Second Semester Overview For the Final Exam

Multiple choice on stories from the reading packet, grammar, and writing structure

Thesis Paragraph Omitted

1 multi paragraph essay on connecting a reading to a work from this year (points to be determined)

Reading How does the reading packet connect to what we read this year? How can I take good notes?

What we read
This semester / Genre / Terms/Devices we studied / Themes/motifs we discussed / What to study
And poetry / Poetry / Rhyme, rhyme scheme, couplets, sonnet form, irony, simile, metaphor, extended metaphor, tone, personification, alliteration,
Diction, syntax, different forms… / The permanence of love and friendship, the value of friendship, the brevity of life and beauty…various themes. / The sonnet review sheet and the literary devices. Look at some of the sonnets and poems online from class.
Romeo and
Juliet / Drama/
Play / Soliloquy, aside paradox, oxymoron, dramatic irony, verbal irony, light/dark imagery, juxtaposition, comic relief, dynamic and static characters, mood, symbol, foreshadowing… / Violent delights have violent ends, all actions have consequences, fate versus free will… / All the terms and the themes
The jeopardy review boards.
Find connections to exam reading packet.
A Tale of
Two Cities / Novel (Historical Fiction) / Characterization, imagery, symbolism, satire, foils, personification, motif, theme, tone, metaphor, extended metaphor, simile, foreshadowing, allusion… / People can be recalled to life
Resurrection comes through self-sacrifice
History repeats itself
All crimes must be punished
Oppression breeds hatred and future oppression… / All the terms and the themes
The jeopardy review boards.
Find connections to Exam reading packet.

Writing What questions about the reading packet might I be asked to write about?

Our writing this semester / Structure / Mechanics/Expression / How to study
And poems / English/Shakespearean Petrarchan/Italian 14 lines/rhyme scheme Dramatic shift/ironic twist. You do NOT need know the other forms. / Purposeful punctuation in lines Enjambment Literary devices, imagery, syntax, trimming lines to pare down to core images / The sonnet review sheet and the literary devices. Look at some of the poems online from class more so as examples of creating images and using language
Thesis Paragraph / Topic Sentence (MI + CI)
Three developmental ideas, each with a lead in , example, and analysis, and a reach for significance. AVOID PITFALLS!!!! / Varied sentence structure, strong verbs, proper punctuation, citations. / Review the writing packet, especially the pages for lead ins and analysis. Consider what might be a paragraph or essay prompt from the reading packet.
Thesis Essay / Intro Paragraph with a topic sentence, main idea with complete identification, three developmental ideas, and a closing sentence.
Developmental paragraphs-each in thesis paragraph form (see above)
Conclusion paragraph that summarizes the DIs and reaches for significance. / Varied sentence structure, strong verbs, proper punctuation, citations, and of course, proper heading and header / Review the writing packet, especially the pages for lead ins and analysis.
Consider what might be a paragraph prompt from the reading packet.

Grammar and Mechanics Which grammar rules give me the most trouble in my writing and on quizzes?

We Studied
2nd Semster / What was it / How to Study
Punctuation Marks/
COMMAS / Periods, Questions marks commas
Colons Semi-colons Hyphens
Dashes / The Packet from class
The textbook (optional)
The online practice quizzes and sheets
Verb tense
Passive voice
Syntax and diction / Keep verb tense consistent
Use active voice (this also helps you avoid blacklisted words)
Keep modifying phrases next to what it describes-don’t monkey with word order
Use the correct words for what you are tying to say / Review your essays and the comments on them

Weekly vocabulary words will not be on the exam. All vocabulary will be literary based. The vocabulary used in your writing depends on you.

You may be able to answer a question okay but when you are not able to write with good words or with decent spelling and things than it like doesn’t sound as good or you can’t prove your point as good then if better ideas was added in and like all the proper language rules and spelling was correct. Se whatta i mean?

A student may know an answer, but language that lacks clarity and strong verbs weakens the argument. Well, that was certainly better.