Patient Centred Collaborative Care

Provider Panel


This document provides applicant/s with advice and guidance about submitting a proposal. Applicant/s are advised to carefully review the instructions and assessment criteria prior to completing the application form.

Additionally the following documents are provided for your information:

  • Bodenheimer T, Ghorob A, Willard-Grace R, Grumbach K. (2014 ). The 10 Building Blocks of High Performing Primary care. Annals of Family Medicine, Vol.12, No.2, 166-171.
  • The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. (2015). Vision for general practice and a sustainable healthcare system. Melbourne: The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.
  • Bodenheimer T, Sinsky C. (2014). From Triple to Quadruple Aim: Care of the Patient Requires Care of the Provider. Annals of Family Medicine, Vol.12, No. 6, 573-576.

Background and context

Primary Health Networks (PHNs) have been established with the key objective of increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of health services for patients, particularly those at risk of poor health outcomes, and improving coordination of care to ensure clients receive the right care in the right place at the right time.

Our region like many other regions in Australia and around the world faces numerous challenges associated with an aging and growing population, increasing prevalence of chronic conditions, and the ever increasing cost of healthcare. As a consequence, the delivery of patient services is under constant strain and placing unprecedented pressure on individuals, families, our communities and the health system.

Despite the projections of growing health service demand, significant opportunities exist for us to improve the health of the population and to manage current and future pressures on the system. One of the important ways we can improve whole-of-life health and wellbeing across our region is through a well-coordinated, collaborative patient centred primary health sector.

The case for high performing primary care has never been stronger – Healthcare systems focusing on primary healthcare have lower rates of hospitalisations, fewer health inequalities and better health outcomes including lower mortality, when compared to systems that focus on specialist care (The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, 2015).

Globally, health and social care settings are shifting their focus to person centred models of care that are coordinated across different care settings. In 2016, the World Health Organisations (WHO) Framework on Integrated People-Centred Health Services (IPCHS) (World Health Organisation, 2016) was passed. It aims to create a system in which all people have access to health services that are provided in a way that is coordinated around their needs, respects their preferences, and are safe, effective, timely, affordable and of acceptable quality.

In Australia, the Patient Centred Medical Home (PCMH) has been proposed as one model for transforming primary care and improving efficiency and effectiveness in the health care system. Supported by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), it is best described as a model or philosophy of primary care that is:





•Focused on quality and safety.

A National adoption of a Patient Centred Medical Home type model i.e. Health Care Home (HCH) is currently being rolled out in 10 Pilot regions across Australia.

Brisbane South PHN is not a pilot area for the HCH trial. However, Brisbane South PHN is committed to preparing the Brisbane South Region in line with international evidence and in readiness for any future proposed National rollout.

Procurement Purpose

Commissioning Rationale

The Patient Centred Collaborative Care (PCCC) Program seeks to establish a Provider Panel of contractors and consultants with the requisite mix of skills and expertise to support Brisbane South PHN to enhance the capacity and capability of the Brisbane South Primary Health Sector.

Concentrating initially on General Practice as the leader and cornerstone of an individual’s health care team, the provider panel will support the transitioning of clinical, workforce and business models to align with the principles of: patient centred, comprehensive, coordinated, and accessible with a relentless focus on patient safety and quality care; and Bodenheimer’s 10 Building Blocks of High Performing Primary Care.

Diversity of providers, skills and expertise within the panel is required to ensure that providers can individually and/or collectively respond to the varying needs of Brisbane South PHN in the roll out of the PCCC program.

Acceptance onto the Provider Panel will be for a period of two (2) years until 30 June 2020.

