

The Annual Meeting of the Van Buren Community School Board of Directors came to order September 21, 2011 at 6:30 P.M. at the High School Library in Keosauqua. Members present were President Starnes, Parsons, Whitten, Horn, McIntosh, Jester and McEntee. Also, Superintendent, Lisa Beames, Administrators, Chuck Banks, Bret Moews, and Secretary, Robyn Nolting.

Motion by Jester, second by Parsons to approve the agenda. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Appoint Robyn Nolting as Board Secretary

Motion by Jester, second by Whitten to approve Robyn Nolting as Board Secretary for FY12. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Appoint Janet Phelps as Treasurer

Motion by Jester, second by McIntosh to approve Janet Phelps as Treasurer for FY12. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Mrs. Phelps presented the FY11 Treasurer’s Final Report

Motion by Jester, second by McIntosh to approve the FY11 Treasurer’s Final Report. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

The Retiring Regular Board Meeting of the Van Buren Community School Board of Directors came to order September 21, 2011 at 6:37 P.M. at the High School Library in Keosauqua. Members present were President Starnes, Parsons, Whitten, Horn, McIntosh, Jester and McEntee. Also, Superintendent, Lisa Beames, Administrators, Chuck Banks, Bret Moews, and Secretary, Robyn Nolting.

Motion by Jester, second by Whitten to approve minutes from August 17, 2011 Regular Board Meeting. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Public Forum,

Randy Besick, “Iowa, Did You Know?” video concerns

Informational items,

Jennifer Gardner, FFA Convention update

Old Business of retiring board,

Transition update – mostly done and working well.

PPEL Expenditures – Discussion and consideration of truck purchase

Bids: Derry Brothers 2011 GMC Sierra 1500 4WD $22,499

Feslers 2011 Ford F150 $19,938

Motion by Jester, second by Horn to purchase a 2011 Ford F150 truck for $19,938. Ayes 6, Nays 0, Starnes-obstained, motion carried.

Reading of 100 Series Policies

Review of official report of votes

Motion by Jester, second by Whitten to approve the official report of votes. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Motion by Parsons, second by Jester to adjourn. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 6:58P.M.

The New Board Meeting of the Van Buren Community School Board of Directors came to order September 21, 2011 at 6:58 P.M. at the High School Library in Keosauqua. Members present were Starnes, Parsons, Whitten, Horn, McIntosh, Jester and McEntee. Also, Superintendent, Lisa Beames, Administrators, Chuck Banks, Bret Moews, and Secretary, Robyn Nolting.

Administer oath of office to newly elected members

Superintendent Beames asked for nominations for president.

Superintendent Beames asked for ballot votes for president. Starnes was elected board president for FY12.

President Starnes asked for nominations for Vice-President.

President Starnes asked for ballot votes for Vice-President. McEntee was elected vice-president for FY12.

Adoption of written rules and procedures, Roberts Rules-Revised has been the rules in the past.

Motion by Jester, second by Whitten to approve adoption of Roberts Rules of Order-Revised. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Designation of time and place of regular board meetings

Motion by Parsons, second by McEntee to approve third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 P.M. in the High School Library for regular board meetings. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Depository Resolution

1. Libertyville Savings Bank $5.0 Million

2. Community First Bank $5.0 Million

3. ISJIT $2.5 Million

4. Bank of America (Wells Fargo) $1.0 Million

Motion by Jester, second by McIntosh to approve the FY12 Depository Resolution. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Appointments of

School Attorney (Ahlers Law Office, Des Moines)

Motion by Jester, second by Horn to approve Ahlers & Cooney, PC as the school attorney. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Affirmative Action Officer (Lisa Beames)

Motion by Parsons, second by Jester to approve Lisa Beames as the Affirmative Action Officer. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Asbestos coordinator (Bruce Franklin)

Motion by Parsons, second by Jester to approve Bruce Franklin as the Asbestos Coordinator. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Title I coordinator (Jenny Smith)

Motion by Jester, second by Horn to approve Jenny Smith as the Title I Coordinator. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

ADA coordinator (Lisa Beames)

Motion by Parsons, second by McIntosh to approve Lisa Beames as the ADA Coordinator. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

504 coordinator (Lisa Beames)

Motion by Whitten, second by Horn to approve Lisa Beames as the 504 Coordinator. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Level I investigator(s) (Chuck Banks, Bret Moews)

Motion by Jester, second by Whitten to approve Chuck Banks and Bret Moews as the Level I Investigators. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

SIAC Committee:

Twyla Peacock, Zach Keller, Susan Wasko, Tonya Putnam, Jenny Smith, Chuck Banks, Greg Jones, Bret Moews, Heidi Bainbridge, Erin Bass, Teresa Adkins, Carol Alvis, Mike Plecker, Sherry Peck

Motion by Jester, second by McIntosh to approve the SIAC Committee as listed above. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Reconsideration committee

Local librarians from each town, Mary Dawn Schuck, Susan Alarie, Audrey Ekle, Linda Davis, Mary Thomas, Kathy Burchett, Karoline Thornsberry-parent, Elizabeth Garrett-parent.

