Activity Quantum Learning TLC points__20___

Date 6-20-06.

Teaching & Learning Cooperative

Facilitator Proposal (for Groups of 5 or more participants)

PROPOSAL FACILITATOR: Janet Malone, working in collaboration with site team leaders work location:___LSS_____

phone: 748-0010, X2235 email:

intended audience:_9-12 Teachers______

start and end dates:_June, 26, 2006– June 22, 2007____

district goal(s) addressed: X k-12 literacy (Support for K-12 Reading,

writing, or mathematics)

X proficiency for all students across all

grade levels and content areas as measured

by standardized state measures (cst, cahsee)

X increased access to rigorous curriculum

& courses for all students (ap classes, a-g)

Note: Quantum Learning is a research-based approach to the learning process, integrating best instructional practices with brain research into a unified whole. It has been proven to increase student achievement as well as improve students’ attitudes toward learning.

anticipated professional learning outcomes: Participants will gain:

·  Understanding of current brain research and implications for classroom practice

·  Strategies for establishing a classroom environment that supports academic learning and life skills

·  Instructional techniques for motivating and increasing student understanding of content beyond rote memory

·  Renewed passion and excitement about teaching and learning!

professional growth activities (Including Timeline)

Acquiring New Learning Activities: June 26 – June 30, 2006 (30 hours)

The Quantum Learning Summer Institute, sponsored by Learning Forum and hosted by PUSD, provides 5 days/30 hours of content on topics including:

·  Powerful ways to help students take greater responsibility for their own learning

·  Elements required to create an empowering, brain-compatible learning environment

·  Instructional delivery techniques to provide better presentations, communicate with greater clarity, and elicit more student participation

·  Dynamic lesson designs and implementation plans

Teachers will extend their learning through two additional summer days for collaborative work and eight collegial meetings scheduled throughout the 2006-07 school year. If possible, two of those collegial meetings will be held in conjunction with other site teams. (26 hours)

Classroom Implementation Activities: (16 hours)

Following their participation in summer training site teams will work collaboratively to develop a shared action plan for implementation. Action plans will include, but not be limited to:

·  Implementation of learning environment strategies to begin the school year

·  8 standards-based lessons using Quantum Learning strategies

·  Evidence of collegial planning and classroom implementation, such as meeting notes, lesson plans, student work, and teacher-developed resources

Reflection Activities: (8 hours)

·  To support goal-setting and action planning, participants will reflect on and summarize the most important concepts learned at the Summer Institute

·  As part of the collaborative sharing and problem-solving, teachers will document reflections on the lessons they design/implement and impact on students.

·  At the conclusion of the 2006-07 school year, participants will complete a written reflection in which they will evaluate the effectiveness of Quantum Learning strategies, summarize overall student impact, and describe steps for ongoing implementation/continuous improvement.

Activity _Quantum Learning___ TLC Points 20

Date 6-20-06

Teaching & Learning Cooperative

Action Plan for ____PHS teachers et al…______

Site Team

Participant Names__David Goff, Gene Tallon, Deanna Hammi, Ken Faverty, ______Work Location __PHS______

Contact Information: Phone 858 484-3679 home_Ext___5427______Email ______

Team Leader____David Goff______

Implementation Timeframe: __June 26, 2006 – June 22, 2007______

Beginning and Ending Dates

District Goal(s) To Be Addressed:

_____X_____ K-12 Literacy

_____X____ Proficiency for all students

______X___ Increased access to rigorous curriculum

Intended Learning Outcomes:

·  Understanding of current brain research and implications for classroom practice

·  Strategies for establishing a classroom environment that supports academic learning and life skills

·  Instructional techniques for motivating and increasing student understanding of content beyond rote memory

·  Renewed passion and excitement for teaching and learning

Acquisition of New Learning: Verification

Dates of acquisition __June 26 – June 30, 2006 ______

Development & Implementation:

Summer Planning Dates (2 required)

___July 18, 2006___1-6 pm______Aug. 21,2006 9 am-2pm______

Collaborative Meeting Dates (8 required)

Sept. 12, 2006 ______Oct. 10, 2006 ______Nov. 14, 2006____

_Jan. 9, 2007______Feb. 6, 2007______Mar 13, 2007____

_April 10, 2007______May 8, 2007______

Lesson Plans ( 8 required ) ______

Evidence of Implementation ______


Summary of New Learning ______

Reflections on Lesson Implementation ______

Final Reflection on Impact & Continuous Improvement ______

(Use back of form or attached sheet for more space.)