“Sample” Ministry Results Description (MRD)


Ministry Purpose- My ministry position exists to develop, implement and coordinate a comprehensive worship ministry that will (1) engage people in corporate and personal worship, (2) provide opportunities for discipleship training, and (3) encourage members to build relationships that will provide opportunities to introduce others to faith in Christ.

Position: Associate Pastor of Worship Ministry Areas: Worship, Discipleship, Evangelism

Ministry Goal:

  1. Increase net choir enrollment by 20 and orchestra enrollment by 5 before Christmas rehearsals begin on ______. (Worship)

Measurement – Choir & Orchestra Roll

Ministry Actions

  • Initiate weekly communication to absentees to maintain interest and demonstrate their importance beginning ______and continuing for balance of the year.
  • Initiate “Bring a Friend” initiative and roll out to existing choir and orchestra members by ______.

Initiative to be team orientated with results maintained and competition stimulated. Winning teams

will be celebrated at a special Choir Social on ______.

  • Develop and place announcements in bulletin and on website and man an information table on Sundays to encourage new members during the months of ______and ______.
  • Participate in Mission Fair on______.


Position: Minister of Education Ministry Areas: Bible Study, Discipleship, Evangelism, Leadership Development

Ministry Purpose - My ministry position exists to develop, implement and coordinate a comprehensive education ministry that will (1) engage people in small group Bible study, (2) provide opportunities for discipleship training, (3) encourage members to build relationships that will provide opportunities to introduce others to faith in Christ and (4) provide ongoing leadership development.

Ministry Goal:

  1. Increase Bible Study enrollment by 75 and average attendance by 150 by ______. (Bible Study)

Measurement – Bible Study Enrollment and Attendance Records

Ministry Actions

  • Conduct a special meeting with all Sunday School team members, teachers and directors on ______to communicated the goal, enlist ideas, name the initiative, and motivate the group toward a successful completion of the goal.
  • Develop theme and begin communicating the initiative using the SampleBaptistChurch website and other internal and external means beginning______.
  • Have launch celebration meeting on ______to motivate leaders to contact class members and follow through with outreach initiatives.
  • Initiate 4 new adult classes, 2 new singles classes, 2 new student classes, 3 new children’s classes and 3 new pre-school classes by ______.
  • Participate in Victory Celebration recognition of volunteers on ______where success is shared with the church and the congregation expresses appreciation to the Lord.
  • Conduct follow-up meeting with Sunday School team members, teachers and directors on ______to review results for ______and set goals for ______.

Ministry Results Description

Date: ______

Name: ______Position:______

Ministry Purpose

Why Does my ministry exist?





Ministry Area

The area in which you must accomplish specific results that, when collectively achieved, fulfill the ministry function:


Ministry Goals

What are the goals that you must accomplish to achieve results in this area of ministry?

NOTE: Ministry Goals should be Specific, Measurable, Aligned, Realistic, and Time limited.









Skills / Knowledge

What must I know or know how to do in order to accomplish these goals?




Goal / Action Worksheet

Ministry Goal #1


Ministry Actions

This ministry goal will have been satisfactorily accomplished when:

NOTE: Ministry Actions should be Specific, Measurable, Aligned, Realistic, and Time limited.

  1. ______








Ministry Goal #2


Ministry Actions

This ministry goal will have been satisfactorily accomplished when:

NOTE: Ministry Actions should be Specific, Measurable, Aligned, Realistic, and Time limited.

  1. ______








Goal / Action Worksheet

Ministry Goal #3


Ministry Actions

This ministry goal will have been satisfactorily accomplished when:

NOTE: Ministry Actions should be Specific, Measurable, Aligned, Realistic, and Time limited.

  1. ______








Ministry Goal #4


Ministry Actions

This ministry goal will have been satisfactorily accomplished when:

NOTE: Ministry Actions should be Specific, Measurable, Aligned, Realistic, and Time limited.

  1. ______








Goal / Action Worksheet

Ministry Goal #5


Ministry Actions

This ministry goal will have been satisfactorily accomplished when:

NOTE: Ministry Actions should be Specific, Measurable, Aligned, Realistic, and Time limited.

  1. ______








Ministry Goal #6


Ministry Actions

This ministry goal will have been satisfactorily accomplished when:

NOTE: Ministry Actions should be Specific, Measurable, Aligned, Realistic, and Time limited.

  1. ______








Goal / Action Worksheet

Ministry Goal #7


Ministry Actions

This ministry goal will have been satisfactorily accomplished when:

NOTE: Ministry Actions should be Specific, Measurable, Aligned, Realistic, and Time limited.

  1. ______








Ministry Goal #8


Ministry Actions

This ministry goal will have been satisfactorily accomplished when:

NOTE: Ministry Actions should be Specific, Measurable, Aligned, Realistic, and Time limited.

  1. ______






