1.1.Instructors / PhD Josip Talanga, full professor / 1.6.Year of study / Second year, second semester
1.2.Course title / Philosophy of education / 1.7.Credit units (ECTS) / 3 ECTS
1.3.Associates / MA Bruno Pušić, assistant / 1.8.Course teaching delivery (number of hours of lectures+practice+seminars+e-learning) / 15+15+0
1.4.Study programme (undergraduate, graduate, integrated) / 1.9.Expected number of students on the course / Around 20
1.5.Course status / Elective (pedagogy module) / 1.10.E-learning application level (1, 2, 3), percentage of online teaching (max. 20%)
2.1.Course objectives / Introduce to students the philosophical considerations of education. Clearly differentiate between the philosophy of education and other philosophicl disciplines and pedagogy alike. Point to the educational activity as an integral part of the human being. Discuss the most significant philosophical works dealing with education.
2.2.Prerequisites for enrolling the course and input competences necessary for the course / Completed appropriate graduate study. Motivation for work in an educational institution and at least a passive experience of it. English language competence.
2.3.Learning outcomes at the level of the programme that the course contributes to / This course as a part of the teacher education process will make students capable of
- correctly interpreting relevant educational issues and
- apply theoretical insights to practical purposes.
2.4.Expected learning outcomes on the level of the course (6-10 learning outcomes) / After passing the exam, the students will be able to:
- correctly interpret the basic concepts of Philosophy of education,
- independently solve moral and ethical dilemmas they will face when teaching,
- establish necessary moral and ethical principles in teaching,
- compare the main currents of thought in the philosophy of education,
- critically assess the main representatives of the philosophy of education (Plato, Rousseau, Dewey, Herbart),
- apply the principles of the ethics of teaching in the classroom,
- competently discuss the rights of children.
2.5.The course content elaborated according to the lecture time schedule (one to three lines for a one-hour lesson) / 1. Introductory lecture
2. D. C. Phillips, Philosophy of Education (SEP)
3. Josip Marinković, Pitanja filozofije odgoja / Etika i pedagogija x2 (the issues of the philosophy of education/ethics and pedagogy)
4. Stjepan Matičević, Pedagogijski akt i odgajateljsko zvanje (pedagogical act and the calling of the educator)
5. C. D. C. Reeve, The Socratic Movement
6. P. Riley & Jennifer Welchman, Rousseau, Dewey, and Democracy
7. John Darling & Sven Erik Nordenbo, Progressivism
8. Kenneth A. Strike, The Ethics of Teaching
Continuous assessment exam
9. Peter J. Markie, The Professor-Student Relationship and the Regulation of Student Life
10. Z. Kodelja, Justice in education: two examples
11. Sharon Bailin & Harvey Siegel, Critical Thinking
J. Dunne & S. Pendlebury, Practical Reason
12. David Archard, Sex Education
13. Andrew Davies & Kevin Williams, Epistemology and Curriculum
14. Alvin I. Goldman, Education and Social Epistemology
15. Continuous assessment exam
2.6.Teaching delivery forms / lectures
seminars and workshops
on line entirely
mixed e-learning
field instruction / individual assignments
multimedia and network
tutorial work
something else (write what) / Comments:
2.7.Student obligations
2.8.Monitoring the work of students (distribute the share of ECTS units for each activity so that the total number of ECTS units corresponds to the ECTS value of the course) / Lecture attendance / 1 ECTS / Written exam / 1 ECTS / Project
Experimental work / Research / Practical work
Essay / Report / (something else)
Continuous assessment exam / Seminar paper / 1 ECTS / (something else)
Oral exam / (something else)
2.9.Marking and evaluating the work of students during the instruction period and the final exam
2.10.Obligatory literature (available in the library and on other media) / Title / The number of copies in the library / Availability on other media
Murphy, M. Madona. 2006. The History and Philosophy of Education. Voices of Educational Pioneers (Upper Saddle River, New Yersey, Pearson Education, Inc.) / Sufficient / Gigapedija
Profesorova predavanja koja svake godine donose novine s područja
2.11.Additional literature (at the moment of the study programme proposal application) /
  • Platon. 2001. Država (Zagreb, Naklada Jurčić).
  • Aristotel. 1992. Nikomahova etika (Zagreb, Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada).
  • Aristotel. 1992. Politika (Zagreb, Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada).
  • ed. Burnet, John. 1967. Aristotle on Education (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press).
  • Locke, John. 1967. Misli o vaspitanju (Beograd, Zavod za izdavanje udžbenika Narodne Republike Srbije).
  • Kant, Immanuel. 1991. Vaspitavanje dece (Beograd, Bata).
  • Vuk-Pavlović, Pavao. 1996. Filozofija odgoja (Zagreb, Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada).
  • Marinković, Josip. 1987. Ogledi iz filozofije odgoja (Zagreb, Školske Novine).
  • ur. Polić, Milan. 2006. Filozofija i odgoj u suvremenom društvu. (Zagreb, HFD)
  • Čehok, Ivan. 2004. Filozofija odgoja Eugena Finka (Zagreb, Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo).
  • ed. Čehok, Ivan. 1997. Filozofija odgoja: izbor tekstova hrvatskih pisaca (Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 1997).
  • Dewey, John. 1953. Vaspitanje i demokratija: uvod u filozofiju vaspitanja (Cetinje, Obod).
  • Ciceron, Marko Tulije. 2002. O govorniku (Zagreb, Matica hrvatska).
  • Augustin, Aurelije. 2002. Ispovijesti (Zagreb, Kršćanska sadašnjost).
  • MacIntyre, Alasdair. 1998. "Aquinas's Critique of Education: Against His Own Age, Against Ours." In: 2.28. Rorty, A. O. (ed.). Philosophers on Education: New Historical Perspectives (London, Routledge).
  • Traina, Cristina. 2001. "A Person in the Making: Thomas Aquinas on Children and Childhood." In: Bunge, M. (ed.). The Child in Christian Thought (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company).
  • ed: May, M. James. 2002. Brill's Companion to Cicero: oratory and rhetorics (Leiden, Brill NV).
  • Erasmus, Desiderius Rotterdamus. 1974. Collected Works of Erasmus (Toronto, University of Toronto Press).
  • Rousseau, Jean Jacques. 1925. Emil ili O vaspitanju (Beograd, Knjižarnica Rajkovića i Ćurovića)
  • Wollstonecraft, Mary. 1999. Obrana ženskih prava (Zagreb, Ženska infoteka).
  • Phillips, D. C. "Philosophy of Education". The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2008 Edition), ed: Zalta, N. Edward, URL = <
  • Hardie, C. 1962. Truth and Fallacy in Educational Theory (New York, Teachers College Bureau of Publications).
  • Hirst, P. 1965. “Liberal Education and the Nature of Knowledge” In: Archambault, R. (ed.). Philosophical Analysis and Education (London, Routledge), pp. 113-138.
  • ed: Lucas, C. 1969. What is Philosophy of Education? (London, Macmillan).
  • ed: Rorty, A. 1998. Philosophers on Education: New Historical Perspectives (New York, Routledge).
  • Snook, I. 1972. Indoctrination and Education (London, Routledge).
  • ed: Stone, L. 1994. The Education Feminism Reader (New York: Routledge).

2.12.Quality monitoring forms that ensure the acquisition of output knowledge, skills and competences / Success of the students in the final written exam, active participation in classes, and seminar paper are evaluated.