Call For Proposals
Society of Counseling Psychology (APA Division 17) Student Poster Session
American Psychological Association Convention
Washington, DC,August 3rd- August 6th
Submission Deadline for Proposals: March 20, 2017, 11:59PM PST
Proposals are now being accepted for a Student Poster Session co-sponsored by the Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs (CCPTP), Division 17 Sections, and the Division 17 Student Affiliates of Seventeen (SAS). Poster proposals may be empirical studies or theoretical considerations relevant to the specific Division 17 Section to which they are submitted. Thefirst author on the proposal must be a student (or have completed the project while a student or intern) and must either be a student affiliate of Division 17 or sponsored by a Division 17 member.
Poster proposals should include a cover sheet and a 500- to 1000-word summary of the study in APA style. The abstract should include some description of the nature of the presentation (empirical, theoretical, technique) and primary findings. Summaries of empirical studies should include a brief literature review, statement of the problem (hypotheses or research questions), participants, procedures, results, and conclusions. Summaries of other presentations should include enough detail for reviewers to judge the overall format and contribution of the scholarship. The proposals will be subjected to masked review. Please do not include identifying information in the proposal (only on the cover sheet; see below).
To submit your proposal for the Student Poster Session:
- Attach your proposal and completed cover sheet and email to BOTHAND the contact person of the PRIMARY section you wish to submit to (see contact list below).
- Identify in the subject line of the email: Student Poster Proposal – “Name of Section” (e.g., Student Poster Proposal – Section on Ethnic and Racial Diversity). If you do not send your proposal to a specific section, your proposal will not be reviewed for this poster session.
- Please send your proposal to only one section.If you have listed a second section you would like your work to be considered by, the proposal will be sent along by the poster coordinator on your behalf. For a description of each of the sections please go to the section website (
- By submitting a poster to this poster session, you are acknowledging that you or a co-author will be able to stand with your poster for the entire poster session at the APA convention. Therefore, you may be a co-author on multiple submissions to this poster session, but you must guarantee that another of the poster’s authors will be able to stand with that poster during the session if you need to stand with a different poster. Inability to do so will impact you and your co-authors’ ability to successfully submit posters to this poster session during future conventions.
Notifications of proposal status and presentation instructions
will be sent via email after May 8, 2017. Given that this poster session is internally sponsored by Division 17, and not part of the official APA convention program, presenters will not be eligible for APA travel awards or waived registration fees for the APA Convention.
Proposal Checklist (for your use—do not send with proposal):
_____ 500-1000 word summary of work completed as a student
_____ Cover sheet (see next page) with all presenters’ contact information (provide in separate file from proposal)
_____ If applicable, provide sponsor signature if not a Division 17 student affiliate (sponsor MUST sign a copy of the cover sheet, if applicable)
_____ Address subject line of email as: “student poster proposal – “Name of section”
_____Send to BOTH the section poster coordinator (see below) AND .
List of Sections and Section Poster Coordinator Information
- Section for the Advancement of Women
Send proposals toJillian Wasson:
- Section on College and University Counseling Centers
Send proposals to Jason Hacker: - International Section
Send proposals to Ingrid Weigold: - Section on Ethnic and Racial Diversity
Send proposals to Delishia Pittman: - Section on Health Psychology
Send proposals to Mary Ann Hoffman:
- Section on Professional Practice
Send proposals toValene Whittaker: - Section on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues
Send proposals to Mirella Flores: - Positive Psychology Section
Send proposals to Blake Allan - Prevention Section
Send proposals to Dorothy Espelage: - Section on Supervision and Training
Send proposals to Heidi Zetzer - Society for Vocational Psychology
Send proposals to Scott Solberg:
Section on Human-AnimalInteraction
Send proposals to Karen Shaefer:
- Section for the Promotion of Psychotherapy Science
Send proposals to Margit Berman:
If you have questions or concerns, please contact Marcy Rowland at , Chair of Section Chairs or Brandon Millspaughat , Co-Chair of the Student Affiliates of Seventeen (SAS).
Division 17 Student Poster Session 2017
Proposal Cover Sheet
1stSection submitting to:2nd Section submitting to: / Please list the name of a Section you would like to consider your proposal in the event that your work is not accepted by your primary identification.
Title (do not exceed 15 words)
Principal (Presenting) Author
Highest Degree / If highest degree is a Ph.D., was this work conducted while the principal author was a student/intern?
Professional Affiliation
Complete Mailing Address
Phone #s / Work: Home:
First Co-Author
Highest Degree
Professional Affiliation
Complete Mailing Address
Phone #s / Work: Home:
Second Co-Author
Highest Degree
Professional Affiliation
Complete Mailing Address
Phone #s / Work: Home:
Third Co-Author
Highest Degree
Professional Affiliation
Complete Mailing Address
Phone #s / Work: Home:
Add additional names with similar information if needed.
I understand that if this proposal is accepted for presentation, the primary author or contributing author is committed to attending and presenting this study at the APA Convention Division 17 Student Poster Session.
Student Name: Date:
Student Signature:
Please include the signature of a Division 17 sponsor(or an email indicating support from the sponsor)if the Principal Author is not a Division 17 Student Affiliate:
Sponsor Name:Date:
Sponsor Signature:
Please attach e-mail from sponsor confirming their willingness to sponsor student’s work if the sponsor is not available for signature.
If you have questions, please contact Marcy Rowland, Chair of Section Chairs, at or Brandon Milsspaughat o-Chair of the Student Affiliates of Seventeen (SAS).