Jamestown Notes

·  1587 – Roanoke Island became the 1st English settlement in America.

·  Virginia Dare was the 1st English child born in America.

·  1607 – settled in Jamestown


1.  To find gold

2.  To attempt to establish trade in furs and fish

·  Jamestown was the 1st permanent English settlement in America.

·  The Starving Time ---- when colonists were fighting with Indians and not growing crops

·  3 things that saved Jamestown

  1. John Smith – “Don’t work, don’t eat”
  2. Women – 12 to 13 years old
  3. Tobacco – John Rolfe brought seed from West Indies

·  House of Burgesses

o  Made local laws for colony

o  Representative government

o  20 Representatives (2 per town)

o  Met in church in Jamestown (1619)

·  William Tucker – 1st African born in America

·  1624 – changed to a royal colony

Middle Colonies

·  New York – proprietary colony; given to the Duke of York

New Jersey – became a royal colony; 1702

Pennsylvania – William Penn developed it based on the Quaker’s beliefs

Delaware – broke off from Pennsylvania (lower 3 counties of PA)

·  Compare the Puritan and Quaker beliefs

Puritan Quaker

-  God spoke only through the Bible - inner light guides to Salvation

-  Little toleration for other religions - didn’t need church or ministers

- everyone’s equal in God’s eyes

- peace not war

·  New Jersey had no natural harbors unlike New York.

Southern Colonies

·  Maryland --- safe haven for Catholics

-  Passed Act of Toleration (allowed to worship freely)

·  Virginia – grew tobacco

-  Bacon’s Rebellion – led to protecting colonists and allowing them to move westward.

·  North and South Carolina --- proprietary colony

-  Given to 8 prominent members of King Charles’ court

-  1729 - became a royal colony

·  Georgia --- debtor’s haven

-  Protected South Carolina and other colonies from Spanish Florida