WWI Highlights & the Home Front

American Expeditionary Force

U.S. troops sent to Europe under the command of General John J. ______.

John J. Pershing

•West Point graduate

•Fought in the ______Wars

•Led troops at the Battle of ______

•Led expedition to capture Pancho Villa

Pershing insisted that troops be prepared prior to war – so few Americans arrived on European soil before ______.

By the end of 1918, more than ______AEF soldiers were fighting.

250,000+ ______

President Wilson refused to allow African Americans to fight with the AEF

•Instead ______units served directly under French command.

Battle of Argonne Forest

Greatest American battle

1918, NE ______on the ______border

Germans spent four years fortifying their position – they believed it was unassailable.

•steep slopes

•______barbed wire

•deep pit traps


•machine gun ______

The AEF, under Pershing, assembled 600,000 men who fought through the difficult terrain, shattered German defenses, and created a ______in the German line.

Battle lasted 1.5 months – ______Americans were involved and ______were killed.

Medal of Honor

Established during the ______War.

Created for officers and non-commissioned soldiers who “most distinguish themselves by their gallantry ______.”

______soldiers have received the award.

Alvin York

Almost avoided military service as a conscientious ______.

Drafted at ______.

In the Battle of ______– he killed 25 Germans and captured 132 prisoners with only a rifle and pistol.

@ Home: President Wilson

Congress gives sweeping ______to President Wilson.

•______come under federal control.

•Set up the Food Administration (under Herbert ______) to ensure that food was rationed and preserved efficiently.

One day was “______,” one day was “______,” two days were “______,” and one day was “______.”

@ Home: Selective Service Act

Congressed passed the Act in 1917 and millions of Americans registered for the ______.

@ Home: Selling the War

Cost of war = ______billion

The war was paid for by increased ______and war bonds.

@ Home: Civil Liberties

Civil liberties were ______to meet war needs.

Under the new Espionage (1917) and ______(1918) Acts:

•A person could be fined up to $10,000 and jailed for 20 years for saying anything ______, profane or abusive about the government war effort

•These acts targeted ______and labor leaders.

@ Home: Great Migration

Large scale movement of hundreds of thousands of Southern ______to cities in the North.

Several factors contributed:

•escape racial ______

•______of farm/field work

•______portrayed the north positively