Motion by Jester, second by Whitten to approve the Reconsideration Committee as listed above. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Appointments to

County Conference Board (Kirt Horn)

Motion by Jester, second by Whitten to approve Horn as member of the County Conference Board. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Policy Review Committee (Terry Jester and Jean McIntosh)

Motion by Whitten, second by McEntee to approve Jester and McIntosh as members of the Policy Review Committee. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Negotiations Committee (Terry Jester, Sheila Parsons, Kara McEntee)

Motion by Jester, second by Horn to approve Jester, Parsons and McEntee as members of the Negotiations Committee. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Vocational Programs Committee (Terry Jester and Jean McIntosh)

Motion by McEntee, second by Whitten to approve Jester and McIntosh as members of the Vocational Programs Committee. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Supplemental Salary Committee (Sheila Parsons and Brian Starnes)

Motion by Whitten, second by Horn to approve Parsons and Starnes as members of Supplemental Salary Committee. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

SIAC Committee (Starnes and Whitten)

Motion by McEntee, second by Horn to approve Starnes and Whitten as members of the SIAC Committee. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

IASB Delegate Assembly (Brian Starnes)

Motion by Parsons, second by Whitten to approve Brian Starnes as the member of the IASB Delegate Assembly. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Public Forum, no additional

Informational Items, no additional

No Transportation report.

Bruce Franklin provided the Maintenance report.

Heidi Bainbridge provided the DFC/SAFE Coalition report.

Greg Jones presented the Activities report.

Bret Moews presented the Elementary Principal’s report.

Chuck Banks presented the Secondary Principal’s report.

Robyn Nolting presented the Board Secretary’s financial report. The general fund balance is $971,252.91, and the Schoolhouse fund balance is $1,852,270.14 as of August 31, 2011.

Motion by Jester, second by Whitten to approve the financial statement as General fund balance, $971,252.91 and the Schoolhouse fund balance, $1,852,270.14 as of August 31, 2011. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Mrs. Nolting presented the Certified Annual Report, Special Education Supplement Report and the Transportation Report for FY11.

Lisa Beames gave the Superintendent’s report covering the following topics:

-Preliminary enrollment counts -October Board Meeting

-Parent-Teacher Conferences -Open Public Forum

-AEA E-mail Services -Auction Preparation

-Parent Portal/Student Portal -Reports in Board Packet

New Business,

Vote for AEA Board Member (Marge Wilhelm)

Motion by Jester, second by Horn to approve Marge Wilhelm for AEA Board Member. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Approval of APR

Motion by Jester, second by Whitten to approve Annual Progress Report (APR). Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Approval of CSIP

Motion by Parsons, second by Jester to approve CSIP. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Approval of Title I Application

Motion by Jester, second by Whitten to approve Title I Application. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Discussed community use of Stockport Gym

Motion by Jester, second by Horn to approve community use of the Stockport gym with further information of maintenance costs and amendments. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Discussion of Dodgeball Tournament Request-Waiver

Discussion of Student Bus Shelter Provisions

Discussion of use of school vehicles for:

Request for Kevin Hervey to park the school’s 1993 suburban at his house for convenience of servicing busses. The board requested more information on miles driven and convenience value.

Request for Lisa Beames to park the school’s 2011 pickup at her Keosauqua residence during inclement weather to check road conditions early in the morning. The board agreed to allow this.

The board went to a classroom to view technology demonstrations of the Promethean boards presented by teachers, Marni Starnes and Lisa Denney.

Motion by Whitten, second by Jester to approve consent agenda. Ayes7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Consent Agenda

A. Personnel

1. Terminations

2. Resignations

a. Hazel Boyd, Bus Driver

3. Hires

a. Tony Wilson, Substitute Bus Driver

b. Roger Kirkhart, Substitute Bus Driver

4. Transfers

5. Volunteers

a. Tim Sprouse, Jr. High Volleyball

B. Leave Request

1. Heidi Bainbridge, 14 students, Youth Leadership Conference, Des Moines,

September 21st -22nd

C. Open Enrollment

1. In

a. Joseph Debner, PK Fairfield

2. Out

a. Kirstie Davison, 10th , Davis County

b. Marysol Gaeton, 1st , Davis County

c. Kee Morin Jr, 1st , Davis County

d. Alexis Morin, K, Davis County

e. Kordelia Taylor, 3rd , Fairfield

f. Alexandria Thornton, 11th, Fairfield

g. Addison Thornton, 9th, Fairfield

D. Fundraisers

1. FFA Stocking Caps

2. Concession Stand @JH Basketball for Camp Courageous

3. 50/50 Raffles – Booster club and Volleyball

4. PTO – Charleston Wrap/Nikki Burton

5. FFA – Frozen foods (notified via email at an earlier date)

6. Spanish Club Trip –list of fundraisers

Approval of Bills

Motion by McIntosh, second by Parsons to approve bills. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion


No Communications

Other Items,

Designation of date of next regular board meeting – October 19, 2011 at 6:30 P.M. with Open Public Forum at 6:00 P.M.

Motion by Jester, second by Whitten to adjourn. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:58 P.M.

Reports and documents and the full text of motions, resolutions, and policies considered by the Board at this meeting are on file in the Board Secretary's Office, 293-3334, Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.

Board Secretary

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