Call for Abstracts

Early Job Insecurity. Determinants and Consequences

International Conference

Poznań University of Economics and Business

21st September 2016, Poznan, Poland

Deadline for abstract submission: June 20, 2016

People at the beginning of their professional careers constitute a group particularly exposed to the risk of labour market exclusion, which is reflected by a relatively high incidence of unemployment, low-quality employment or economic inactivity among youth. Despite the fact that in many countries youth employment issues have been placed high on the political agenda, little progress has been achieved. In addition, the economic crisis of 2008 hit young people with great force, increasing youth unemployment to high levels. The difficulties young people experience when looking for stable employment not only reduce their income but also have a detrimental effect on their subjective well-being and health, increase the probability of risky behaviours and lead to the postponing of household and family formation. Some of these effects are state-dependent and can have a long-lasting impact.

Given the high incidence of early job insecurity as well as the importance of this research area for both scientists and policy-makers, this conference seeks contributions on the following topics.

Individual strategies to deal with early job insecurity

Relevant research questions may include:

How the adverse economic conditions affect labour market entry patterns and career trajectories (also from a comparative perspective – under different institutional contexts)? How early job insecurity affects important life decisions (e.g. concerning parenthood, establishing a household, marriage)? What are the cross-country patterns of young people’s important life decisions and what factors influence them (e.g. the role of early job insecurity and other economic and social conditions, national institutional settings, policies, measures)?

The effects of early job insecurity

Does experiencing early job insecurity at a young age affect long-term employment perspectives and employment quality (e.g. employment status, contract type, job stability, wage rate)? Does experiencing early job insecurity at a young age have a detrimental effect on an individual’s well-being and quality of life (e.g. how it affects individual life satisfaction, quality of relationships, health status, risky behaviours)?

The determinants of early job insecurity

What factors determine the likelihood of early job insecurity incidence both at a micro and macro level? What are demand- and supply-side mechanisms driving early job insecurity (demand-side mechanism are associated with firms’ strategies to recruit workers whereas supply-side mechanism refer to employees’ and job candidates’ characteristics)?

Policies to combat early job insecurity

What are the patterns of early job insecurity across countries? What are the reasons for cross-county differences in terms of early job insecurity (e.g. what conditions, institutional settings, policies, measures affect the incidence of early job insecurity)? What policies combatting early job insecurity turned out to be successful?


Our aim is to bring together a mix of PhD students, postdocs, lecturers and professors but also policy makers and practitioners. The conference is interdisciplinary; we invite participants representing various disciplines i.e.political science, demography, sociology, economics and social psychology. Research on any geographic states or regions are very welcome. Empirical contributions are particularly welcome, however theoretical presentations are also possible.

The best papers will be considered for publication in both the peer-reviewed, open-access journal, Economics and Business Review well as in a book published by Poznań University of Economics and Business. Authors interested in publishing their contributions are requested to submit the papers edited according to the notes for contributors specified on the journal’s website no later than 31st August, 2016.

Submit your abstracts via email to later than 20th June 2016. Abstracts should be about 500 words in length and written in English and attached as one Word or PDF document. In particular, abstract should include:

  • title,
  • contact details: author(s), affiliation, postal address, phone number and e-mail address,
  • main issue analysed in the paper (about 100 words),
  • type of methodology and sources of data/information used for the analysis (about 200 words) (if the paper is mainly theoretical, please specify so),
  • main findings expected from the analysis (about 200 words),

The participation in the conference is free.


Deadline for abstract submission: June 20, 2016

Notification of acceptance:June 30, 2016

Confirmation of participation by: July 5, 2016

Full papers are due by:August 31, 2016

Conference:September 21, 2016

The Conference Committee looks forward to receiving your submissions

Piotr Michoń, Department of Labour and Social Policy, Poznan University of Economics

Dominik Buttler, Department of Labour and Social Policy, Poznan University of Economics

The Conference Website: