Frillio’s Pizza Menu Rubric

Student Name______Mr. Schmid 7th Grade Computers

Front Page / 4
All necessary Content was included: title, logo, contact info, tagline, subheading, additional design elements. A border was given or a page background to give substance. The page was in book fold form. / 3
1-2 mistakes regarding the front page. Examples include: title did not stand out, missing content, no border or page background, did not include extra design element. / 2
Multiple mistakes regarding the front page. / 1
The front page was nearly blank. There were many balance and symmetry issues. / 0
The front page did not resemble a menu.
Inside Panels / 4
All of the necessary content was included: categories, menu items, prices and a few pictures. The menu items and priced were spaced with periods. There were borders separating each category. Entire categories stayed on the same page. Categories were in a coherent order. / 3
1-2 minor mistakes regarding the inside panels. Pictures left out, prices not tabbed with periods, a category was in the wrong order., or categories not all on the same page. / 2
Multiple mistakes regarding the inside panels. Borders were missing to separate categories, pictures were missing, color scheme was off, a category was in the wrong order, or menu items not tabbed with periods. / 1
The inside panels had many major mistakes. Important categories left out and all out of place. The color scheme was distracting, a page was missing, categories were not on same page, pictures were missing, Content was wrongly placed onto inside panels, / 0
The inside of the menu did not resemble a menu.
Back Page / 4
All of the necessary content was included: Extra categories, credit cards, mission statement, logo, tagline. The back page had a border and/or page color to spice up the menu. / 3
1-2 Minor mistakes regarding the back page. / 2
Multiple mistakes regarding the back page that made it distracting to customers. / 1
Many major mistakes to the back page that took away from the menu and cheapened the look. / 0
Back page did not resemble a menu.
Text (Spelling, grammar, capitalization, visibility) / 4
There were 0 mistakes and all text was easy to read. Headlines and titles stood out. / 3
Still 0 Spelling or grammar mistakes however there are some text difficult to read due to placement or font size. / 2
Text is difficult to read due to placement, font size, or font color. 1-2 Mistakes with spelling and grammar. / 1
Multiple spelling and grammar mistakes. Headlines and Titles did not stand out from text. Text was hard to read due to size, color, or behind objects. / 0
Student did not proofread their document. Important text was missing. There were no headlines and titles.