AT Committee Meeting Minutes


•Success stories:


-No proposals this month

•Assistant Technology Repair Concerns: (follow up)

•Point Person Needed? Michelle will follow up with Gary/REMC

•Correct Repair Form to be Used-will use KRESA's repair form

•Process (tentative)-Call Gary-he will provide instructions :)


•Success stories;Laura used the SETT recently for an AT consult and developed the IEP using the information from the SETT.

•Continue Qualifying Student Discussion;What is the comfort level with knowing when to use the SETT and how to use the SETT?

•What is still needed for this year-Heidi asked that SETT examples be part of the Feb. PD.;

•Laura suggested to make the SETT presentation interactive by having participants generate questions;

•Add the SETT powerpoint to the website.

•The committee reviewed the questions from the student section of the Joy Zabalapowerpoint.

•Laura provided examples of how she words the questions when completing the SETT framework during an AT consult.

•There are several online videos which demonstrate how to complete the SETT framework;could be added to the website

•The forms committee will adapt the SETT powerpoint to add in more specific/varied questions for each section



•There is a LAMP training in January in Grand Rapids

•Council for Exceptional Children is March 2nd-4th in Grand Rapids

•There were only two PODD trainings offered this year throughout the state; trainers are utilizing their time to help previous trainees rather than offering more trainings.

•KRESA AT Playground 2/12/16

•Reviewed what is tentatively planned for the playground

•Positive Experiences from ones that committee members have attended

•Other sharing of information

•MITS is in the process of a big shift-stay tuned

•Classmate pictures/names discussion:

•Heidi shared that she had sent home permission slips for student's names to be on a device

•Should there be a special permission slip for this situation?

•Andrea brought up a concern about districts who do not consider PECS and PODD as assistive technology-brainstormed ideas about how/why that should be included in the IEP

•Mission Statement

•Continue Discussion of need for AT Mission Statement

•Current Draft: “Working as a team supporting and collaborating with educators and students to promote independence in all areas of education through assistive technology.”

•Logo Design for AT Committee

•Update/discussion on template

•Ann Goodrich is currently updating the logo design; will have it available in January

•Subcommittee-break out

• Subcommittee report out

•PD subcommittee

•The February Pd is going to be a half-day in the A.M.

•Still working to firm up the schedule and produce a flyer to be disbursed in January

•Reviewed tentative assignments for PD

•Forms subcommittee

•Created simplified questions for each area of SETT along with example answers to be presented during the SETT presentation at the Feb. PD

•Website subcommittee

•Added the SETT framework overview and SETT framework tutorial

•Added SETT framework by Joy Zabala

•Added a link to

•going to add a link on the SETT page to the tutorials

•Budget subcommittee

•ordered a Chat Wrap for Snap media

•mention at the PD that there is a form to request new devices

•Newsletter subcommittee

• Additional Items

• Take away from meeting

• Next meeting: