2010 Native Arts Granting Cycle

Request for PropoSALS

Potlatch Fund is excited to announce the2010 Native Arts Granting Cycle to benefit Native arts and cultures in the Northwest.Projects must be active during the granting period of October 2010– September2011. Grants will be awarded in amounts ranging from $500 to $5,000.

Potlatch Fund Mission

Potlatch Fund inspires to build upon the Native tradition of giving in Northwest Indian Country to promote economic development, natural resource protection, education, cultural preservation, civic participation, and the overall health of Native people and their communities.

The name, Potlatch Fund, reflects a Northwest Coastal Tribal traditional ceremony and in the Chinook language Potlatch means to give, or, a gift. Historically potlatches were occasions when individuals shared their good fortune through the distribution of gifts to members of their tribes as well as those of neighboring tribes.

Types of Native Arts Grants

  • Grants to individual Native artists for their projects.
  • Grants to Native organizations for arts projects.

Goals of the Native Arts Grants

  • Build, support and strengthenthe capacity of Northwest Native artists and communities.
  • Preserve and promote Northwest Native cultures through artistic expression.
  • Share Native art with Northwest Native communities and the publicthrough exhibits and public displays.
  • Foster economic development focusing on Northwest Native artists and communities.
  • Increase funds to Northwest Native-controlled groups, initiatives, and projects.
  • Provide a vehicle to increase access to,and leverage funds from, other foundations.
  • Revitalize the tradition of Native philanthropy: gifting, honoring and kinship.
  • Revitalize Native communities.

Grant Requirements

  • Projects must promote, reflect and be rooted in traditional Native arts and cultures in the Northwest.
  • Examples of projects include, but are not limited to: Wood carving, painting, dancing, storytelling, writing, photography, printmaking, songs, beading, and basketweaving.
  • Applicants must provide documentation of their work which is appropriate to the art medium and in the minimum quantity to adequately reflect their work. For example, provide slides, digital images, photographs, sample of writing or tape recording which represents your work. Potlatch Fund cannot return this documentation to applicants.
  • Projects must be completed by Thursday, September 30, 2011.
  • Grant recipients must provide a written report describing the results of the project and appropriate documentation of the final projectwithin one month after projects are completed.
  • Grant recipients will acknowledge, whenever possible, Potlatch Fund’s support of the project.

Who is eligible to apply?

  • Native American individuals who reside in Washington, Oregon, Idaho orMontana.
  • Whose goals are consistent with the goals of the Potlatch Fund Native Arts Grant Program.
  • Applicants must provide proof ofTribal enrollment or Tribal affiliation.
  • Native American organizations whichmeet all of the following criteria:
  • Serve Northwest Native people.
  • Are located in Washington, Oregon, Idaho orMontana.
  • Are governed and run by Native people.
  • Whose goals are aligned with the goals of the Potlatch Fund Native Arts Grant Program.
  • Native American organizations may include:
  • Federally recognized American Indian Tribal government/IRS 7871.
  • 501-c-3organization as recognized by the IRS.
  • Organizations sponsored by a 501-c-3organizationor a federally recognized Tribe.

Important Notes

  • Individuals / organizations that have previously received a Potlatch Fund grant, may only apply to this grant cycle if they have completed all reporting obligations.
  • Individuals / organizations may only receive funding for one Potlatch Fund grant, with the exclusion of mini-grants, per calendar year.

Applications from different departments, from within a tribe, will be reviewed as separate organizations.

If you have any questions concerning eligibility, kindly contact Potlatch Fund.

How to apply

Submit one copy of cover letter, proposal and all attachments, on white 8 ½” x 11” paper, to:

Potlatch Fund

Attn: Kelly Gemmell-Bruce

801 Second Ave

Suite 304

Seattle, Washington 98104

Applications must be postmarked by Friday, July 16, 2010.

Handwritten, late, faxed or emailed proposals will not be accepted.

An application form, in MS-Word format, may be downloaded from

Funding for the 2010 Native Arts Grant Cycle was made possible by a grant from the

The Boeing Company, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the generous donors at our 2009 Gala.

Note: Potlatch Fund grants to support Native Arts are subject to re-granting monies being received from our generous sponsors.



(Please use this format, you may download from

1. Applicant: Individual or Organization (check one)

Individual/Organization Name:______



Contact Person/Title:______

Phone: (day)______(eve)______(fax)______

E-mail:______Web Page:______

Best way to contact you if the grant committee has more questions:______


2. Category

_____ Individual: Tribal Affiliation: ______

_____ Federally recognized American Indian Tribal government/IRS 7871

_____ 501-c-3 organization as recognized by the IRS

_____ Sponsored by a federally recognized Tribal government (please provide information below)

_____ Sponsored by a 501-c-3 (please provide information below)

Fiscal Sponsor Contact Information

Organization Name:______



Contact Person/Title:______

Phone: (day) ______eMail: ______

3. Project Title:______

4. Where will the project take place?______

5. When will the project begin?______

(projects that begin prior to October 1, 2008 will not be reviewed)

6. When will the project be completed?______

7. Grant Amount Requested:______


8. Budget Information:

Total Individual Budget (if applicable): ______

Total Organizational Budget (if applicable):______

Total Project Budget:______

9. Community/Tribal Impact:

Please indicate whichNorthwest Native communities will be served?

[ ] Rural[ ] Youth[ ] Regional[ ] On-reservation

[ ] Urban[ ] Elders[ ] Women [ ] Off-reservation

Which Tribe or Tribes will your work impact?______

10. What is the focus of your work?

[ ] Economic Development[ ] Cultural Preservation[ ] Education

[ ] Natural Resource Protection[ ] Civic Participation[ ] Health

[ ] Other: ______

11. Have you (or your organization) participated in a Potlatch Fund training and/or convening?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

Project Narrative:

Please answer each of the following questions in the order listed here. Your answers should be no more than three pages total, single spaced. Please use a 10-point font size or larger and leave at least a one-inch margin around each edge of the page. Hand written responses to these questions will not be accepted.

  1. Summarize your grant request (one to three sentences).
  2. Describe your project. How will this grant advance

your organization’sartistic expression?

yourpersonal artistic expression and/or art career?

  1. Describe how your work connects to your community. Describe the impact of the project on the community.
  2. Describe the goals of your work or your arts organization. Describe your long-term vision for promoting and strengthening Northwest Native art.
  3. Describe the results of your project. How will you determine that it is a success? If you do not receive all the funding you request, can you still do the project?
  4. What is your experienceor the experience, mission, history and expertise of your organization’s staff, board or volunteers relating to this grant request?
  5. What else do you want us to know about you, your organization or your project, if anything?

** Strong proposals will demonstrate the use of Native resources and indigenous knowledge.


ATTACHMENTS (Please include the following items with your application):


Application for Native Arts Grant (This form, four pages in total.).

Program Narrative (three pages maximum).

Résumé which describes your accomplishments and background.

Proof of Tribal enrollment or Tribal affiliation.

Two letters of recommendation from key Native leaders in your community

Current year’s Individual Budget. You may use the attached form or submit your own budget.

Provide appropriate documentation of your work depending on your art medium and in the minimum quantity to adequately reflect your work. For example, provide slides, digital images, photographs, sample of writing, videotape or tape recording which represents your work.Potlatch Fund cannot return this documentation to applicants.

American Indian Tribal government or agency

Application for Native Arts Grant (This form, four pages in total.).

Program Narrative (three pages maximum).

Background information about your organization

List of Tribal Council with Tribal affiliations.

Two letters of recommendation from key Native leaders in your community

Current year’s Organizational Budget. You may use the attached form or submit your own budget.

Indicate, on the application, that you are a federally recognized American Indian Tribal government or agency.

**If you are being sponsored by a Tribal government or agency, attach a signed statement from them agreeing to serve as your sponsor and stating their support for your project.

