end of supply chain.

Supply chain is to help each company to meet needs of the supplier, seller and buyer at the end of supply chain.

None of them

Ref: PAGE # 156

Supply chain and ultimate consumer orientation:

Primary objective of supply chain is to help each company to meet needs of the consumer at the end of supply chain.This approach is called ultimate consumer orientation. In 1995, a company dealing in the business of production of tiers inAmericaadopted a different approach by shifting its focus on tire dealers from ultimate customers.

Question No: 17

Customer data can be gathered and analyzing it customers can be served in a better Manner according to their needs, which is best option?


Customer orientation

Customer satisfaction


Ref: PAGE # 157


With the help ofEC, customerdata can be gathered and analyzing it customers can be served in a better manner according to their needs. One can, thus, implement differentiation and focus strategy.

Question No: 18

A company ABC web page divided into four segments can be unpleasant to a Japanese visitor because no. four is a symbol of death in that culture. Which is the international barrier it is having?



Lack of trust


Ref: PAGE # 162

A web page divided into four segments can be unpleasant to a Japanese visitor because no. four is a symbol of death in that culture.

Question No: 19

Exclusive right granted by law to make, use and sell an invention. What is called?


Trade mark

Patent infringement


Ref: PAGE # 181

Patent infringement:

A patent is an exclusive rightgranted by law to make, use andsell an invention. In order to be patentable, the invention must be unique, genuine, and useful according to the prevalent technological standards.

Question No: 20

Suppose, someone circulates a news item in the media about the reputation of a doctor, alleging him to be professionally incompetent and negligent. This doctor may then file a lawsuit against that person claiming that his reputation has been injured due to such an act. Which legal issue arises due to such acts?

Cyber Crimes

Online Defamation

Cyber squatting


Ref: PAGE # 182

Online Defamation:

A defamatory statement is a false statement that injures the reputation of on another person or company. If a statement injures the reputation of a product or service instead of a person, it is called product disparagement.Suppose, someone circulates a news item in the media about the reputation of a doctor, alleging him to be professionally incompetent and negligent. This doctor may then file a lawsuit against that person claiming that his reputation has been injured due to such an act.

Question No: 21

How can you reference part of a string?





Ref: PAGE # 70

String Object:

In the following example, ‘str’ and ‘myArray’ are the instances of string and array objects, respectively. The size of the array is 10. Here, charAt() is the function/method of string object. So, charAt(3) would provide the value of the element at the index three. Different other functions of string object have also been used. In the example,str.Split(' ')splits the string on the basis of blank space. After splitting,we assign parts of the string as values for the array.

Question No: 22

One Tier Architecture______.
Select correct option:

The entire processing may take place at individual terminal.
The entire processing may take place at different terminal.
The entire processing may not take place at individual terminal.
None of Above