A SC Public Charter School
A TransformSC School
Meeting of Board of Directors
Midlands Technical College, Airport Campus
8:00 AM- 9:15 AM
Student Center, Room 225
October 29, 2015
The mission of Midlands Middle College is to prepare 11th and 12th grade high school students for a successful work and educational future through the integration of high school, technical college, and the world of work by providing targeted students with a rigorous and relevant academic program.
Reviewed and approved on Thursday, January 28, 2016
WELCOME / Valerie Richardson, Board Chair, welcomed board members. Others in attendance were John Barnes, Diane Carr, Darold Dantzler, Elaine Delk, Chris LaCola, Ron Rhames, Kaye Shaw, and Carole FearringtonPUBLIC COMMENTS / There were no public comments.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA / The agenda was approved on a motion from Ron Rhames, seconded by John Barnes.
(August 13, 2015) / Minutes from the August 13 board meeting were approved on a motion by Diane Carr, seconded by Kaye Shaw.
- Election of Board officers
- Oath of Office (newly appointed members)
Elaine Delk presided over the swearing-in ceremony for the newly appointed Board members, John Barnes, Ben Green, Kaye Shaw, and Valerie Richardson.
REVIEW OF MMC TEST DATA / Carole Fearrington presented the spring, 2015, ACT scores for MMC juniors. Carole reported that students’ English and writing scores indicated a higher rate of college readiness than did state or public charter district scores, math scores were far below state and district scores, and reading and science scores were somewhat below those of the state and district. Carole explained that this was the first required administration of ACT, a college readiness test usually taken only by students who plan to attend a four-year college which requires the test results as a basis for admission decisions. The state has not yet announced whether ACT will be required again in 2016.
Carole then reviewed the WorkKeys results for the same group of juniors; 81.8% qualified for a National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC), while 88% of state students and 89% of district students qualified for the certificate. Again, Workkeys was required for the first time in spring, 2015. Since it will be required again in 2016, MMC has developed plans to promote an increase in students qualifying for the NCR certificates. Plans include practice with both computerized and pencil and paper version of the Workkeys test and increased focus on test-taking skills. In addition, MMC will contact some leaders of businesses that require WorkKeys testing and request that these leaders visit MMC to talk with students about the value of the test and the effect of score results on employment.
UPDATE ON REVISION OF CHARTER GOALS / Carole Fearrington reported that the revised charter targets and metrics which the Board approved on August 13, 2015, were not acceptable to the SCPCSD. District leaders who reviewed the board-approved revisions responded that the SCPCSD recently adopted a rubric for charter goals, and the targets and measuresfor MMC’s goals do not meet the standards of the new rubric. Carole also explained that Diane Carr and she have met again to align the targets and measures with the new rubric but have questions about how to proceed. Carole has reported these questions to the district leaders who developed the rubric but has had no response. Ron Rhames stated and other board members agreed that until further directive is received from the SCPCSD, it does not seem prudent for MMC to move forward with revisions to the goals.
- Enrollment
- Finance
- Grants Update
- College Access/Preparation
- Career Access/Preparation
- Citizenship Activities
- Upcoming Events
- Enrollment of 105 students in Power School and ADM of 102.64 on the 45th day.
- Finance: Attached budget reflects actuals as of September 30, 2015. FY15 audit is in progress.
- MMC has been awarded another grant from Lipscomb Family Foundation, $8,450 for college tuition expenses for dual credit courses.
- MMC students are currently enrolling for spring MTC classes. Various college tours have been scheduled for MMC students.
- Various career exploration/access opportunities are scheduled.
- Various clubs and extra-curricular groups are in progress
- First MMC Beta Club being formed; Silent Auction Fundraiser planned for December 8; proceeds to
John Barnes made suggestions to provide more leadership development activities for all MMC students, maybe through the Columbia Chamber of Commerce. Elaine Delk and Kaye Shaw also made suggestions for support of a leadership initiative.
ADJOURNMENT / The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 on a motion by John Barnes and seconded by Ron Rhames.
Midlands Middle College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, religion, or immigrant status in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. For questions pertaining to Section 504 and Title IX, contact the Midlands Middle College at 1260 Lexington Drive, West Columbia, SC 29170, 803-822-7043.