Provide appropriate documentation of your work depending on your art medium and in the minimum quantity to adequately reflect your work. For example, provide slides, digital images, photographs, sample of writing, videotape or tape recording which represents your work.Potlatch Fund cannot return this documentation to applicants.

501-c-3 organization

Application for Native Arts Grant (This form, four pages in total.).

Program Narrative (three pages maximum).

Background information about your organization

List of staff and Board of Directors

Two letters of recommendation from key Native leaders in your community

Current year’s Organizational Budget. You may use the attached form or submit your own budget.

501-c-3 or IRS letter, if applicable.

**If you are being sponsored by a non-profit, attach their 501-c-3 letter with a signed statement from them agreeing to serve as your fiscal sponsor and stating their support for your project.

Provide appropriate documentation of your work depending on your art medium and in the minimum quantity to adequately reflect your work. For example, provide slides, digital images, photographs, sample of writing, videotape or tape recording which represents your work.Potlatch Fund cannot return this documentation to applicants.


CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the information included in this application is true and correct.

If awarded funding from Potlatch Fund, I certify that funds will be used solely for the purposes outlined in this grant application and that the organization will obtain Potlatch Fund approval if the project’s purpose, timeline, or budget are significantly modified.

Under United States law, Potlatch Fund grant funds may be expended only for charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes. In accordance with this law, if awarded funding I certify that my organization/group will not promote or engage in violence, terrorism, bigotry or the destruction of any State, nor will it make sub grants to any entity that engages in these activities.

If awarded funding from Potlatch Fund, I agree to indemnify and hold Potlatch Fund harmless from and against all liability, damages, claims or expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising from the project or as a result of the acts or omissions of Grantee, its employees, consultants, contractors or agents in connection with said program or otherwise.

I also certify that, if awarded funding, my organization/group will acknowledge, wherever possible, Potlatch Fund’s support of the project or program. Finally, if awarded funding, I also agree to submit a written follow-up report.


Signature of Artist orTitle, if other than ArtistDate

Organizational Representative


Signature of Fiscal Sponsor (if applicable)Title Date

Important Notes

An interim report is to be furnished by Friday, April 30, 2010 and a final report by Friday, October 29, 2010. Grantee will not be eligible for further funding from Potlatch Fund until these reports have been submitted.

Potlatch Fund may monitor and conduct a review of operations under this grant, which may include a visit from Potlatch Fund personnel to observe your program, discuss the program and finances with your personnel and review financial and other records and materials connected with the activities financed by the grant.

Potlatch Fund is authorized to conduct audits, including on-site audits, at any time during the term of the grant.

Potlatch Fund will include information on this grant in its periodic public reports. Potlatch Fund may also refer to the grant in a press release, in which case a copy would be sent to you in advance. If you wish to make your own press announcement, please consult with Potlatch Fund’s Communications Coordinator.

Failure to comply with the terms of this grant application may result in immediate cessation of support from Potlatch Fund. In addition, if your organization expends or commits any part of the grant funds for purposes or activities other than the purposes and activities for which this grant is made, your organization must repay Potlatch Fund an amount equal to the amount of grant funds so expended for other purposes or activities.



Fiscal Year: ______Select one:__Individual Budget__Organizational Budget

Select one:__Overall Budget __Project Budget

*If your program is under a Tribal government, please give us your program or project budget only.

Expenses / Income
Salaries and wages (break down by individual position and indicate full or part time-Organizations only): / Financial resources (earned income,including fee for service and admission fees, consulting and other benefits):
In-kind contribution:
Sales of artwork:
Government grants and contracts:
Fringe benefits and payroll taxes: / Foundations:
Consultant and Professional Fees: / Corporations:
Travel: / Religious institutions:
Equipment: / United Way, Combined Federal Campaign & other federated campaigns:
Supplies: / Private donors:
Training: / Membership income:
Printing and copying: / Other (specify)
Telephone and fax: / :
Postage and delivery: / :
Rent and utilities: / :
In-kind expense: / :
Marketing, promotions, public relations: / :
Other (specify): / :
: / :
Total: / Total:

Please note: This budget format is optional.