Service Specifications

Outcomes Sought

The outcomes which the procurement seeks to achieve over the duration of the funding period include:

  1. Preparation and delivery of a suite of Offerings (based on Bodenheimer’s 10 Building Blocks of High Performing Primary Care) to build the capacity and capability of General Practices and Aboriginal Medical Services (AMS) participating in the Patient Centred Collaborative Care Practice (PCCCP) Program.
  2. Tailored / customised supports for General Practices and AMS’ participating in the PCCCP Program.
  3. Development of resources, tools and templates to support Brisbane South PHN and PCCCP program participants in the transition and transformation.
  4. Preparation and delivery of a suite of Offerings (based on Bodenheimer’s 10 Building Blocks of High Performing Primary Care and locally responsive) to build the capacity and capability of the broader primary and social sectors of the Brisbane South Region to deliver Patient Centred Collaborative Care (PCCC).
  5. Preparation and delivery of a suite of Offerings to build the capacity and capability of Brisbane South PHN staff to lead and drive the transformational change required for PCCC.
  6. PCCC and PCCCP Program Evaluation contextualised using the Quadruple Aim.

Approved Interventions:

Specific initiatives / solutions and interventions will be negotiated and defined in the Schedule of Services at the time of contracting for specific pieces of work.

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Service REquirements

Providers are sought with Skills, Knowledge, Expertise and Experience in designing, developing and delivering services and solutions (including but not limited to models, frameworks, training, education, tools, resources etc.) in one or more of the following Areas of Interest:

1 / CLINICAL / Clinical Governance including Clinical Risk Management
Contemporary evidence based primary health models of care and/or practices that are founded on the principles of:
-Patient Centred
-Patient Safety and Quality
Clinical Performance – Measurement / Monitoring / Analytics / Outcomes / -Shared Clinical Governance Models
-Clinical Governance Practices and Processes – clinical audit, case conferencing, shared care planning, patient risk stratification, recall and reminders, clinical review etc.
-Accountable Care
-Patient Centred Medical Home
-Patient Centred Medical Neighbourhood
-Complex and Chronic Conditions Models (include prevention, detection/screening, management maintenance and specialist consultation models)
-Integrated Team Care Models
-Self-Management and Behavioural Models
-Motivational Interviewing
-Virtual Care
-Patient activation
-Shared clinical information
-Data informed clinical improvements
-Retrospective, comparative and predictive measuring and monitoring clinical related metrics
2 / WORKFORCE / Contemporary evidence based General Practice Clinical and non-clinical Workforce Models/Training/Education etc.
Contemporary and evidence based broader Primary Care Team (e.g. Allied Health, Pharmacy, Peer Supported) Workforce Models/Training/Education etc.
Clinical Leadership
Change Management / Organisational Behaviour / -Clinical Pharmacy models
-Medical Assistant programs
-Allied Health and Allied Health Assistants models and training
-GP Programs
-Practice Nurse Programs
-Practice Manager Programs
-Practice Principal Programs
-Programs focusing on practicing at peak of scope
3 / BUSINESS / FINANCE / General Practice Business and Financial models, systems and processes
Broader Primary Care Business and Financial models, systems and processes
System and Process Redesign
Business Performance – Measurement / Monitoring / Analytics / Outcomes / -Business Processes
-Business Planning
-Business Analytics
-MBS / PBS – Billing
-Lean Thinking
-Retrospective, comparative and predictive measuring and monitoring business and financial related metrics
4 / DIGITAL HEALTH / Contemporary Digital Health models, tools, training, education resources
Data and Information – cleansing, optimisation, analytics, reporting
Digital infrastructure – connectivity, devices and integration support, tools and resources
Digital Literacy / -Paperless Practice
-Clinical Audit tools
-Clinical decision support tools
-Business decision support tools
5 / EVALUATION / Evaluation of Clinical, Workforce, Business/Finance and/or Digital Health initiatives implemented as part of PCCC/PCCCP / Independent evaluation of the entire PCCCP Program implementation and effectiveness
Independent evaluation of specific Clinical / Workforce or Business Models / initiatives

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Providers should be prepared to offer a variety of service offering types which may include:

