Bourke Public School

Student Leadership Policy

The promotion of students as leaders is a priority of Bourke Public School. Students of all ages are encouraged to accept leadership roles within small work groups, within the class and within the school.

The expectations of Year 6 and, in particular, the elected student leadership: School Captains, Vice Captains, Prefects, Student Representative Council (SRC) and House Captains are generally higher than those held for the general student body. They are expected to conduct themselves with dignity in order to be an example to the other students and an asset to the school.

All Year 6 students, School Captains, Vice Captains, Prefects, Student Representative Council (SRC) and House Captains are required to uphold Bourke Public School’s Student Code of Conduct:

Rights / • to have friends;
• to feel safe at school;
• to be happy at school;
• to feel good about themselves;
• to feel confident;
• to be able to trust teachers and friends; and
• to be able to ask for help when they need it.
Responsibilities / • to care for others at school;
• to be able to work out what to do next, on their own;
• to do the best they can in everything they do at school;
• to be honest in all situations;
• to show respect towards teachers, parents and other students; and
• to solve their own problems in a sensible way.

Expectations of Students

All students are expected to:

• have an acceptable standard of behaviour in the classroom, the playground, and on excursions;

• work and play safely;

• obey teacher instructions;

• complete all class work and homework to the best of their ability;

• wear the school uniform and sports uniform;

•  wear their school badge;

•  be willing and able to represent the school at every opportunity;

• be punctual; and

• respect the rights and property of others in the school community.

Specific Duties

School Captains, Vice Captains and Prefects will:

-  conduct important assemblies such as ANZAC;

-  conduct the weekly school assembly;

-  conduct fortnightly Primary assemblies;

-  be involved on special occasions such as the greeting and thanking of visitors and performers;

-  conduct Student Representative Council meetings and be responsible for setting the agenda in consultation with the teacher who coordinates the SRC;

-  assist in writing the SRC Report for the Annual School Report;

-  put up Australian Flag and Aboriginal Flag each day,

-  take down the Australian Flag and Aboriginal Flag each day,

-  be aware of the general behaviour of students in regard to safety and grounds upkeep and actively advise school staff of issues of concern; and

-  be of general assistance to all members of staff, students, parents and visitors.

House Captains will:

-  encourage House Spirit at all sporting events;

-  organise House Meetings to plan for swimming, Cross Country and Athletics Carnivals;

-  encourage house members to perform to the best of their ability at sporting events; and

-  be of general assistance to all members of staff, students, parents and visitors, particularly at all sporting events.

-  encourage student body to participate in all sporting events

-  be responsible for sporting notice board and update regularly

-  responsible for organising sporting equipment to be used at breaks

SRC Class Representatives will:

-  attend all SRC meetings;

-  present the ideas of the class at the SRC meeting;

-  assist the SRC Coordinator in the planning and implementation of SRC projects;

-  assist other students when required;

-  be of general assistance to all members of staff, students, parents and visitors.

Loss of Position

Following formal complaints by members of the school community and depending on the severity of the behaviour, action will be taken as follows:

1.  Warning and counselling by the Principal and/or the Supervisor of the relevant stage;

2.  Loss of position (badge & privileges) for two weeks;

3.  Loss of position (badge & privileges) for the rest of the year.

The Principal will determine the decision (in consultation with relevant staff) as to the length of the loss of position. If the behaviour is severe eg inappropriate language or threatening behaviour towards a member of staff, parent or visitor, immediate loss of position will occur. Appropriate communication will advise parents of issues of concern.

Formal complaints regarding the performance of Student Leaders will be conveyed to the Principal or the Supervisor of the relevant stage. The incident of misbehaviour will be recorded in RISC and will be dealt with within 7 days following the complaint.

Election of Students to Leadership Positions

School Captains, Vice Captains and Prefects

Students in Year 5 may nominate themselves for the position of School Captain. All nominees will be required to prepare a speech that will be delivered at a school assembly. The speech will clearly detail why they should be elected School Captain and how they will approach the role.

Students in Kindergarten – Year 5 will vote. All staff will have one (1) vote.

The ballot paper will list boys on one side and girls on the other. The names will be numbered.

Following the delivery of the speeches a photo board will be shown to each class to assist with the voting process.

Voters are required to number each student in order of preference.

Votes will be counted by the coordinating teacher and executive.

The boy and girl with the most votes will be elected School Captains for the following year. The boy and girl with the next highest number of votes will be Vice Captains. The next two boys and girls with the highest number of votes will be Prefects.

Note: If at any stage there is not enough nominations from boys or girls for the Prefect positions the next 4 students with the highest number of votes will be the Prefects.

House Captains

Students in Year 5 (year 4 if no year 5 students) may nominate themselves for the position of House Captain.

Students in Year 2 – Year 5 will vote in their houses. All staff will have one (1) vote.

The boy and girl with the most votes will be elected House Captains for the following year. The next 2 students with the next highest number of votes will be Vice Captains.

The names of the students who will be School Captains, Vice Captains, Prefects and House Captains will be announced at the Annual Presentation Night. At this ceremony the students will receive their badges and acknowledge their willingness to accept the position with the School Leaders Pledge.

School Leaders’ Pledge

I am proud of the honour bestowed on me

I promise that I will carry out faithfully the

Duties of a School leader.


Will do in all my power to maintain the

Good name of Bourke Public School.

Student Representative Council Class Representatives

Early in Term 1 the class teacher conducts a class meeting to elect the class SRC representatives. Students may nominate other students for the positions. Two representatives (one boy and one girl) from each class. Kindergarten do not have representatives.

The election can take the form of a ‘show of hands’ or a ‘secret paper vote’ may be more appropriate for older students.

Upon completion of the election the names of the representatives should be sent to the SRC Coordinator.

SRC members will receive their badges at a SRC Induction Assembly conducted in the later part of Term 1.

Parents will receive a special invitation to this assembly.

Library Monitors

In Term 4 teachers will conduct a Stage 3 meeting to elect the School Library Monitors for the next year. Students nominate themselves for the positions. Four representatives from Stage 3 will be selected.

Students in Year 2 – Year 5 will vote for Library Monitors. All staff will have one (1) vote.

The 4 students with the most votes will be elected Library Monitors for the following year.


Ratified by the teaching staff 07/08/12

Ratified by the P&C 07/08/12

Bourke Public School

Student Leadership Agreement

Name: ………………………………………

I have read, discussed with my parents/caregivers and understood the document “Responsibilities of Student Leaders” and I will be proud to fulfil my duties as outlined.

I understand that failure to follow the requirements will lead to the consequences outlined in the section titled “Loss of Position”.

Signed: ……………………………………… (Student)

Signed: ……………………………………… (Parent)