In attendance : Chris Ball, Mandy Taviner, Val Higgins, Ian Chamberlain, Lorna Chamberlain, Pat Wall, John Hunt, Katie Lightfoot, Mark Torkington, Denise Shaw, Catherine Haines


Dorothy Pritchard,Wynn Ayres

Why we are here

Dave Osborne gave a short presentation explaining the key points of the Day service redesign including the closure of Penketh Day Centre. He then highlighted the potential for the implementation group to contribute to development of day services which better meet people’s needs now and in the future.

A group member highlighted the need to engage with service users and carers who actually use services and utilise their skills and knowledge.

Other group members felt it was a real opportunity to work together to make sure we provide services that people want and need.

Group members stressed the importance of the council continuing to provide specialist support through a day centre for those with complex needs.

All agreed good communication was essential in achieving our aims.

Action: Dave Osborne to provide a written, user friendly summary of the main proposals of the day service redesign for group members

Timetable of changes

Dave Osborne outlined a timetable of changes which aims to close Penketh Day Centre by 31ST March 2011. Currently staff consultation is taken place and all service users and carers have been informed by letter of the proposed changes.

Individual meetings are to take place with service users and carers early in the New Year, looking at what their needs are in relation to the proposed relocation of day’sservices.


Dave/ Chris to produce a written timetable of changes for group members.

What are we hoping to achieve?

Mark Torkington stated that he thought that for the group to be effective, members would need to agree common goals and aspirations and be prepared to work together and try and avoid the “us and them” approach. Although there are likely to be challenges and disagreements, it would be hoped that members could overcome these.

Groups members felt that we needed to be realistic in what we could achieve and that it may be better t concentrate our energies on one particular theme. Dave explained that many of the practical arrangements for the initial implementation were in place

A discussion then took place between members around some of the key issues.

Employment skills and work based activities was highlighted as a key issue and one that is particularly relevant in relation to the day service redesign

Action group to explore employment skills and work based activities at next meeting: group members to bring their own personal experience and knowledge of above to next meeting.

Terms of reference


Mark to draw up draft terms of reference for group drawn from discussions; for approval at next meeting

Membership of group

Group members felt that at this stage it may be better to keep the membership to carers, staff, third sector reps and look at how we can communicate our work to service users as we grow and develop.

Kath Hingston from Children services would like to join the group.

Date of next meeting

Friday 28th Jan 2011,Bewsey Old School, Room 1

(please note venue change)

10 am – 12pm