Draft: Still to be approved by Power Systems Faculty
Northeastern University
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
(Brad Lehman)
ECE U684-Power Electronics 4SH
Prerequisites: ECE U402 and ECE U464
The course covers principles and concepts of power electronics. General switching techniques for processing electrical energy are discussed. DC-DC converters, rectifiers, and inverters are studied. The basic structure, operating principles, and design methodology are discussed for each of these applications. Time permitting, AC-AC converters and resonant converters are introduced. Passive components, including realistic energy sources, loads, capacitors, and magnetic devices are discussed. Power semiconductor devices are examined from an application perspective. The course is a split level class, designed to be taken by seniors and graduate students.
Course Objective:
Upon completion of this course, a student should:
- Understand and appreciate the history of electric power electronics, present and future trends, and the role of power electronics in power-system engineering.
- Understand, analyze and design power conversion circuits that contain switches.
- Utilize Fourier Series analysis as a tool to understand switching circuits.
- Understand and analyze power quality issues, such as power factor, power efficiency, and distortion.
- Design DC-DC converters, including, but not limited to buck and boost derived topologies.
- Design DC-AC converters, including, but not limited to buck and boost derived topologies.
- Analyze and understand AC-DC rectifiers, such as full bridge and half bridge.
- Understand and design circuits using different switching devices, such as diodes, FETs and BJTs.
Topics Covered:
- Introduction: History of electric power electronics; present and future trends.
- Power Conversion Concepts such as: switching functions, pwm, filtering.
- Application of Fourier Series to analyze power electronic systems.
- DC-DC converters including direct converters, indirect converters, and isolated converters.
- Simple AC/DC converters with diodes
- Modeling of DC-DC converters for analysis.
- Inverters utilizing pulse width modulation
- Definitions and application of power quality, such as power efficiency, voltage regulation, harmonic distortion and power factor.
- Optional topics as time permits, such as resonant converters, AC-AC converters, and discontinuous conduction mode.
Class/laboratory Schedule:
Class: Two classes of 100 minutes each
Lab: None
Contribution of course to meeting the professional component:
Engineering Topics:4SH
General Engineering Component: See relation to Program Objectives below.
Program Objective / Assessed1.1 Formulate and solve ECE problem / HE: One or two midterms and one final exam graded by instructor Homeworks graded by TA.
1.2 Laboratory and Computing Tools / H: PSpice as needed.
1.3 Design/conduct experiments analyze data. / H: Consider various alternatives in Homework.
1.4 Design systems components or processes / HE: Design of DC/DC and DC/AC converters and their component values on HW and exams.
1.5 (CE) Design and implement computer programs / N/A
2.1 Understand/apply mathematics
2.1.1 Differential Calculus / HE: Usage in text/homework/exams
2.1.2 Integral Calculus / HE: Usage in text/homework/exams
2.1.3 Complex algebra/analysis / HE: Usage in text/homework/exams
2.1.4 Differential difference equations / HE: Differential equations are utilized in textbook/homework/exams
2.1.5 Linear Algebra / N/A
2.1.6 Multivariate Calculus / N/A
2.1.7 Probability/Stochastic Processes / N/A
2.2 Understanding/apply physics
2.2.1 Solid-state physics / H: Overviews for FET and other switches as needed to explain how power switches use in Lecture and used in HW as required.
2.2.2 Electricity & Magnetism / HE: Electric and magnetic filed consideration in calculating inductance, transformer turn ratios, and capacitance in text/homework/exams.
2.3 (EE) Apply knowledge of programming
(CE) Solve engineering problems using programming
2.3.1 Flow-charting/program design / N/A
2.3.2 Language syntax/debugging / N/A
2.3.3 Output analysis / N/A
2.4 Connect ECE subfields / HE: Circuits theory, Electronics, Linear Systems, and E.M. field theory used in class/homework/exam.
2.5 Information sources/literacy / CH: Outside reference and handbook used for various parameters in class/homework.
2.6 Connect between theory and application / HE: Examples covered in class and used for homework and exams.
2.7 Connect between classroom, work/coop / HE: Examples from industry and co-op covered in class and used from homework and exams.
3.1 Effective oral communication / H: Homework to be neatly written with full explanations
3.2 Effective oral communication / H: Homework to be neatly written with full explanations
3.3 Analyze information/compare alternatives / C: Discussion and participation in class,
3.4 Multidisciplinary teams / N/A
3.5 (CE) Document engineering work appropriately / H: Clear explanations of results are required.
4.1 Professional/ethical issues / N/A
4.2. Lifelong learning / N/A
4.3 Career management / N/A
4.4 (CE) Copyright and privacy standards specific to computer hardware and software / N/A
5.1 Social/cultural context of ECE / N/A
5.2 Historical/contemporary issued of ECE / C: History of power electronics and present and future trends discussed in class with active student participation.
5.3 Esthetics in Engineering / HE: Various alternative schemes considered in class/homework/exam
5.4 Esthetics written/oral communication / N/A