  1. Training and education programs
  2. Workshop Delivery
  3. Focus Group Delivery
  4. Development / Provision of tools, templates and resources
  5. Specific Business reviews with recommendations
  6. Specific Workflow, system or process reviews with recommendations
  7. Specific Data reviews e.g. Data cleansing
  8. Specific IT systems reviews with recommendations
  9. Program evaluation
  10. Literature Reviews


Providers should be prepared to deliver service offerings via a range of different modalities which may include:

  1. Face to Face
  2. Video Conferences
  3. Webinars
  4. On line
  5. Other

Providers may be required to work cooperatively with other contractors/providers, attend forums/ workshops etc. approved by Brisbane South PHN.

Geographic Location and client targeting

Providers should be prepared to deliver services across the entire Brisbane South PHN geographical region.

The region consists of all or part of four (4) Local Government Areas (LGA):




•Scenic Rim

The region consists of all or part of 23 Statistical Area level 3’s (SA3) with the prioritised SA3’s being identified as:


•Browns Plains


•Springwood – Kingston

•Forest Lake – Oxley

•Loganlea – Carbrook

•Cleveland - Stradbroke

performance, Reporting and evaluation

Successful providers will be required to regularly report their performance to Brisbane South PHN.

Performance will be monitored and measured across areas such as quality, value for money, efficiency, effectiveness, ability to service priority populations, client and stakeholder satisfaction.

Successful providers will be monitored across a range of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and metrics in line with the agreed performance framework.

Budget and fees

The total amount of funding available for the contract duration will be provided during negotiation of defined work and as documented in the Schedule of the Service Agreement issued.

application requirementS

Interested providers are requested to complete, sign and return the following:

•Brisbane South Application Form (Part B)

•Conflict of Interest Declaration (page6, Part B – Application Form)

Interested Providers are requested to identify and nominate Area/s of Interest (Clinical, Workforce Business/Finance, Digital, and/or Evaluation) for which they are tendering a response, and demonstrate how their skills, knowledge and experience position them to design and deliver services/solutions in each nominated Area/s.

Interested Providers may express an interest in the provision of services and solutions for one or multiple Areas of Interest.

Additionally, interested Providers are requested to supply:

•Indication of organisational capacity and capability to deliver services during the term of the contract and including skills sets and technical capability of the team proposed to deliver the services/solutions

•A description of proposed services/solutions relevant to each nominated Area of Interest

•Sample of previous services / solutions for each nominated Area of Interest

•Referees for previous work delivered relevant to the nominated Domain and area of interest

•Indicative costs / standard rates of team proposed to deliver the services/solutions and or standard services/programs offered.

Once the Panel of pre-qualified providers has been established (i.e. a Panel Contract in place), Brisbane South PHN PCCC Program will invite relevant Providers to submit fully costed proposals to undertake defined pieces of work. A Schedule of Services will be drawn up to reflect the agreed terms, outputs and outcomes of the defined piece of work.

Contracts will be awarded based on a review of proposals, value for money and capacity to meet the procurement purpose and service/solution requirements.

The Brisbane South PHN Services Agreement is included in this EOI for your information. This Agreement sets out the terms on which the services will be procured. In submitting your responses to the EOI, you acknowledge review and acceptance of the conditions contained within.Please Note: Whilst changes to the Schedules may be negotiated between parties to the contract, no changes will be accepted to the body of the Agreement.

Acceptance onto the Pre-Qualified Provider Panel and the subsequent establishment of a Panel Contract is not a guarantee or binding in any way for the procurement of services.

