General Format for Student Reports

Report Item / Guidelines / Example
Page Layout / From the Page Setup Menu format your Page Layout to have a different first page
Title / Use Style: Title
Format / The Beatles
Subtitle / Use Styles: Subtitle / Prepared by Ms. Bailey
Table of Contents / Create from Document and update automatically
Heading 1 / Use Heading 1 Style; Edit the Style that is built-in; Do the same with other Heading Styles if you use them. / Member Biographies
Heading 2 / Use separate headings for each member if appropriate. / John Lennon, followed by Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr
Paragraph 1-4 / Use Body Text Style: Edit the built-in style. / Basic biographical information. If one artist, be a bit more detailed.
Include fan club and contact information, career highlights.
Heading 2 / Area of Expertise / The Music of the Beatles
Paragraphs 1 - 3 / General information of the genre, political or social perspective. / The Beatles wrote and performed popular music in the 1960’s.. During this time, Rock and Roll (etc)
Politically, there was (etc)
They also made several films. Much to the dismay of their fans, The Beatles broke up in 1970m though they continued their musical careers individually.
Specific information of the artist’s role in that genre. / The Beatles were at the forefront of popular music during the decade. As the political and social environment changed, their music reflected (etc.)
Paragraph 3 / Provide a transition to your next section. / Some of their songs reflected the drug culture of the times.
Heading 3 / Specific Contribution / Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Paragraph 1 / General thoughts about this work. What work did it come from (book or essay written, recording, speech given) / It is generally thought that the title of the song referred to the hallucinatory drug, L.S.D.
Paragraph 2 / Using the column feature, include an excerpt, such as the song lyrics, a speech excerpt (political figures), or book excerpt (author). / Picture yourself on a boat in a river with tangerine trees and marmalade ..
Paragraph 3 / Describe what your thoughts about the excerpt. What is your analysis, is it representative of your subject’s work. What makes it particularly significant or unusual? / This was not the only song written which reflected the drug culture. Another song was Lady Madonna. While ‘Lucy’ may have glorified the drug experience, Lady Madonna portrayed the pitfalls …(etc.).
Appendix / In table format include a list of your subject’s works (Complete list if less than 20 items, major highlights if more). Include the date produced and information appropriate to your selection. / Discography
Date Issued/ Album Title /Record Label
July 22, 1963/ Introducing the Beatles/ Vee Jay Records
Header and Footer / No header on front page. Footer not required on front page. Include your name, date of assignment, page numbers and document title
Footnotes / Include footnotes on the pages where they occur. Word makes this easy. Use proper format. Cite Internet sources when used!