May 14, 2003




May 14, 2003

Also Present: Dennis Smith, Meadows Administrator

Sally VanderLoop, Director of Nursing

Walter McLaughlin, Director of Building Services

Irene Mangulis, Employee Representative

John Ceresoli, HSP

Rick Talbot, HSP

Krista Taskey, HSP

David Blackwell, Bovis

Chairman Higgins said that the insurance company sent a letter with concerns about the building construction site. A meeting was held with them at the site to review the issues. Walter McLaughlin said that the insurance company will not back down on most of the issues. They are demanding that certain items be installed, such as fencing around the property. He said that he has asked Mike Hutcherson to investigate the cost of switching insurance carriers.

David Blackwell gave an update of the project. He said that the concrete pours are falling behind, the backfilling and grading is proceeding, the roof and shingles are being installed, the exterior metal wall studs are proceeding, electrical conduit is being run and wiring is being pulled, and the underground piping and overhead hangers for plumbing is being done.

David Blackwell presented the following change orders for committee approval:

1)  Delete 10 pagers and the software from the Rauland Responder Nurse Call system to reduce the change order amount to $35,795.00 (Blanding). Representative Henderson moved for approval. Seconded, Dubben. Total: 6; Ayes: 6; Absent: Feldstein. Motion carried.

2)  Make hardware and power changes to the main entry doors at a cost of $3,768.00 (Blanding) and $5,721.97 (Mancini). Representative Wells moved for approval. Seconded, Puritz. Total: 6; Ayes: 6; Absent: Feldstein. Motion carried.

3)  Upgrade hardware schedule at a cost of $7,777.64 (Mancini). Representative Wells moved for approval. Seconded, Rothenberger. Total: 6; Ayes: 6; Absent: Feldstein. Motion carried.

4)  Add light fixtures at the workstations at a cost of $5,737.00 (Blanding). Representative Wells moved for approval. Seconded, Henderson. Total: 6; Ayes: 6; Absent: Feldstein. Motion carried.

5)  Upgrade pumps at a cost of $6,127.20 (Picciano) and the AHU motor sizes at a cost of $3,654.70 (Picciano). There is no additional cost for what Blanding will need to do. Representative Wells moved for approval. Seconded, Henderson. Total: 6; Ayes: 6; Absent: Feldstein. Motion carried.

Chairman Higgins passed around photos of the revised brickwork which deletes the white bricks in an “X” design and replaces them with sand bricks that are placed randomly. The committee agreed with using the revised design.

Dennis Smith stated that all of the beds need to be replaced with hi-lo beds for safety reasons. Presently, there are only 30 beds that go up and down, and these beds do not meet OSHA’s recommended heights. He would like to put the beds out to bid now so that they can be purchased this year. Following discussion about the equipment to be bid for the new facility, Representative Dubben moved to issue a bid for the beds at a per item price and then decide how many beds to buy after the bids are returned. Seconded, Wells. Total: 6; Ayes: 6; Absent: Feldstein. Motion carried.

Laura Child presented a proposal from Ronco Communications for a telephone system for the new facility for both the administration and the residents at a cost of $91,023. Following discussion, it was decided to find out if the system will allow residents to provide their own phones and what the cost savings would be. Mrs. Child said she would get the information for month’s committee meeting.

Chairman Higgins asked what the proposed completion date is for the project. Dave Blackwell said that they are telling contractors that everything needs to be completed by the end of December, 2003. However, realistically it will probably be March, 2004 before everything is done.

Rick Talbot said that he will be checking on the references and prices of Lee carpeting, since that is the one that seems to be preferred from the samples. Sally VanderLoop stated that the staff has been expressing displeasure with the sample carpeting that was installed in the old facility because it is hard to move carts and wheelchairs across it. Rick Talbot said that he would check with other facilities to see if they have issues about having carpeting. The committee will review the matter further when they visit The Meadows next week.

The committee raised concerns about all the change orders being made because of the ductwork being redesigned. John Ceresoli said that their engineers thought that larger ductwork was needed when the shop drawings were submitted. The change is a refinement of the bid specifications.

Dennis Smith said that he will be meeting with Bob Matousek today to find out the status of the logo and brochure for the new facility.

Dennis Smith said that he spoke to NYSDOH about changing the name of the nursing facility. The current certification will need to be amended. He is working on this.

Chairman Higgins asked everyone to think about what the pods should be named.

Robbie Puritz asked if the date or time of the committee meetings could be changed. The committee agreed to hold future meetings at 10:00 am on the second Wednesday of the month.

There being no further business to discuss, the committee adjourned until Wednesday, June 11, 2003 at 10:00 am.