Evaluation methodology

Mandatory criteria

Interested providersare requested to complete, sign and return theDeclaration of Mandatory ComplianceForm (application form page 5), confirming compliance with the below mandatory criteria:

•ABN, GST registration

•Capability and capacity to deliver services/solutions in nominated Area/s of Interest

•Application is completed and received on time

•Directly addresses all the evaluation criteria listed below.

evaluation criteria

Criterion / Weighting
1 / Relevance – the proposal includes a suite of services / solutions consistent with the listed domains, areas of interest and the procurement purpose / 25%
2 / Competence – the provider evidences a track record of success in delivering the purported services / 25%
3 / Capacity and capability – organisational skillsets that facilitate and enable delivery of the proposed services / 25%
4 / Responsiveness – the provider has a track record of flexibility and adaptability in responding to local requirements and emergent needs / 15%
5 / Accessibility – the provider has demonstrated the capacity and willingness to deliver services / solutions via multifaceted means, including but not limited to face to face, video conferencing, online etc. / 10%

Due Diligence

Brisbane South PHN will conduct due diligence on organisation/s. Shortlisted applicants will be required to submit the following:

•Public Liability Insurance – Certificate of Currency (minimum $20 million per claim)

•Professional Indemnity Insurance – Certificate of Currency (minimum $10 million per claim)

•WorkCover – Certificate of Currency

•Evidence of Goods and Services Tax (GST) status and registration date.

Conflict of interest

Conflict of interest refers to situations in which personal, occupational or financial considerations may affect, or appear to affect the objectivity, judgment or ability to act in the best interests of Brisbane South PHN in relation to the outcome of this procurement.

Examples of “conflict of interest” include but are not limited to the following:

•Existing relationships with Brisbane South PHN either as members (board or collaborative partners), related parties, intermediaries and/or service providers;

•Acceptance or provision of gratification from/to customers, intermediaries or potential service providers;

•Disclosing confidential information received in the course of the procurement activity in order to obtain personal benefit for the individual or for any other person or entity related to the procurement;

•Non-disclosure of any interests in an entity which provides services or competes in some way for the services tendered by Brisbane South PHN;

•Financial interest in outside activities, other employment and directorships without disclosing to Brisbane South PHN;

•Insider Trading;

•Negotiating on behalf of the Brisbane South PHN with parties in which there is financial interest and no formal disclosure;

•Acceptance of substantial gifts or entertainment (including non-monetary inducements) that may influence behaviour in a way that conflicts with the interests of Brisbane South PHN.

In order to avoid conflicts of interest, affected persons must not place themselves in a position where their personal interest conflicts with the interests of Brisbane South PHN.

Selection process

Applications will be reviewed against the selection criteria. Conflicts of interest of panel members will be declared and managed appropriately. Brisbane South PHN reserves its right to:

  • Take into account any matter that Brisbane South PHN, in its absolute discretion, considers relevant (whether or not that matter forms part of the evaluation criteria)
  • Develop and consider sub-criteria for any, or all, of the evaluation criteria
  • Take into account information provided in response to a particular criterion in the evaluation of any other criterion
  • Take into account information from its own and other sources in evaluating EOI responses
  • Request additional information or clarifications in relation to any EOI responses, including via interview or presentation.

Eligibility criteria

Shortlisted applicants must hold,and provide as requested,the following insurances and registrations:

  • Public Liability Insurance – Certificate of Currency (minimum $20 million per claim)
  • Professional Indemnity Insurance – Certificate of Currency (minimum $10 million per claim)
  • WorkCover – Certificate of Currency
  • Evidence of Goods and Services Tax (GST) status and registration date.

Brisbane South PHN may, at commencement of works, require additional information.

Shortlisted applicants must also agree (if required) to source a bank guarantee equivalent to six (6) month’s payments.

Applications are welcome from a single organisation or a collaboration of organisations however the lead organisation must satisfy Brisbane South PHN’s conditions.

Submitting your Proposal

Key Dates

Stage / Process / Date
EOI/RFP / EOI released to market / Monday 26 February 2018
Responses received / Monday 19 March 2018
Selection completed / Friday 30 March 2018
Contract stage / Due diligence and contract preparation / Monday 9April 2018
Sign provider contracts / Monday 16 April 2018
Services commence / According to the Schedule of Service as issued for defined work
