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International Coordination Action

Progress Report

·  Personal details

Full name of the coordinated international research network (no abbreviations)
Application number
Coordinator of the network
Duration of the International Coordination Action (from DD/MM/YY till DD/MM/YY)
Period on which is being reported (from DD/MM/YY till DD/MM/YY)

·  Scientific Results and outcome for the international Coordination action

·  Describe the network activities that you have conducted in the framework of this International Coordination Action, and the results obtained until now.
·  Describe how these activities contributed to the scientific goals of the network as described in the original application.
·  Describe the impact and added value for the Flemish research community
(ca. 2500 words)


Describe for which network activities the budget has been used until now. List all staff members paid by the budget from this International Coordination Action, and mention for each of them their contribution to specific tasks and activities of the network as described in the original application.

·  Work plan

Describe in detail the coordination tasks that remain to be done and the planning of these actions.

·  List of scientific publications resulting from THE International coordination action


·  Only mention publications resulting from this specific International Coordination Action, published during the period on which is being reported, and authored by people directly linked to the International Coordination Action. Papers by other authors should not be listed and will not be considered by the panel.

·  In chronological order, starting with the most recent item, with full bibliographic description and with the JCR two-year Impact Factor in the year of publication (or the most recent one).

·  In case of multiple authors, please indicate your own contribution (in percentage).

·  Clearly indicate whether the publication is published or accepted for publication (indicate in or by which journal). Papers that are merely ‘in preparation’ should not be listed and will not be considered by the panel.

·  Use the following classification:


a1.1. Articles (a) included in Web of Science’s (WoS) Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Science Citation Index and/or Arts and Humanities Citation Index, whose document type is labelled as “Article”, “Review”, “Letter”, “Note” and/or “Proceedings Paper” or (b) in journals included in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) of Web of Science.

a1.2. Articles included in the Flemish Academic Bibliographic Database for the Social Sciences and Humanities (VABB-SHW).

a2. Articles in scientific journals not included in A1.1. or A1.2.


b1. Author or co-author of published books (limited to books published by a scientific publishing company; no syllabuses, no theses).

b2. Chapters in books (no conference proceedings).

b3. Books as editor (including editor of conference proceedings).

Other publications

c1. Papers in proceedings of scientific conferences, that do not belong to any of the previous categories (full articles, no abstracts).

c2. Doctoral dissertations

c3. Patents

c4. All other publications or items of scientific output which are relevant to the application and cannot be included in any of the previous categories.

*Failure to respect these guidelines may lead the panel to downgrade the mark for this report.